CinderAllen and his Fairy Godperv

By: Naoi

Dedicated to: Dhamphir 72 & Novelist Pup
Dhamphir 72 had the most awesome Laven week submission that I read, and it inspired me to try my hand at writing for Poker Pair Week despite the fact that I have never written for DGM before this…
Novelist Pup is marvelous in all ways possible. Any Way You Want It is most definitely one of my favorite fanfictions. This is to him for putting up the notice for Poker Pair Week on his profile page and letting me know I would be awesome for participating.

Poker Pair Week Submission (Tyki x Allen)

Summary: Allen Walker is abused by his stepfather and older siblings, made to work as a servant in his own home. Then, one day he winds up at the Prince's ball thanks to his best friend and his fairy godperv. What happens when our poor white-haired hero's life is turned upside down?

Warnings: AU, slash, crossdressing, mean!Timcampy, language


Cinderella said to Snow White, "How does love get so off course? All I wanted was a white knight with a good heart, soft touch, fast horse. Ride me off into the sunset, baby I'm forever yours."
It's the way you love me, it's a feeling like this, it's centrifugal motion, it's perpetual bliss, it's that pivotal moment, it's unthinkable.
--This Kiss
by Faith Hill


Chapter One: Homosexual Card Games


Once upon a time, in a far-away land, there was a tiny kingdom. Peaceful, prosperous, and rich in romance and tradition. Here in a stately chateau, there lived a widowed gentleman and his little son, Allen Walker.

It was upon the untimely death of Mana Walker, that Allen was given into the care of his uncle, Marian Cross, and his two sons, Jasdero and David. Cross, while not completely unkind, had little time for his brat of a nephew and instead forced the boy to do chores and odd-jobs around the town in order to pay off the man's many debts. His own sons were hopeless and relied on Allen to take care of everything in their lives.

Thus, as time went by, the chateau fell into disrepair. The family fortunes were squandered upon the vain and selfish stepbrothers. Yet, through it all, Allen never gave up hope. At each dawn, he found new hope that, someday, his dreams of happiness would come true.


The sun rose steadily over the hills to the east, shining brightly in the window of Allen's tower room. Groaning at the interruption of his sleep, Allen rolled over and dragged his pillow over his head. The cheerful sound of bird song came floating through the window and reached Allen despite the pillow he had over his head.

Sighing as he realized the birds wouldn't let him get back to sleep, he rolled back over and sat up, pillow thumping against his thighs. He ruffled his hair with one hand while he used the other to cover a yawn. "I'm up guys, you can quit singing now," he told the birds outside the window.

A few of the birds hopped curiously into the room and tweeted happily at him.

Allen glared half-heartedly at the small animals. "Just because you're happy I'm up doesn't mean I'm happy I'm up." He smoothed his hands over the pillow in his lap lovingly. "Besides, you guys interrupted a good dream."

Two of the birds hopped closer, and one female even flew over to land on his worn bedside table. The female bird chirped questioningly and tilted her head.

Allen lifted his right index finger and poked the bird on her beak. "No, I can't tell you what I was dreaming, because then it might not come true." Allen shivered lightly at the thought.

The birds began to trill again but were interrupted by the loud chiming of the castle's bell tower.

Allen scowled and threw his pillow forward. It hit the end of his bed and flopped over onto the floor. Allen scowled harder. "I hear you! 'Get up,' you shout. Sheesh, even he orders me around." He shared a suffering look with his avian friends.

Throwing off the covers, Allen swept over to the screen where his bath was located. "Well, at least he can't order me to stop dreaming," Allen said happily as he stripped off his nightclothes and stepped behind the screen.

A few of the birds began singing again and picked up his clothes to hang, while others got out his butler outfit and wet the sponge for his bath. Allen thanked them when they brought it to him, but wondered somewhere in the back of his mind if he should be creeped out. Deciding just to be glad that someone was helping him and actually being helpful, he let it pass. They did it anyway, even when he asked them to stop.

Changing easily into his pants and shirt, he swiftly tied his ribbon around the collar and pulled on his gloves. Glancing up at his reflection, he deftly brushed his hair forward so that it covered up most of his scar. 'There, that should do it for today.'

Suddenly, a small female mouse in a dark green skirt with black fur came running out from under the bed with a tan mouse with flyaway hair. "Allen-ie! Allen-ie!"

"Hmm? Lenalee and Reever?" Tugging his gloves on tighter, Allen turned to watch as Lenalee scrambled up the dresser. "What's all the fuss about?"

Lenalee jumped up and down in place, her skirt flapping slightly. "Allen-ie! There's a mouse in the house! Brand new! Never saw before! Vis-itor, Vis-itor!"

"Really?" Allen smiled and reached down to open one of the drawers on his dresser. "Well, she'll need a dress, and-"

Lenalee burst out laughing and shook her hands in front of her face. "No, no, no. It's a boy! Boy!" She giggled and turned to gesture at Reever. "Like him." The other mouse didn't know whether to be offended or not, so he settled for shrugging and nodding to Allen. Who knew what the crazy mouse's brother would do to him if he hurt her.

"Oh…" Allen blushed lightly. "I guess that means he needs a jacket and hat then."

"Allen-ie," Reever spoke up, "he's in a trap."

"What!" Allen slammed the drawer shut and grabbed the small clothes he had placed on top of the dresser. "Why didn't you say so sooner?" He gave Lenalee a light glare as he tore open the door and rushed down the rickety stairs to the trap that Reever pointed out.

Lenalee pouted and hopped lightly from post to post. "I would have, but the idea of him in a dress was too funny."

As Allen reached the trap, he had to agree with Lenalee, even if he would have preferred not to. 'Not that I would let her know that.' He crouched down and peered down into the trap. "Aww, the poor thing looks scared to death." The mouse had dark brown coloured fur with a white strip down the middle of his head. "Reever, maybe you better go in and try and explain some things to him."

The tan mouse nodded and hopped inside the trap. The strange mouse took a look at him and backed away further into the cage. "Now, now. It's alright. None of us will hurt you. Allen-ie's nice." He pointed a paw up at Allen who was looking in on the cage with a slight smile.

The new mouse shivered and looked up at Allen nervously. The white-haired boy nodded and the new mouse stumbled forward slowly. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be a problem…"

Allen chuckled lightly under his breath. "Don't worry about it. Do you have a name yet?" He picked up the shirt and held it over the other mouse's head so he could put it on.

"No…" came the shy reply.

Allen easily pulled down the dark coloured shirt and placed the light purple hat and shoes on him. "Hmm, I have one then. How about Krory?" The dark coloured mouse grinned and nodded. Allen gulped as he noticed how long Krory's front teeth were. "Alright then, I'll leave you to Lenalee and Reever while I go out and feed everyone else."


Allen walked carefully out into the hallway where the bedrooms were and opened the slightly dusty curtains. Sunshine streamed in and lit up the hallway.

Turning, he peeked into one of the rooms. 'It looks like Master is back now…' he thought as he noticed a new pile of liquor bottles and stacks of laundry he would have to clean up later.

Angling his body to block most of the light, he opened the door far enough so that the light from the hallway shone on a small round bed beside the nightstand. "Timcampy," he called softly.

A medium sized golden cat blinked green eyes and looked up at him accusingly. "Timcampy, come here boy."

Blinking again, the cat turned around and settled back down on his bed.

Allen hissed and opened the door farther. "Timcampy! Come here now!"

The cat jumped up and looked over to Allen, looking upset and pitiful at the same time. He stretched slowly and leaped off the bed before stalking to the door. The cat looked up at Allen and yawned.

Grimacing at the display of displeasure when he caught sight of the cat's teeth, Allen firmly shut the door. "Look, it's not my idea to have you get up so early after Master comes back, but orders say you get fed first."

Timcampy ignored the attempted placation and stalked off down the stairs. Allen sighed and, making sure the other doors were undisturbed, he made his way down the stairs himself.


Allen was just finishing up feeding 65, his old horse, when someone came up the path to the side of the chateau.


Allen sighed and, setting down the basket of corn, he turned to see who had called; not that he really wondered. "Lavi…what do you want?"

The redhead pouted and leaned on the gate to the stables. "Aww, is that anyway to speak to a friend who has come to relieve your boredom for you?" He grinned and flicked his hair to the side.

Allen dusted off his pants and stared at his best friend. "Yes. I do believe that after all you have done to me, inadvertently or intentionally, I do reserve the right to talk to you as I wish." He crossed his arms and leaned back against the wall of the chateau's stables. A few flakes of the wall fell down and he frowned as he mentally noted that he would have to fix that soon before Cross noticed.

Lavi swept his arms out to his sides and bowed slightly. "I, Lavi, have brought you the greatest joy there is, besides sex of course," he winked provocatively at Allen, "although, I can be persuaded to provide that as well." He hurried on as Allen frowned at him, "Ta-da! Cards!" He flourished the deck at Allen, spreading them out in a fan. "I figured that since we haven't played in a while, that I would bring the game to you!"

Allen sighed. "So, basically, you annoyed Bookman and he kicked you out. You therefore are one, bored, and two, are trying to win money off of me to pay back some of your debts." He ran a hand through his hair as Lavi's eye widened and filled with tears. 'Why does everyone I know want money?'

"My lovely Allen, you wound me with your words! The panda did kick me out, but that was only because I kept alphabetizing the new newspapers by tragedy instead of organizing them by date." He snapped the cards back up into his jacket. "But that's only because it's so boring when they are arranged like that." He pouted at Allen. "So anyway, does that mean you'll play with me?"

Allen smiled lightly at his friend's antics. "Yes, Cross went out drinking last night, so I'll need some quick cash to head off the bartenders." He bent down and picked up the bucket of feed. "Let me feed the mice and I'll be right back, go ahead and set up at the table over there." He motioned over to a rickety table and a set of empty beer barrels.

Walking back into the stable, he ignored Lavi's exclamations of love and how creepy it was he was that he was friends with mice.

He saw Johnny and Reever discussing something near the outside wall. "Hey guys, I was wondering where you were. I almost thought you wouldn't be eating today."

"Nah," Reever said as he picked up some of the corn that Allen dropped for them. "The other's will be out later, Komui has a new project going on in the ballroom that he wants some of us for."

Allen paled. "Just make sure that whatever he does he cleans up after himself, okay? I don't need Cross breathing down my neck because Komuin IV failed and destroyed the tapestries."

Johnny nodded sickly and Reever just sighed. "We'll try Allen-ie," Reever said before they both ran up into one of the many holes around the chateau.


"I'm coming," Allen turned and yelled back through the doorway. He emptied what was left of the bucket into a sack and stripped off his apron before heading back out into the yard, rolling down his sleeves as he went.


"Allen," Lavi whined, "you're cheating…" The redhead pouted as he pulled off his pants and hung them on the fence with most of the rest of his clothes.

Allen pulled the pile of small coins over to his side of the table and shuffled his latest hand back into the deck. "You can't blame me for your lack of talent at poker Lavi."

Lavi huffed and leaned back on his barrel, somehow managing to look proper while missing most of his outer clothes. "Fine then, one last game." As Allen raised an eyebrow in invitation, Lavi continued, "If you win, I hand over my pile of clothes and whatever other change I have in my pockets," Allen's brows drew together at this, "but if I win, you have to come with me to the Prince's homecoming ball."

"Wha-!" Cards flew across the rickety table and Lavi grabbed several of them as they flew off the edge on his side. "I can't go to the ball with you! What about Gisele, or Letty, or even Maria for that matter!" He sputtered.

Lavi waved a hand lightly through the air. He dropped the cards back into the center of the table carelessly and leaned forward on his elbows. "The panda wants me to go, and all of those girls would be more interested in the prince than me. Please," Lavi pleaded, eye widening again and sparkling in the light, "I'll even get the panda to reduce the General's debts at the store."

Allen frowned and stared at Lavi. 'On one hand, it's less debts I have to work off. Plus, it's only if he wins…'

Lavi calmly grabbed the cards back up and began shuffling them as Allen contemplated.

Allen dropped his hands onto the table. "Fine. One last game. I shuffle." He held out his hand for the cards.

Lavi grinned and handed over the deck. "Fine by me. Prepare to lose, whitey."

Allen snorted and shuffled the cards at a fast pace. "You wish, cyclops." He deftly switched cards up his sleeves and began counting out where all the cards went.

Lavi grinned back and swept up his cards in one hand.


Allen stared in shock at the cards on the table. 'No way…'

Lavi wiggled to get his pants up over his hips and deftly began tucking his shirt back into his waistband. He snickered as he saw Allen's face.

Allen glared up at him. He stood up so fast the empty beer barrel went rolling across the stable yard. "You cheater!"

Lavi snickered louder and bent over lightly, holding his stomach to keep from falling on the ground. "Allen, darling, you can't blame me for your lack of talent at poker," he quoted back to the enraged teen.

"Stop mocking me!" Allen shouted as his face went red. He kept replaying the game over in his head to find a point where he might have miscounted or lost a card.

"Brat! What are you yelling about this early in the morning?"

Allen turned back to the chateau and yelled back without thinking, "Shut up old man, it's almost midday anyway!"

A deadly hush descended on the chateau and Lavi stared as General Marian Cross slammed open a second-story window and leaned out to aim a gun at Allen's face. "You wanna repeat that brat?" Cross asked. He frowned as took in the entire scene in front of him.

Allen's face was flushed from his yelling and he had lost his coat and gloves to Lavi near the beginning of the games. Lavi himself had yet to finish dressing; his shirt was still mostly unbuttoned, and his pants were slipping down around his hips. "Give me one reason not to shoot you right now for having sex in my backyard."

Allen straightened and glared at his stepfather. "I'm not having sex you maniac. We were playing cards, and for your information, I'm now going to the Prince's homecoming ball." He tacked a blinding smile onto the statement.

Cross glared at the three Allens in front of him and yelled back out the window, "No, you're fucking not. I will not have you going to anything that gay when you can be working on this dump." He titled his gun back onto his shoulder. "Now get back to work you brat, and you better have my fucking breakfast up here in fifteen minutes or I really will shoot you."

Lavi winced as Cross slammed the window shut again.

Allen turned back around to face his best friend. "Well, looks like I can't go. I really don't want to get shot." He swiped the change on the table into one of his coat pockets and swung himself into the coat. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go make lunch for my stepfather and my two siblings."

Lavi frowned but back out of the stable yard. He really didn't want to get shot either and he would almost bet that Cross would shoot him if he hung around. Now all he had to figure out was how to get Allen to the dance.


a/n: The only copy of Cinderella I had at home was a VHS tape, which was a pain. I had to find and drag out the player, and then I spent like 10 minutes looking for the tape. I finally found it hidden behind all the sewing stuff my housemates stuffed into the entertainment cabinet… Why it was there, I have no idea.
But yea, VHSs don't have subtitles…nor do they pause exactly when you ask them to. It was a pain to get the first part of this chapter down. I also moved rooms halfway through the story, so I couldn't watch the movie again…

I have a cover designed for this! It's uploaded onto my DeviantArt account. The link is on my profile page. I should also be getting some more art up soon. I just have to find time to draw it around two big tests, a mid-term, a large competition art piece, and writing this story. (T-T) I have too much to do…

I'm sorry about the OOC-ness in this story, but this is the first DGM I've written, and I haven't read any recently, so I'm not sure how close I got them to their correct personalities. Also, it's hard to get an Allen version of Cinderellie, if anyone has any better ideas that Allen-ie, let me know!

Yay for Document Manager finally coming back up again! I was scared it wouldn't for a while. I hope you all liked Chapter One. Please review!