The World's Most Awesome Country... on Colors
By Yolapeoples

Summary: "Now, I know you know how awesome I am, BUT now I have PROOF!" Prussia finds proof of his awesomeness though the Italies are not sure they agree.
Rating: T for Romano's mouth (surprisingly Prussia has nothing to contribute).
Characters: Prussia, Germany, Austria, Italy, Romano. No Pairings.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but a Prismacolor brush pen, a Micron 05 pen and a blue colored pencil. And I paid $6.31 for those. *defeat*
A/n: I'm going to finally just upload this thing already no matter how random it is!!


An avalanche of overly loud footsteps, and Prussia skidded around the corner, his combat boots leaving marks in the hardwood floor; Germany sighed exasperatedly, how many times had he told his dear bruder not to wear those things in the house?

"WES- Wait, what's he doing here?" Prussia pointed an accusatory finger at the Austrian sitting on Germany's couch, sipping tea. Speaking of which, mused Prussia, since when did his dear bruder make tea?

"Austria is here to discuss important mat-" Germany didn't have time to finish his statement as Prussia cut him off.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever! What I have to say is MUCH more important."

Austria seemed extremely doubtful of this, putting his teacup down on the table (on a saucer, of course; he wasn't Prussia.). Germany just sent Prussia a deadpanning look, hoping this would be over soon so he could get back to business.

"Now, I know you know how awesome I am," Austria snorted, earning a red-eyed glare, before said not-nation continued forcefully, "BUT now I have PROOF!"

Standing arms in the air as if he had just found the secret to cold fusion, Prussia looked expectantly to the other two.

"And this proof is…?" asked Germany.

Prussia blinked before realizing he hadn't actually showed them the proof yet.

"Right, right." Austria raised a superior eyebrow as Prussia searched through his pockets.

"AHA!" proclaimed Prussia, pulling out a blue colored pencil, "See, West! Prussian blue! I'm so awesome, they named a color after me! You don't see a German or Austrian color, do ya?" He laughed maniacally; Germany and Austria just looked at each other.


Another avalanche of footsteps and Italy had entered the room, dragging behind him a rather noncompliant Romano.

"Why the hell did you drag me to the potato bastard's house, you moron?!" yelled Romano before raising an eyebrow at Prussia, who was still laughing victoriously, "See! I told you eating all that German food will make you go insane!"

Prussia sobered quickly, showing his colored pencil to the Italies.

Italy seemed impressed, "Wow, Prussia~! You got a colored pencil named after you~!"

Romano, however, did not, "Yeah, just like my moronic brother."

Austria could hear Prussia's smirk fall, "What?"

"Venetian red." deadpanned Romano before turning towards the door, "Now if you bastards are done, I'm going back to Spain's house."


China: There's also a China Blue, aru!

France: And a French blue.

Prussia: Sh-shut up! I knew that!

(Inspired by a trip to A.I. Friedman's. I found a Prussian blue colored pencil and I had to buy it. Then I went to Kohl's to find my mom when I saw a shirt that read, "If you were me, you would be awesome"… so much Prussia.)