Don't own Naruto

Summary: What if Naruto unlocked a bloodline after his fight with Orochimaru. Who did he get it from? Sakura/Sasuke/Kakashi bashing.


"Thinking/mental communication"

"Demon/ summons talking"

"Demon/ summons thinking"


Last time on NSM

Any ways I told you about the goddesses because of your jutsu that your eye contains. And the reason I told you about my mother, the Juubi no Ookami, is because I want you to meet her" with that said Kyuubi move back. Behind Kyuubi there was a woman her mid-20, with long reddish violet hair that reached her heart shape ass, she also had E- cup breast, and long legs the went on for ever.

(Now on to the story)

The woman that was behind Kyuubi, aka the Juubi, started to toss a little to the left but other wise she was still asleep.

"Hey Kyuu-chan why is you mother asleep, shouldn't she wake up?" asked Naruto.

"Hey, give her a minute; she will wake up in a minute. You see the seal works by you knowledge, willpower, and chakra. That is why I could never talk to you before you know about me, so since you never know about Juubi-okaa-san she as been sleeping all this time in the sleep" said Kyuubi.

As she said that Juubi started to toss and turn until she finally woke up. She opened her eye slowly blinking taking in her surroundings.

"Uhh where am I? The last thing I remember I was in the Konoha hospital after giving birth to Na-NARUTO!?!?!? Where is my baby?" yelled out Juubi, and apparently Naruto's mother. (Didn't see that coming didn't you and if you did, STOP READING MY MIND)

Juubi keep on turning freaking out until she laid eyes on Naruto and said "Minato? Is that you?"

"Minato? Who is Minato, I am Naruto Uzumaki" said Naruto to the lady, whose eyes started to tear up.

Juubi had so many tears in her eyes that she was crying. Naruto started to fell sorry for her and was about to say some thing to make her happier, when she did some thing random. The Juubi no Ookami launch her body at Naruto, rapped her arms around his neck, and tackled him to the ground.

Juubi started said things like "my baby you're so big" and "you look just like your father" while sobbing into Naruto's chest.

Both Naruto and Kyuubi looked at each other with a look that clearly said 'what the fuck is going on'.

About ten minute has passed since Juubi tackled Naruto to the ground and she has finally stopped sobbing.

"Ok I got a few question for you like how do you know my name, why the hell did you tackle me, and who is Minato?" asked Naruto.

"Well to start off I am your mother, Kushina Uzumaki. I gave birth to you the day Kyuu-chan attack Konoha. The second one was because I have not seen you since you were born and missed you. And finally Minato is the fourth hokage and your father" said Kushina.

"But how am I your son? Kyuu-chan said you were trapped in the center of the moon?" asked Naruto, not truly believing that she was his mother.

"Well you see it was about 35 years ago, I was in the stupid cage looking down on earth when the goddesses of the moon, Tsukuyomi, appeared in my cage. She then told me I would be let out of the cage, but their was a catch only my soul would be let out not my body. Anyway she left before I could ask her when I would be released.

"The follow night there was a lunar eclipse and the seal weaken a little but not enough to get me out. Then in the afternoon there was a solar eclipse and the seal weaken even more but still not enough to let me out. And then that night there was a lunar eclipse and the seal weaken a little more and I was finally able to get out.

"I started to wonder through the world taking in the sights, when I can across the body of a newly born baby girl. But there was something wrong with the child; her soul was leaving her body. I could not do anything for the baby, but when I saw how happy the parents were I decided to live the baby's life for her.

"When the soul left the body, I forced my soul into her body. Later I found out I was in the body of the heir of the Uzumaki and princess of whirlpool country. I lived my life happily there until Kyuubi destroyed all of whirlpool country and I was left alone as the last survivor of whirlpool country (when she was 5).

"I took shelter in Konoha where I met your father. He was the prince of Konoha; he came from a wealthy family, was handsome, and had every girl after him. At first I hated him and he hated me. But when he was 14, he started to ask me out, but I shot him down every time. When I was 17 and he was 19 we were both jounin, I finally said yes to one of his dates.

"We started to go out from there on. At the age of 23 (Kushina age) Minato asked me to marry him and I said yes. Minato became the Yondaime hokage about a year later. And 2 months later I was pregnant with you. Then I gave birth to you 9 and half months later and Kyuu-chan here attack Konoha.

"The reason I might be here is because your father asked the Shinigami to seal me in you or he was not specific and just said 'seal the demon into my son' which meant me and Kyuu-chan; since Shinigami can see my demon soul" explained Kushina to both Naruto and Kyuubi.

"Oh that explains it" said Naruto, still slightly confused "does that mean Kyuu-chan is my sister along with the other bijuu

They all were silent for a minute, when Naruto and Kyuubi suddenly saw a slit appear on Kushina forehead. They both stared at in frozen shock and Kushina started to ask what was wrong. As Kushina was asking that, the slit started opening up reveling an eye with four rings and nine commas black like marks in them. The three rings closet to the pupil had three commas each on it. To Naruto it look like a fusion of sharingan and rinnegan but scarier.

"Naruto-kun what is wrong? You and Kyuu-chan look afraid, why is that?" asked Kushina, wondering what scared her children.

"There is an eye on your forehead that is what" said Naruto.

"Oh that, that is my third eye which I call Mashingan (Devil eye). It gives control over all the elements from main to sub to rare. Enter peoples mind; see through everything, and many other things. The only thing that is stronger than my Mashingan is the strongest eye Soukengan; which all the gods use" explain Kushina to her children.

"Kyuu-chan didn't you say my sharingan would look kind of like that but with a black background with three rings and nine commas that are red, instead of a red background with four rings and nine commas that are black?" asked Naruto.

"Yeah I did say that" said Kyuubi.

"Wait how did you get that sharingan?" asked Kushina. Naruto then explain how Naruto was kidnapped and experimented on.

After the story was looking at them with a black stare at the end.

"Madara's blood? That accursed man blood is inside of you" said Kushina with anger in her eyes.

"Mom why are you so angry?" asked Naruto.

"I am angry because that accursed man is involved in this. You see Naruto while my soul was in the moon I could see the world below me. One day I saw Madara and he was talking to him self saying 'Eye of the Moon Plan will start soon. My ultimate plan for world domination." After being defeated by Hashirama Senju the Shodaime Hokage of Konohagakure, he wanders the Nations and ends up finding a compound that belonged to the Rikudō Sennin. He searches through some scrolls and finds one about me and the power I possessed. After that, he starts to plan on how to obtain the nine bijuu and revive the Juubi's body and seal the creature into him making him his host and taking over the world. He starts by creating the Akatsuki with Pein as the leader of the Akatsuki while he works in the shadows.

I found out later out what the plan is, he is going to gather all the Tailed-Beasts in order to fuse them back into their original form and some me. Then he is going to become my jinchūriki, so it would give him immense power and the ability to project his Mangekyo Sharingan on to the moon. He intends to use the moon, my prison, to cover the world in an "Infinite Tsukuyomi", thereby letting him control every living being, creating a world in which no war or crime occurred" said Kushina.

"Well I won't let that happen, but right now that is not my problem. I have to train some more for the chunin exam. I think I should train my sharingan tomorrow, but I don't know how" said Naruto.

"Well why don't you go to the Uchiha clan library. They are all died right they will not miss them in the afterlife" said Kyuubi.

"Yeah that is a great plan, I will do that tomorrow after I sleep some more bye" said Naruto as he started to fade from his mindscape to his dreamscape.

----Next day----

Naruto was walking down the street heading towards the Uchiha clan house. He waited there until he was shore that nobody was looking, when he sneaked into the house. He wondered a round looking for the library. He had found it when he hit a vase that was there, some ninja he is.

Suddenly there were cries of "there is somebody here" and "get them".

Out of nowhere naruto forced chakra in his eyes and his sharingan appeared. At the same time three figures appeared at the doorway each had a master level sharingan in there eyes.

A signal thought was going threw his head 'are they all die'

Hope everyone likes the story. Sorry it took so long to update, also sorry it is short. Wanted to update it to day so I just left it ok. Also the reason it took long was because I had to do three projects that were due the 9th of December.

Anyways check out my other stories like Naruto the Chimera of Aliens, Ultimate Naruto, 10 masked hollow, Naruto last man in the world, and Perfect: The bloodline god of the Akatsuki. All being Tremble before the mighty Lord Juubi, god of demons, and lord of time and space

P.S. I will not update this story until all my other stories have at least 5 chapters each ok, sorry.