Hey guys im taking up a dragon ball fanfiction I basically rewriting the buu saga and I will end up doing a much better version of dragonball GT. Obviously this story is about the whole "what if gohan trained after the cell games theory." this will be a long authors note but rest assure that the story will be a great one. For some of you who know ( and for those who don't) people were extremly pissed off at Akira Toriyama (creator of dragon ball, z and gt) for killing off goku and thus making gohan the strongest. So instead of making gohan the strongest he weakened gohan by saying he did not train for 7 years (which leads up to the whole Gohan in high school thing). Well im done with my jabbering so he is the disclaimer and chapter one of the story.

"Oh vegeta please read the disclaimer"

" Why should I as you know I am the prince of all sayins get the woman to do it"

Well Mr. Prince of all losers how bout I write that your precious Gravity room broke and can not be replaced in my fanfiction

" You will do NO such thing"

"Then read the Disclaimer Veggie"

"Gah stupid earthling fanfiction writers" " DBZFTW does not own Dragonball z and if he did he would screw it up by making Kakarots brat the strongest'

**wacks vegeta in the head with the Frying pan of doom**

Thanks Chi Chi

"Any time as long as you don't make my gohan a rebel"

"umm ok"

"Come on Veggie-chan I know you can hit me if you try harder" Gohan said in a mocking tone

It had been seven years since the Cell games and Vegeta has had Gohan train with him every waking moment of every day. Vegeta wanted to surpass Gohan now that Goku was deceased, but he always had problems. Kakarots eldest son always had the upper hand and his power level had nearly tripled since the Cell games. But then again so has vegeta. Vegeta already ascended to super sayin two about 2 years ago thanks to gohan. Gohan was not able to go past two but strengthend it quite a bit. He had excellent control over the form and could maintain it with ease. Gohan's saiyin side always took over for some reason during fighting. Vegeta noticed this. Gohan while fighting had a thirst for blood and he always enjoyed toying around with Vegeta.

Gohan quickly reflected another ki blast and sent one of his own back at vegeta.

"Veggiet what have I told you weak ki blasts can not hurt me" Gohan always rilled up Vegeta with nicknames to piss him off. Vegeta would loose his mind and went berserk half the time but Gohan could easily defend against it

"Brat I swear if you call me that once more I will beat you so hard you won't be able to sit on your ass for a week"

"What ever you say Vegeta" You know I wonder were most saiyins named after Vegetables? Gohan asked with a quizzical look on his face.

Vegeta imediatley charged at gohan only earning a swift blow to the stomach where he finally passed out from the 10 hours of training. Gohan picked vegeta up threw him over his back and walked out of the GR.

" Aunti Bulma" Gohan said in the sweetest most childest voice he could think of

"i believe this is yours"

Gohan layed Vegeta on the Couch and proceeded to strike up a conversation with the head of capsule corp.

" Thanks for the gift I do not know what I will do with it" Bulma said earning a chuckle out of Gohan

" Yea we haven't been able to chat in a while how have things been ?" gohan asked

" Same old same old so I heard your starting sch-----"

"GOHAN" trunks came running out and tackled Gohan to the floor.

" heya squirt I heard you and my little bro have been sparing together"

" Yea we have" Trunks then saw his father sprawlled out on the couch

" Uhh mom is dad gonna be ok" Trunks asked kind of worried

" hell be fine son Gohan just was training with him"

" Gohan your so cool I wanna be just like you when I grow up"

" Well im flattered trunks. You'll probably be stronger than me and your dad if you keep training with goten"

"YOU THINK SO" Trunks shouted with stars in his eyes

" I know so" Gohan replied with a slight chuckle

Trunks proceded to run around capsule corp due to exitement

" great you got him going now ill have to find him" Bulma said Sighing

" Glad I could help See Ya Bulma"

" Bye kid" Bulma replied in a cheery voice

Gohan quickly ran out the door and jumped in the air to fly back home.

Damn forgot to ask him about school. Bulma thought eh he'll be fine but I don't think Vegeta would like loosing his sparring partner.

30 minutes later

"MOM IM HOME" Gohan yelled from outside his house.

"BIG BROTHER" Goten came running out of the house and jumped into Gohans arms


"who slow down squirt i'll teach you how to fly real soon ok"


no problem Ill start teaching you as soon as I get back from sch--

"GOHAN" Chi-chi screached at an incredibly loud tone

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING COMING HOME SO LATE" Chi Chi proceeded to pull out the Frying pan of doom and Gohan and Goten cringed in fear to the sight of it.

"Mom it is only 7:30 I was training with Vegeta and then started talking to Bulma"


"Don't worry Mom im going to school tomarrow remember what we talked about deep breaths"?

"Now Gohan."chi chi talked in a motherly tone "Take a shower and get ready for dinner and then I want you in bed you have your first day of school tomarrow and I do not want you to be late"

"O.K Mom"

Gohan went into the house along with Goten as Chi Chi stood out looking at the now Starry Night above her

"wow gohan is getting so mature now I can not believe it has it been seven years already since that horrible day. Oh goku I wish you were here to see our son you would be so proud".

Chi Chi walked back into the House to finish preparing dinner as she shut the door to there mountain secluded house she only thought of one thing. Gohan going to school the next day

Woot End of the first Chappy but there are so many more. Next will be about Gohan going on his first day of school and the whole gold fighter thing so get ready. Also I want my reviewers opinion should I add anything to Gohan's first school day? Please comment,Rate and Review Please

sincerely, James