Sorry to fuel disappointment, but this is just an author's note. I know, I know, I'm a tease.

This is just a quick note to inform you that I'm going to start this story again because, reading over it, I loathe who I wrote it before. It will possess the same plot for the most part, but I just want to rewrite it to give it a more sophisticated style, and I have to add little hints and things in because I have an adoration for symbolism and hidden meaning.

So, as you pelt me with tomatoes, I apologise once more and hope to have the new first chapter up soon!

Also, I thought that the backwards Abeo language was too simplistic and dull, so I'm making a new one. XD I'm not sure if I'll somehow make it scientific or just play with letters again, but it's not very important.

Anyway, please be patient, and thank you for waiting! *bows!*