A Snarry drabble from a Snarry fan! Disclaimed, warned, etc.


"Potter, you're doing it again."

"I- yeah, sorry."

The silence that followed was deafening. Severus' skin prickled from the stares he got, the whispering inquiry of what had he done now? and the sulk that Harry failed to hide.

This is the price you pay for buggering the bloody Boy-Who-Lived-And-Grew-Up-To-Have-A-Tight-Arse, Severus chided himself.

He will not give in; he will not throw away the reputation he had worked hard to build and maintain. He refused to go soft- this is only Harry Potter for Merlin's sake, get a grip! Potter should know that the world does not always aim to answer his every whim-

"Fine, fine. Hold my hand if you must. Just wipe that ridiculous look off your face."



Yay! Drabble done. That's the extent of my writing capability these days, I'm afraid. See you all next time!