Time stood still. The quarry was always silent, but suddenly the silence felt unnatural. Jak blinked and nearly laughed with relief when he saw Jinx's expression, jaw gritted but eyes full of concern. 'it must have been a memory' Jaks thoughts relieved him as he leaned to get up. Jinx didn't let him. In the same instant, the bomber's expression could not have been more different. A triumphant grin, wider than he had ever seen Jinx wear. His eyes were wider than usual, but still sharp, sharper than usual, different. Everything was there but at the same time like no expression he had seen on him. Jak's thoughts slogged through as though in a smog, his mind full yet blank; and every question suddenly was answered when Jinx spoke.

"How much of a difference it makes, just one gentle expression." The voice was Jinx, but it was wrong. The accent was completely different, no longer nasal, but he seemed to spit his words. Jak instinctively yelled as the hands on his wrists dug down nails into his skin. Jinx seemed to shudder with excitement. "Its so new and yet familiar..." Jinx-not-Jinx seemed to be lost in sensation and Jak took the opportunity to jerk a his left hand free and slugged the older man in the temple. A loud snarl with the yelp of pain sounded as Jak scrambled free. His eyes searched frantically for his gun, but as soon as he laid eyes on it, his thoughts went blank and his eyes lit up as though a lamp switched on inside his head, filling his vision with glare. Heat and pain radiated from the back of his head, and Jak instinctively wrapped his hands around his skull and curled up, falling over with a cry. Soft in the background, jak could barely recognize the sound of breathing over the ringing in his ears. Yelping in surprise as he felt something wrap around his ankle and begin dragging him along the ground, Jak struggled to regain his composure.

The bloom that filled his vision refused to dissipate no matter how much Jak blinked and his thoughts suddenly lit with frantic, primal fears of permanent blindness. He felt a hand grab his wrist again and frantically swatted in the direction of it's presumed source, only to have the other captured quickly. He hissed as something hard and sharp was wrapped around them both, tying his hands above his head, whatever was binding bit into his skin and he felt the warm disturbing feeling of blood down from one hand. All of this seemed to happen in mere seconds. His vision suddenly started to darken, blurred visions accompanied by audio looping in and out, disorienting him further with confusing, ambiguous data.

"I didn't exp... - saw him lying … - scious … - you, so quic... - played along... - gullible." sensations lit up with cold and Jak barely registered the sound of ripping fabric. His vision began to clear slowly, and Jak's jaw immediately went slack, his vocals going crazy as he swore he saw red hair. A hand wrapped around his throat, bringing memories that seemed to make concrete what he saw in front of him. His voice cut out, eyes bugging with fear and pressure behind his eyes built as he pulled at his restraints, desperately trying to wriggle loose from Erol's hold. "Be still." A halo surrounded the vision in front of him, the most disgusting lie he had ever witnessed. As the vision progressed however, though the halo remained, Erol's face became Jinx's, and the confusion returned. His sensations seemed to lie with every second, it felt like a nightmare, and then his body exploded in pain.

Sensations wove their way in and out of his awareness, a sharp pain in his shoulder as teeth sank in, a hand gripped him hard on his thigh, pressing past near nonexistant protests. He struggled to pull his arms in, feeling blood trickle down his arms, struggled to keep his thighs together; even Jak knew there was no energy in every feeble kick, Jinx-not-Jinx swatted away any protests as his hands wandered into Jak's torn clothing, across skin now patterned with the bumps of raised hairs, not for the cold but for so many other sensations conflating his near broken form. Jak yelped as he felt a familiar but unwelcome intrusion, Jinx-not-Jinx's hands had found a mark and mercilessly explored. More aware but by no means clear-headed, Jak felt his heart drop past his stomach and his mouth go dry as he was lifted off the ground by strong hands. He mouthed pleading, begging, but could find no voice.

The pain seemed to bring more clarity than time would allow. Time moved in fast forward, and his head filled with that demonic laughter, those passionate grunts and sickening physical sounds. Staring straight ahead, Jak willed his vision clear, but he could only see Erol. The hair was wrong, the face too wrinkled, but the expression made a connection which could allow no details of reality to overlap the details of memory Jak's mind let fill his vision.

The face moved, grinning, yelling things over Jak's screaming. Was he still screaming? The world seemed deafened. All that he could absorb was that expression, boring into his eyes and holding him captive. The pain radiating from every part of him, the familiar pain internal, returning like an old scar but much more vivid. Jak almost felt detached from reality but that pain brought him back like a leash that refused to let him go. Every thrust released new excruciating lashes of fire. The sensation was so acute and yet he couldn't ever pinpoint it, but every fibre of his being focused on it, screaming for him to escape, run, fight, kill. But at the same time, another part of his brain responded with eager submission. It cried out, begging for mercy, admitting defeat, admitting all the things he knew Erol wanted to hear. That voice was getting louder in Jak's mind and he wished the sound of the world would return, even listening to Erol's bullshit would be better than the crippling sound of his own desperate defeat. Despite knowing the truth, Jak desperately tried to convince himself that it was his killing instinct, his desire to transform that was screaming. But he knew better. The face in front of him knew better. These quarry cliffs were the walls of a cell they both knew well, and as suddenly the world went white, and Jak prayed for death.