Title: Miracle Worker

Rating: M

Summary: A certain anthropologist wants to push the boundaries with her FBI partner, but realizes it is her own insecurities that hold her back; a situation he is happy to remedy. Established Booth/Bones, rated M for sexuality.

Disclaimer: No, I don't own 'Bones'. Much to my chagrin and sadness.

*Here's another Bones fic for you guys! It's my first attempt at anything sexy, so give me feedback on what I can improve on, ok? Thanks for reading! 3 *

Dr. Temperance Brennan was in a particularly odd predicament. It had been several months since her covert relationship with Seeley Booth had begun and she didn't quite know what to make of it. In a rare moment of indolence after work she lay in bed staring at the ceiling, hoping that somewhere in the plaster what was plaguing her would make itself apparent before he came over.

It wasn't that she was unhappy. Oh no, far from it. She couldn't remember the last time she had been in a relationship with a man who had meant so much to her. Seeley was more than just a partner or boyfriend. He was an intriguing amalgamation of the two, and perhaps that was why he made her feel special as no other person could. It surprised her that she still got butterflies when she caught him staring after she and her team pieced together twisted murders, even in the sterile and corpse-laden lab that for most people would have been a complete, what Booth called, a 'mood-killer'.

She sighed. The trouble was that Tempe had never been truly 'courted'. Certainly she had had more than her fair share of lovers and boyfriends. But courtship was the only appropriate way to describe how Booth had been going about treating her lately; no man she had dated had ever taken the time that he had to perform all the romantic gestures that she had come to believe were just bodice-ripper novel bunk. Seeley had been the complete consummate gentleman-opening doors for her, picking up groceries for his much more frequent sleepovers at her apartment (where he would sleep on her couch), and most frustratingly sweet, never pushing certain physical boundaries.

That was it.

They hadn't gone to bed yet.

Massaging her temples, she wished, not for the first time, that Booth would loosen up on his philosophies of the bedroom. Personally, Tempe considered herself a relatively sexual woman; she knew what she wanted and what she liked and enjoyed sharing a physical bond with her lovers. Seeley was just so… old-fashioned about sex. She thought wryly about all of the cases where she had to be the one who got frank with suspects about their not-quite-so clandestine escapades because Booth was too polite to talk about the subject in public or even a private interrogation room. He would never want to push her into a physical relationship when the emotional one they were just discovering still occasionally involved some sliding around on eggshells.

Their one case involving the pony players had almost been too much for her partner to bear although Tempe had to admit she had found more than a little enjoyment in adding to his discomfiture. What she hadn't expected to learn from that case was Booth managing to leave her completely at a loss with an explanation of what sex, or what he called 'making love', was supposed to be. And in her shocked silence that followed she realized that she had never experienced anything like what he had talked about.

Since then, Tempe had had a very hard time not imagining what it would be like to share a bed with Seeley Booth. She flipped herself over and buried her face in her pillow and groaned. What on Earth could she possibly do to make him realize that it was more than alright with her to expand their as-of-yet unexplored sexual horizons? It wasn't like she was Angela: the woman who mysteriously always knew exactly how to snare men (most of them before they even had any idea they had touched bait).

Without any particularly brilliant plans coming to mind at the moment, Tempe was left pondering into her unfortunately inanimate and decidedly unhelpful feather pillows until she heard a loud pounding against her door.