Hi! *dodges thrown ax* Hey! I have a reason for this being so late! Usual school work, crew and other stuff factored in, but mainly it was the duel. Yes; that much dueling filled me with dread. I was going to make this chapter longer, but I felt like posting it now. I hope you like it; and I will research and only use cards Manjoume and Haou have been shown to use. Manjoume will use a reasonable deck, and Haou will use the only deck he has. Unless I find out that there are more Evil Heroes actually on sale in the real world.

Now that I'm done blabbing; Don't own GX (although I wish I did), and enjoy!


Manjoume woke up, staring at his rotten, slightly moldy ceiling. Slate eyes looked up through pitch black hair without really looking up. He was in the middle of thinking when he heard a knock on his door.

It creaked slowly to reveal Asuka in her impractical Oblisk Blue inform, hands folded and eyes twinkling with what looked like determination and worry.

"Manjoume- when is your duel with Haou?" she asked.

"After dark, near the top of the volcano." A grim tone laced Manjoume's voice. Then a lighter tone came when he said; "Good news is that I get to ask him three questions that he has to answer, straight forward."

Asuka clapped her hands together in joy. "So what questions are you going to ask him?"

A downcast look crossed Manjoume's face. "That's what I'm trying to figure out."

Asuka made a brisk nod. "We're going to work on those three questions, and we'll work on them for a while. We need to get them just right so we have the most information out of him."

"Alright. During study hall, we'll work on it. And maybe in class if we have spare time we'll work together." They looked at each other in mutual agreement. "Where you will say you are that time?" Manjoume asked.

"I'll lie and say that I'm studying dueling strategies in private." Asuka's face was solid and impassive as she said this.

"I won't even need to. I'll say I went for a walk if I need to." Manjoume's face was serious as well. They didn't know whether or not to trust Haou, and just looking in his eyes made them believe anyone who came would be dead.

As they said this, they forgot about the paper-thin walls of the Red Dorm. They also forgot that the beds of Judai's dorm were right next to the wall, which was shared with Manjoume's dorm. While Judai slept like a rock on his bottom bunk, somebody heard what they said. Somebody who wondered who Haou was, and would be at the volcano after the sun had set.

In school, everyone noticed the notes and whispers exchanged constantly between Manjoume and Asuka. Well, everyone except a sleeping Judai, but that's unimportant.

"Alright; the first question is What are you?" Manjoume stated in a low whisper.

"He could reply that he's human. But I think that's the best we'll get. Wait! What if we ask 'who or what are you'?" Asuka asked.

"That could work; I'll note it down on the paper."

That day, many boys had their hearts broken at the sight of the constant scribbling and note-exchanging between the two. Within an hour, rumor had it that the two were dating. Well, one rumor had it that they had been dating for months, another that Asuka was pregnant, and yet another saying black mail was involved, but all readers know none of those are true.

Manjoume and Asuka were oblivious to this; it was all for work. At lunch they sat in a secluded corner, just talking and discussing every bit of information they had about Haou. Previous conversations were recalled and puzzled over a million different ways.

It was an hour before the dueling time. They had their list of questions ready. All three golden questions to have maximum information from this mysterious figure. Manjoume reviewed over all his dueling stratagies and how to utilize his deck. They were ready, and set out on the dusty path to the dueling site, memories at hand. This was the second time Manjoume had walked this path to find a mystery duelist; Asuka had been teleported there by the Assassin who turned out to be her brother. A nervous silence accompanied them the whole journey, with the occasional leaves rustling, as if made by a hedgehog. The feel of death and a tomb pervaded. As the light diminished in a demonic red, orange, and yellow fading, shadows lengthened and the rainbow band became darker and had a sinister feel, as if it was laughing at their naï vety. Dusk shuffled along, gaining a golden hue. The sun was setting; but at the same time, a metaphorical sun felt like it was setting. Tension and determination was in the air around Manjoume as his deck was in the holder. The Ojamas, who had the worst sense of timing, seemed to have gained a good one as they weren't appearing right now.

As they walked up the terraces of ancient lava towards the mountain top, the air became more humid and hot. Panting slightly, they reach the edge.

"You have your three questions picked out?" asked Haou in an amused and cool manner.

"Of course. I would rather ask them while we duel." Manjoume replied. It had been agreed that they should look at Haou's deck to see what type of person he is first. Haou smirked. His golden eyes danced with amusement.

"Of course. You may go first."

Manjoume nodded.

He drew a card, and then repeated his opening combination from the night before. An Armed Dragon level 7 was what rewarded him for it with golden lights dancing to form him. Then Manjoume placed a face down.

Haou looked at Manjoume with a trace of disappointment. "I hoped you would have been smart enough to be more of a challenge…"

Haou summoned Burst Lady and Featherman. Manjoume felt he knew what was going to happen next; Flame Wingman. That is when the difference between Haou's deck and Judai's deck began to show.

"I use Dark Fusion to summon Evil Hero Inferno Wing! Then I equip Vicious Claw to my Inferno Wing" Haou stated in fact.

Manjoume looked calm, but inside was confused. He knew that Elemental Heroes could be fused two different ways, and that fusion cards could be used to have different results, but he had never heard of Evil Heroes or Dark Fusion. What unnerved him the most, however, was Haou's stature.

In every duel disk duel Manjoume had seen, both opponents had one leg back and the other forward, while they leaned over the duel disk. People drew with interesting hand motions, curved their back, and got into the game. Haou had a stiffness about him that put boards and metal sheets to shame.

He said little, had no apparent expression on his imposing face, and had perfect posture. He held his duel disk in a regal manner, and looked right into Manjoume's eyes. Black met gold, and Manjoume couldn't help but feel inferior under those eyes.

"I use my facedown; defusion!" Manjoume declared. The card popped up, but went to the graveyard. Manjoume raised an eyebrow at Haou, waiting for him to explain.

"When summoned by Dark Fusion, my monster is impervious to spell cards and effects. I still have another card to play, Manjoume" Haou said in his cool, condescending voice.