What if Miley never told Jake that she was Hannah Montana? Jake never invented Milo, nor has ever put on a wig for anonymity. They didn't break up right away after they finally got together. Begins a few months after Achy Jakey Heart. Miley/Jake.

"I have to break up with him." She had played out every possible scenario in her head, but it all came down to the same thing. She wanted a normal life. Jake couldn't give that to her. She couldn't be the girl that sat around waiting for him to show up after months of being away, constantly checking her phone for messages that he never left.

She didn't want to be in the magazines as Miley; it was the whole reason they invented Hannah Montana. Now she was in the tabloids just as much as her alter ego.

She hated lying to him, but couldn't tell him her secret. He had a big ego, she couldn't tell what he would do if he knew. It would change the whole basis of their relationship. It had taken her years to tell Lilley and Oliver, so despite that Jake was her boyfriend, she didn't know how much she could trust him. He had so much growing up to do. Has he ever had real friends before? Does he even know how to keep a secret?

During the past few weeks she had some of the best times of her life… but she also compromised so much for him. She couldn't do it anymore. It all came back to the same thing. "I have to break up with him."

Lilley reached out and let Miley's head come crashing into her shoulder, her shoulder now wet with Miley's tears. "Shhhh," she whispered as she rubbed Miley's back. "It'll be okay."

Miley nodded, her mascara staining Lilley's shirt. "It's going to be so hard…"

"Harder than it already was?" Lilley strained to find comfort in the situation. "He needs to give as much as you give, and that's not going to happen. This was about both of you, not just him." Lilley sighed, her own heart breaking for her friend. "You get to be Miley again. Not Jake's girlfriend."

Miley smiled a little bit at her friend's words. She knew Lilley was trying hard, but she doubted that the hole she was feeling in her chest would start to fill in any time soon. The only saving grace was that Jake was leaving again for another movie. It would be a clean break. She wouldn't see him for 4 more months. She could start to heal. She sat up and wiped her eyes and a new determination fired inside of her. "Then I'm going to be the happiest, funniest, and most fun Miley that there is. I'm not going to let a boy bring me down."

It was almost six months later when Jake walked back into her life without any warning. She heard him before she saw him backstage at a benefit concert. "Now, now, I have plenty of time before my appearance, there's enough of me for everyone."

Miley stood still, frozen in fear as his voice carried over the din, and then as if her body was moving on its own accord, she turned towards him. Somewhere her brain was recognizing that she could hear Lilley's voice cry above everyone else's ("Hannah, Hannah! I have to talk to you before you see…") but it was too late. The pink wig came into her peripheral vision and Lilley's voice dropped as she followed Hannah's gaze over to the screaming fans. "… Jake."

Time seemed slow down, the voices all around her melted away and she was left with only the sound of the blood rushing in her ears. He looked up that instant and met Hannah's eyes across the room and he smiled a sort of half smile. His forehead creased with a bit of confusion and then he raised his eyebrows in a bit of a question. He lifted his hand in a half wave and she could see a bit of vulnerability there, him questioning why this girl that he barely knew was staring at him with a ghostly complexion and she gave a half smile back. In an instant that vulnerability was gone and a wide smile broke over his features. The spell was broken. His mask slipped back over. Her smile faded. Hannah could feel Lilley's arms pushing her and over her thumping heart she heard an announcer cry, "And now, Hannah Montana!" She shook her head and tried to jolt herself out of her trance. The whole exchange maybe took five seconds at the most, but it felt like an hour.

Lilley punched her arm. "Hannah, they're calling your name!" Hannah seemed to snap out of her reverie and Lilley handed her the microphone. "Get out there! And have a good time!" Hannah still looked slightly shell shocked, so Lola grabbed her and went right to her ear. "Remember, the most fun Miley AND Hannah that there is!"

Miley smiled. The past few months whenever she thought of Jake she instead put that energy into her friends, her songs, and her school. She had made new friends. She stuck up for the 'unpopular' crowd. She forced a happy smile onto her face and eventually it felt like it belonged there. "Okay," she said, bracing herself. She took a deep breath, pasted the smile onto her face and let the breath out slowly. "Okay. I'm ready." She took the microphone from Lilley and switched it on, glancing at the stage manager who was waving her on. "Hello everybody, are you ready to get crazy?"

She was hiding in her dressing room. If she could just get out without Jake seeing Hannah, it would be so much easier for Miley. Lola was keeping watch by peaking out the door and relaying back what was going on. "He's coming off stage and talking to a stage hand… the stage hand is gesturing with his hands, he's looking at his papers… oh no, he's pointing over here, and Jake's on his way over! Eep!" Lilley turned in a frantic full circle with her arms waving widely and then ran and sat next to Miley on the couch.

"Okay, look normal!" The door was pushed open and the girls burst out into a laughing fit. "Oh Lola, you're too funny."

"No, Hannah, you're too funny!" Lola playfully slapped Hannah's knee and burst into a crazy laughter again.

Hannah glared at Lola and she quickly shut her mouth. "Oh, hi, Jake." Hannah pasted on a fake smile and became overly friendly. "It's been a long time. How are you? How was your movie? Did you meet anyone? I heard things didn't work out with you and that girl at school. How are you doing? Are you dating anyone? Hmmm? Hmmm? Hmmm?"

Lilley leaned in close. "You're getting the scary eyes."

Miley shuddered. "Too much?"

Lilley nodded. "Yeah," she replied, exasperated.

Hannah put the smile back on. "So, how about that concert? Or the movie? Or the new girlfriend?"

Jake shook his head and lowered himself onto a spare chair. "Uh, hey Hannah, it's been a long time." He shrugged and any trace of uncertainty fell away as he donned the movie star smile, practically complete with a *ping*. "The movie was great! They loved me, but who doesn't?"

Miley was in mid eye-roll when Jackson burst through the door. "Okay girls, the faster we can get out of here… " He stopped abruptly. "Hey Jake."

Jake looked at Jackson puzzled for a second but then regained his composure. "Hey Jackson, I forgot you were friends with Hannah."

"Well, friend is a rather strong word…" He noticed Miley giving him the death glare. "… but we go WAY back…"

"yeah, great… listen, can I talk to you for a second?" Jake grabbed Jackson by the arm and hauled him out the door. "Jackson, does Miley know Hannah?"

Jackson adjusted his shirt, buying time. "Uh, well, I can't say I've ever seen them in the same place at the same time…"

"So they're not friends?"

"Sure, you could say that…."

"Okay." Jake breathed out in relief and decided to take another route. "Is Hannah dating anyone right now?"

Jackson laughed. "Hannah? No. She's… wait, what?"

Jake smiled. "It's just that I think she was flirting with me and… thanks." He paused on his way back inside and turned back. "Listen, I'm going to be starting school again tomorrow and could you break it to Miley nicely that I'm back in town? I don't want it to be awkward."

"Somehow, I think she already knows."

"Uh, sure Jackson." He turned to leave again but hesitated. "Is Miley dating anyone – no, never mind. I don't want to know."

"For the record, she's not."

"Thanks." Jake turned and headed back inside the dressing room, practically running over an eavesdropping Lola in the process.

"Oh, I was just leaving to talk to… someone, but they're not there, so I'll stay here." Lola looked widely over to Hannah, looking for a collaborator.

"Actually, I was kind of hoping that I could talk to Hannah in private for a moment…" Jake looked knowingly over at Lola.

"But I have to stay here for distressing Hannah and helping with her… vocal cooldown! And her routine is very important! .. and…" Jake was looking at her incredulously and Lilley deflated. "Okay, fine, you and… ugh." She ran towards the door, grabbing Jackson on the way out. "Bye!"

Hannah gave Lilley the death glare before she ran out the door, then pasted on a smile. "Jaaaaake, what can I do for you?"

"Well, I saw you on the guest list for the premiere event tomorrow night, and I wanted to know if you wanted to go together."

Hannah smiled and muttered though her teeth, "heart breakin' hottie say what?"

Jake felt a weird sense of déjà vu, but couldn't work out heads or tails of her comment, so he ploughed on. "Well, it would be great publicity, Hannah, and I always have a lot of fun when I'm around you. It'll be fun. What do you say?"

"Uh… "

"Great! Give me your address and I'll pick you up, or, my driver will."

"No wait, I'll have to meet you, I'm going to be…" She cast around widely for something to say. "The studio! That's where I'll be, you'll have to meet me there. I'll be ready."

"Great." He flashed a dazzling smile at her and retreated. "I still have your number. See you tomorrow!"

Miley stood in a daze for a full minute before a stagehand knocked on the door. "Miss Montana? Your limo is ready to go, and Lola's waiting for you."

"Right… okay. Okay." She shook her head to try and knock some sense into it. "Oh, sweet nibblets!"

Enjoy? I love reviews! What I love even more than postive reviews are ones that give me way to improve. Got it? Awesome.