"You know Tosh. I think the stick up your ass has a stick up its ass. " Ianto frowned as he heard Owen Harper say this to their co worker Tosh, He and Gwen had been fooling around and had caused Tosh's computer to crash.

Tosh had been working on a important translation computer program , which had been switched off thanks to Owen . She had given them hell for unplugging her computer. Ianto didn't blame her one bit. Gwen and Owen could be very childish at times, Though to Gwen's credit she did manage to say she was sorry,

And Jack was no help at all. In fact there were times Ianto could have sworn he encouraged them in their shenanigans They had pulled the same thing with his coffee machine having nearly broken it a couple of time Tosh felt about her computer the same way Ianto felt about his coffee machine

Owen could be a mean and nasty prick at times. Ianto noticed that Owen often treated Tosh like something you would scrape off his shoe, Ianto heard Owen mutter as Tosh walked away, " All that fucking fuss over a computer,"

Ianto turned and followed him ' Owen , can I have a word.?" Owen turned to him " What is it Teaboy some of us do have work to do.' Ianto scowled at him " How can you talk to Tosh like that? That program was very important to her, You owe her an apology " Owen rolled his eyes and walked away from him " Great ." he muttered " Another one with a stick up his ass," Ianto glared at him as he spit "Well at least my stick isn't stuck up Gwen cooper's ass." Owen turned and shot Ianto a look, " No you got the bosses stick up yours" Ianto glared at him then turned and walked away." Little troll he thought as he got a cup of coffee and a plate of the chocolate biscuits he knew Tosh liked, then he went to check on her.