A/n: Well here is my first story in a really long time. I know you all want me to update my other stories too, but I will get to those when I get to them. You can't rush these things. I got a new idea for a story and I am going to try and show my growth as a writer over the time I have been gone. I hope you all enjoy the story. Please review.

Precious Cherry Blossom

The moon shone brightly in the cloudless sky, the night was silent and still. There was a large, estate on the mountain side surrounded by trees. The only way to access the old clan house was the mountain trail that was under constant watch. Inside the main house, in a large room overlooking the beautiful garden in the rear, a handsome man lounged on a zabuton. His dark black hair matched perfectly with his black eyes. He looked around the room, trying to find something to spark his interest. There was nothing but his two most trusted guards, who sat next to each other on the other side of the room. "Is something troubling you Sasuke?" the blonde one asked, seeing his master looking around the room.

"No Naruto," Sasuke sighed and sat up, his navy blue kimono falling loose from his chest. "Just wondering when we will get any news from the doctor," he finished looking at Naruto and his silent companion. "What do you think Gaara? Do you think Itachi will live?" Sasuke asked, a smile creeping up his face.

The red head looked up respectfully, his gaze meeting Sasuke. "I certainly hope so," he mumbled out almost silently. Naruto and Gaara were both dressed traditionally like samurai, they each had two swords fastened to their side just in case they were needed. Soft footsteps echoed down the hall until finally one of the servants appeared in the room with a grave look settled upon her face. Her brown hair was tossed up in a messy bun, presentable but showing her status.

"Sasuke-sama, I bring you terrible news. Your elder brother has finally succumbed to his illness. He left this world just a moment ago. Lady Shizune is distressed beyond words, would you like to go comfort her?" the young servant girl asked politely.

Sasuke just laughed, Gaara glanced over to Naruto a frown set in on his face. "I'll go see to lady Shizune." The red head muttered, getting up easily and walking out of the room. Sasuke's laughter echoed down the halls as Gaara made his way to Uchiha Itachi's room. Once he reached the door to the room, he slid it open slowly and saw the grieving woman.

"Lady Shizune, are you alright?" he asked simply, staring at the sobbing woman with his pale blue eyes.

The dark haired woman turned around and looked up at him, "Oh Gaara!" she sobbed out, crying into her hands now. "Gaara I don't know what to do, Itachi-sama…he's…he's gone" she choked out. Gaara walked in and kneeled beside her, ready to be the shoulder she needed. As soon as he was near enough Shizune moved from her hands to his shoulder. Gaara awkwardly patted Shizune on the back, he wasn't too used to this situation, he was Sasuke's guard and he rarely saw the head of the family's wife.

"It will be alright Lady Shizune, you are at least bearing Itachi-sama's child and once the child is born you will have a piece of him with you always. Something that you shared with him, but Shizune…I think you best be on your guard. Sasuke-sama has been acting oddly ever since Itachi-sama fell ill. I think something might be going on with him, just be careful." Gaara spoke up, trying to comfort her and warn her all at the same time. Shizune looked up at him, tears filling her eyes and nodded slowly. She seemed to understand what Gaara was trying to say to her and she knew Sasuke just as well as he did. Everyone knew Sasuke wanted to be the head of the house and now that Itachi was out of the way his dream was within reach.

Gaara grabbed onto Shizune's shoulders and pulled her away just a bit, "I must get back to Sasuke-sama now, if you need anything please don't hesitate to ask."

Shizune nodded and gave Gaara a weak smile. "Thank you Gaara, I will."

Gaara nodded and got up, leaving Shizune to grieve her dead beloved. He made his way back to the room where Sasuke was with Naruto and stopped in the door way. "Ah perfect timing Gaara, I need to tell you about your new mission." Sasuke smirked, looking like he had just won a battle of some sort. Gaara walked into the room and took a seat beside Naruto on the floor and waited for Sasuke to go on. Naruto looked angry, almost on the verge of fighting but was sitting in restraint. Sasuke nodded and took a small cup, sipping some sake. "I was just telling Naruto here how I made an arrangement with the Haruno clan to take their princess as my bride. Since I am the new head I will need a bride."

Gaara looked taken back, almost shocked but he quickly gained his composure and spoke in a sullen voice. "Sasuke-sama, how could you have done this? Itachi only just died."

Sasuke laughed, smirking at his samurai guard. "Gaara, I made contact with the Haruno clan the moment my brother fell ill. I knew he wouldn't make it through this and with his child unborn then there is no one else to take the place as head. So to take my rightful place I will marry the princess of Haruno, Haruno Sakura." He looked down into the sake cup and swirled the last of the mix around carefully. "Now all that's left to do is for you and Naruto to go get her for me," Sasuke said, uninterested with the reactions of his two loyal guards. Gaara and Naruto stared in utter disbelief, how heartless could you be? Sasuke looked up, surprised by their lack of movement. He lifted his hand and dismissed them, "What are you waiting for? Go and get ready, you leave first thing in the morning. I need my bride here as soon as possible."

Gaara stood up suddenly and moved swiftly from the room, Naruto looked after him and got up as well following him out. They both headed down the halls of the Uchiha mansion in a hurry, once they reached a long hall with only a few rooms attached Gaara threw one of the doors open and went inside followed by Naruto. "Gaara…?" Naruto tried to register with his friend but all he was answered with was a flying ink pot. The small flask shattered against the wall and ink dripped down the wall slowly.

"What kind of monstrous person cares nothing for his own brother?! This is disgraceful, I can't even fathom how much you must not care for someone to go ahead and make arrangements to take over when they are nowhere near death!" Gaara yelled at the top of his lungs, squatting down and punching the floor to try and calm himself. "What is wrong with Sasuke? How can he do such a horrid thing?" Gaara asked, staring at the ground and then looking up to Naruto for the answer.

Naruto sighed and shook his head, "I don't know Gaara, I don't understand it myself either and it disgusts me to do so but it's our duty to do as our lord tells us."

Gaara slammed his fist into the ground once more, glaring hatefully at the wood. He knew Naruto was right but this all seemed wrong. What was Sasuke thinking, did being the head of the house mean that much that he would wish death upon his own blood? "I'll go gather my things and leave you be. We should get to sleep early if we are to leave at dawn's first light." Naruto breathed and turned his back to Gaara and walked out, shutting the door silently behind him. Gaara shut his eyes tightly and tried to get a hold on himself, he was usually more composed but this had set him on edge.

Finally Gaara pulled himself up and started pulling out the things he would need for the journey, nothing too much because it was a long way to the Haruno clan mansion. Once all his things where tied in a convenient pouch, wrapped with a cloth. He untied his swords from his side and placed them in the corner, leaning against the wall. "Haruno…Sakura? Why does that sound so familiar?" Gaara asked himself, untying his belt and removing his kimono shirt and hanging it in its place. He sighed leaving the pants on and sitting down on his futon and staring at the wall. "It almost feels as if I have met her…" he trailed off, lifting his hand to his face and biting down on his thumb. Gaara let out another sigh and feel back, staring at the ceiling now, "I need to go to sleep, tomorrow will be a long day." He told himself and let his eyes close, but just as his eyes showed he wouldn't be able to fall asleep, just like every other night.


"Gaara are you ready?" Naruto's voice came from the other side of the door. The door flew open and Naruto looked in excitedly but groaned, Gaara was fully dressed just now securing his swords to his side. "I was hoping to see you sleepy face," Naruto laughed and gave a bright smile to his best friend.

Gaara laughed softly and shook his head, "Not likely my friend."

Naruto shrugged and walked out of the room, already carrying his things under his arm. Gaara grabbed his as well and went out from his room, shutting the door behind him. The two walked down the halls and to the front room where Sasuke was every morning. They stopped in the doorway, seeing Sasuke was already enjoying his breakfast. He was carrying on as if his brother had not even died. Sasuke looked up and smirked, "Good to see you two are you ready for the journey? How many men will you be taking I want that precious princess brought back safely."

Naruto sighed and gave a sideways glance to Gaara who looked irritated at the sight. Gaara took a deep breath and spoke up, "We will need no one but ourselves. It will be faster and she will be safer with us if we can watch her by ourselves."

Sasuke nodded and lifted his hand to dismiss them once more, "hurry back." He ordered shooing them away. Gaara's left eye twitched in annoyance but he said nothing and bowed respectfully as did Naruto and they both left.

The front door was opened for the two by the servant girl from the night before. Naruto nodded to here in assurance and waved to her as they left. As they started down the mountain path Naruto got a serious look on his face, "Gaara are you alright?"

The red head looked over to his friend about to protest, but he knew Naruto was right. Something was wrong with him, he was irritated with his master that he was to serve till he died. "I don't know what it is Naruto, I've just grown so annoyed with Uchiha Sasuke. It's almost like my body rejects serving him. Almost as if we were supposed to be rivals and yet I force myself to protect him, but I don't know why I feel this way." He sighed and looked forward at the winding path. "Maybe this journey will cool my head from whatever I am feeling. Or maybe I'll look into a deeper part of myself?" he shrugged and crossed his arms comfortably.

"Who knows where this journey will take us." Naruto muttered, smiling happily.