Part VI – Round 3

It is the most nerve racking car ride any of them have ever experienced. The entire trip is marred by occasional dins of distant explosions as they race through the largely abandoned city streets. The few people that they encounter on their trek are notable by the look of abject dejection or unbridled terror etched on their faces. Among the lost souls are children huddled to their parents, crying profusely, with the parents unsure how to quell their fears in this uncertain time. The car occupants could see rubble littering the streets at every turn, cars crushed and windows smashed by fallen debris, all of it capped by a gigantic metal crane strewn across one avenue that requires their driver to do some quick detouring. As they reach the city limits they pass a large crowd of onlookers staring back at the city in disbelief. The driver asks if they want to stop and see what the commotion is, but both Mitsumi and the doppelganger Kobayashi bade the driver to keep going. Their focus is on the Dynethenium power plant and the person within.

Upon arriving to the white edifice of the power plant both Mitsumi and Kobayashi exit the vehicle. Mitsumi doesn't wait and runs into the building, while Kobayashi takes a moment to speak with the police officer who has driven them. The officer lights a cigarette to steady his nerves as both men look back to the now eerily silent city.

"I suppose we missed all the excitement," Kobayashi begins. "It seems strange that we passed so few people on the way here."

"The Commissioner tried to clear the area from the docks to this place," the officer mumbles as he exhales a plume of grayish smoke, "he figured the monster was headed this way so the evacuation corridor went through the other side of the city. The folks we passed were probably stragglers or people who don't like to follow authority. Too bad for them, I guess."

"Yes," Kobayashi comments with a sad shake of his head. "We are going in to talk with the Professor to try and convince him to accept our help. If we fail, will you be good enough to take us wherever we would like to go?"

"Once you've sorted out your business in there, and provided our destination is somewhere safe," the officer answers before taking a long drag. He exhales, "I've got no problems following orders so long as we're nowhere near this place when the fireworks go off."

"Certainly," Kobayashi cordially responds, slightly sickened by the officer's cowardice. He turns away and walks calmly into the power plant. Unlike Mitsumi he takes his time traversing through the structure's corridors, absorbing and analyzing all he can in the short time allotted. Curved piping coils around apertures, jutting in and out of the walls at key positions. It's a massive Rubik's cube of confusing twists and turns all designed for the intricate purpose of accelerating electrons and then slowing them down again, among other functions. A cursory look around reveals how remarkably similar the design is compared to what Kobayashi would have built on his own world, were he allowed by the E.D.F. A melancholy feeling begins to weigh his heart as he continues his stroll towards the control center of the power plant. Instead of a life giving power plant his marvelous ingenuity was harvested for the building of a weapon. How different things may have been…

Soon he comes upon Mitsumi and her husband, the Professor Kobayashi. The reunion between the couple is anything but heartwarming as husband and wife stare daggers at each other. Both their faces are flushed with emotion and Kobayashi could feel the heat of their argument from his vantage point.

"I still can't believe you are here!" the Professor screams.

"Please calm down," Mitsumi pleads.

"I will not calm down! This is lunacy! You are supposed to be far away from here! You are supposed to be safe!"

"How can I live in safety while you suffer?" Mitsumi counters. "Besides, the Batman…"

"I don't care what the Batman said! YOU are my life, not him! YOU matter, and nothing else!" the Professor pauses as he notes his doppelganger is idly standing nearby. Shunning his wife for a moment the Professor's face grows a deeper shade of crimson as he strides towards Kobayashi, "And you! You were the one person I expected to understand! You were supposed to keep Mitsumi safe, not bring her to the very heart of oblivion! But I guess I should have known better. After all, you only know how to destroy, don't you? You have brought nothing but misery to this world!"

Upon finishing his tirade the Professor is face-to-face with Kobayashi. In answer to the Professor's accusations Kobayashi quickly raises his right arm and delivers a smashing punch to the Professor's face. Kobayashi's full military training comes to bear in the strike as the Professor reels from the blow, falling backwards and landing in the waiting arms of Mitsumi. It was an odd sensation for Kobayashi, like punching your mirror image in a feat of peak, but connecting with bone instead of glass. As Kobayashi flexes his sore hand Mitsumi gently lays her unconscious husband on the ground.

Kobayashi looks down at the Professor's features being gently tended to by Mitsumi and he can't help but feel a tad jealous. His jealousy turns to heartache as Mitsumi looks up and gives Kobayashi an angry glare as she asks, "You said we were only going to talk to him. Why?"

In response Kobayashi begins to unbutton his shirt, "He'll be okay in a while." He tosses the shirt to Mitsumi, "Help me switch clothes with him."

Mitsumi nods as she begins to understand what Kobayashi has planned…

In a short while Kobayashi is wearing the Professor's clothes and vice versa. As he gives a final glance at the Professor's still form Kobayashi notes again how it is like looking at a mirror's reflection and it disturbs him. He then looks to Mitsumi with conviction as he speaks, "The Mitsumi I knew was stronger than she ever let on. Are you?"

Mitsumi only nods in response.

"Good," Kobayashi smiles, "I know you must hate me for what I've done, but you must understand it is for the best. What the Batman has planned… you and your husband should not be a part of it."

"Is your sacrifice a part of his plan… or yours?" Mitsumi asks.

Kobayashi's smile vanishes. When he replies he seemingly ignores Mitsumi's question, "For this ruse to succeed it is imperative that you proceed on your own. Bring your husband to the car and when you get to the police officer simply tell him there was a disagreement and that nothing could convince the Professor to accept any help. The officer is unmotivated and anxious to leave so he shouldn't pose a problem. Just take the car and get as far away as possible."

"I understand," Mitsumi whispers.

He wishes for some greater response from her, some final parting words or gesture of comfort. Instead she merely proceeds with her task in silence, taking every effort to avoid looking into his eyes. He knows his actions have shaken her, but even the slightest sign of acknowledgement would make what he now must face a little bit easier.

He watches from a window as Mitsumi manages to reach the car with her husband. The officer gives her little difficulty and even helps her load the disguised and unconscious Professor into the waiting automobile. Then, just before she enters the vehicle she pauses and gives a solemn look back to the power plant and the window Kobayashi is staring out of. Kobayashi smiles as the car pulls away, his soul given a lift by the simple gesture. The look on her face as she glanced at his window is a memory he will carry with him as long as he lives.

When the car has vanished from sight he moves away from the window and looks at the inner workings of the Dynethenium power plant. He's distressed that the dead-man's switch has yet to be completed. Kobayashi feels his pockets and finds the Professor's cellular phone. He takes it out and makes sure that it is fully charged and then begins his task in earnest.

The Professor was correct on one aspect; Kobayashi is a destroyer while the Professor is a creator. What the Professor built, Kobayashi will be able to destroy in half the time. When the Batman calls, he will be ready…

The first thing he sees upon opening his eyes is the grinning countenance of masked youth staring back at him and he can't help but return the grin.

"He's awake!" Robin calls out to anyone within range.

Batman takes a quick look at his surroundings as he slowly regains his bearings. He is sprawled on a small gurney inside a makeshift medical tent with Robin fidgeting in a nearby chair. Next to his gurney is a Geiger counter ticking consistently. Batman lifts himself up and notices the cast around his right leg and the intravenous drip attached to his arm. With a snarl he yanks the IV drip out. He's never been fond of drugs, even painkillers.

"You should take it easy," a voice calls. Batman looks up and sees the Commissioner standing at the tent opening. The Commissioner steps inside as he continues to speak, "I'll never figure out how you managed that last trick Batman, but it worked, you saved us all. It cost you though. Broken leg, shredded shoulder, numerous lacerations, welts and bruises and a swollen eye the EMTs had to cut open, and let's not forget radiation poisoning."

"I've been through worse," Batman mentions offhandedly.

Commissioner Gordon raises an eyebrow, "Of course you have. Look, you did it, you saved the city. Now you've got to take it easy."

"All I did was buy us some time," Batman winces as he adjusts himself. His shoulder feels like it is on fire, and there's something else amiss. He turns to Robin, "Where's my mask?"

Robin hands Batman a palm-sized color digital screen and comments, "I knew you'd be angry, so I took a picture. That's you."

The image on the screen is of a badly bruised and battered face with one eye swollen shut and several welts present. To Batman it is the face of a complete stranger.

"I think your identity is a non-issue," the Commissioner adds as Batman touches the many bandages now covering his damaged face. "Not even the world's greatest detective could identify that face. If that cowl of yours weren't armored I think you wouldn't be here having this lovely conversation right now."

To Gordon's amazement Batman lifts himself up and off of the gurney and stands on his feet. Batman looks earnestly at Robin as he gives his orders, "I'm going to need a spare uniform and the bike stashed at the Westside docks."

"How are you going to ride a bike with a broken leg?" Robin asks.

Batman's answer is a grim glare.

Ever the dutiful soldier Robin prepares to leave until the Commissioner blocks his way, "Now hold on lad! I don't know what Batman has planned but he's in no shape to be in the field. He's done enough!"

Batman flexes his damaged shoulder and asks, "Did anyone track how far the monster got before it landed?"

"About forty miles into the Atlantic," Robin answers.

"Good work Robin," Batman commends his ally. "How long was I out?"

"Fifteen minutes."

Batman looks at the Commissioner with absolute resolution, "I've timed it to about 80 miles per hour in the water earlier. That gives us fifteen minutes at most to work with. Make no mistake, that monster is headed back here and it'll march right to the Dynethenium power plant, destroying as much of this city as it can on the way. And once it gets to that power plant, if we're not prepared, we could see an explosive reaction that would make a nuclear detonation look like children's fireworks."

Gordon looks into the Batman's eyes, "If you want to coordinate, fine, but you're not going back out there. You shouldn't even be standing right now."

Batman narrows his eyes, "Neither should Godzilla. Everything we've thrown at it so far it just shrugged off and now we've got nothing left. Nothing will stop it cold, Jim. Attacking its eyes, the one weak spot we could exploit, barely fazed it. All those things we've come to fear, such as guns and bombs and poison are nothing to it. You remember Kobayashi's description of how they even blasted a giant bullet through its brain and it still came back for more! Not only is it unstoppable, but the monster is cunning too. It was playing possum when that crane was lying on top of it, luring people back to the docks to give it the advantage in our fight. Then it knew when I tried to play possum and kept its distance. It is both cunning and indestructible, Jim, and it took a huge gamble on my part just to buy us 30 minutes. To put it simply, the only way we'll be able to get rid of it and survive is by giving it what it wants on OUR terms."

Commissioner Gordon sighs as he lets Robin leave the tent, "I know you're right, Batman. I just don't like any of it." He looks at Batman with an apologetic gleam in his eye, "I did my best to clear out the docks."

Batman nods, "I know."

Gordon takes a chair and sits. He looks up and Batman could make out the bags under Gordon's eyes and the wrinkles and creases of a worried man. Commissioner Gordon takes a deep breath and begins to speak in a solemn tone, "There's something else. While you were out the military got in touch with us and offered aid. Guess television can get the job done when politics can't. Anyway, the army's still too far out to make it in time by your numbers. They also don't want to send in an air strike because of the monster's close proximity to the populace and they want to limit any collateral damage. But the navy, well, the creature landed really close to a pair of navy frigates that were en route to port after a tour of duty. They've engaged the monster. What do you think their chances are?"

Batman shakes his head, "The poor fools."

Joseph Sitwell, captain of the frigate Destiny, could scarcely believe his eyes. The enormous green creature crashed into the water only moments ago with an impact that would have knocked out, if not killed, any other living being. Instead the monster almost instantaneously rose from the depths and is now looming like some perverse angel of death over the Destiny's sister ship, the Vector. The creature's close proximity to the Vector has stymied Captain Sitwell's ability to help. If he were to fire upon the monster now he would likely strike the Vector as well. All he can do is watch helplessly as the Vector tilts its armament at the monster. Cannons as large as buildings open fire and the launched shells explode upon impact. Though its flesh is pierced by the explosive shells the creature still seems to shrug off these attacks with relative ease. The monster looks ominously at the Vector and Captain Sitwell is amazed by the fluorescent beam that spews from its mouth. There is a blinding flash and deafening explosion as the armament on the Vector ignites.

When Captain Sitwell reopens his eyes the Vector's flaming carcass has already begun to sink beneath the waves and a cold chill runs up his spine. Then he notices that the creature is starting to move closer to the Destiny.

"Bring all weapons to bear!" he orders. "Fire at will! Whatever happens, that thing is going to know it's been in a fight!"

As cannons roar the Captain is stunned to see the monster calmly sink underwater.

"Sonar!" the Captain calls.

"It's moving fast," the sonar operator replies, "it's underneath us. No, wait, it's portside now, and it's surfacing!"

"Bring the guns to bear and bring the engines to full!" Captain Sitwell screams.

The orders are well meaning but too late. Godzilla heaves a powerful blast of atomic fire through the center of the Destiny, cleaving the vessel in two. With one smashing strike from its arm Godzilla then plunges the stern portion of the Destiny below the surface of the waves.

There were a lot of good men and women aboard that section of his ship, many of whom Captain Sitwell knew personally. He lifts up the command microphone and prays it works, "All hands, abandon ship!"

Godzilla takes the command tower into its massive hands and rips it off its foundation. After tossing the tower into the water Godzilla turns its attention to the bow…

Trapped in the sinking tower with his crew, Captain Joseph Sitwell simply stares out of the window as the water level slowly rises.

Loss of contact with both frigates was extremely disconcerting to those on shore, particularly for the Commissioner. Two minutes, that was all the time it took for the monster to obliterate two large naval vessels with guns the size of smoke stacks. They could only guess at the number of lives lost in the futile endeavor. During a momentary lull Batman did manage to contact Alfred and had him dispatch the Wayne yacht in an attempt to recover any survivors. He hopes it wasn't in vain.

Once communication failed the Commissioner felt little recourse but to give the caped crusader's plan his full attention. Now he stands atop police headquarters as a team of electrical experts and police officers work in unison to reconfigure the Batsignal searchlight. This is only one cog in Batman's plan to try and time Godzilla's attack on the Dynethenium power plant. The key, as always, is Batman himself.

From his rooftop vantage point the Commissioner looks across the sprawling landscape that is Gotham City and focuses on the tattered docks, areas of which are still smoldering. It took a great deal of effort to contain the blaze, an effort that may all have been for naught. He sighs, "If this doesn't work…"

A chill breeze blows off the Atlantic waters and over the dilapidated remains of the Gotham docks. At the edge of the remnants stands Batman, and in a scene disturbingly reminiscent of a moment earlier in the night he stares out onto the water through his night-vision goggles. Unlike earlier in the evening every fiber of Batman's body now aches and it takes a great deal of effort to keep the pain in check. Next to him is Robin's motorcycle, prepped and ready for a quick getaway, and next to it is Detective Harvey Bullock, acting as liaison for the police department. That is the official title, though Bullock feels it is actually another punishment for his recent transgressions. Aside from him and Batman there isn't another soul for miles.

Harvey Bullock has never been one to live in silence and so he asks the caped crusader, "What's making you do it?"

"Do what?" Batman gruffly answers through his bandaged lips without straying from his vigil.

"What's making you stand here and wait for that monster?" Bullock elaborates. "Now don't get me wrong, I'm not volunteering, but how come you have to be THE guy? You're a wreck right now. Why not get someone else to play the target?"

"Because," Batman slowly begins, "Godzilla and I know each other and I'm positive it'll come after me if it sees me."

"Anybody can wear a costume, Bats," Bullock interjects.

Batman winces at a sharp twinge of pain in his shattered leg as he rethinks his answer, "Fine Bullock, you win. I'm standing here because that monster's taken a lot of formerly happy children and turned them into orphans, and I made a promise a long time ago that any orphans in this city would be avenged."

Bullock nods at the response, "So, daddy issues, huh?"

"Something like that," Batman acquiesces.

The dark knight blinks once and adjusts the magnification on his goggles. In the far distance he can see the telltale ripple of Godzilla's bony spine cutting through the water. His muscles tense.

Bullock notes Batman's intense focus and follows the caped crusader's line of sight. Even though Bullock is without a pair of binoculars he can still make out a greenish blob in the distance. He squints as the blob seems to change its appearance.

"What's it doing?" Bullock wonders aloud.

The blob seems to separate and one piece grows in size as it rapidly flies towards them. Soon Bullock and Batman can make out the metallic sheen of the object rapidly approaching their airspace. It bears a striking triangular shape that blots out a portion of the night sky. Bullock doesn't know what to do as he finally realizes the true scope of the object and the bizarreness of seeing it so misplaced. His knees wobble.

Batman merely stands there and watches as the enormous bow of a naval frigate passes overhead. The world seems to slow to a crawl as the wreckage covers the docks in shadow. In a perverse twist Batman is even able to read the name of the ship as it flies overhead: Destiny.

Both Batman and Bullock turn and watch the Destiny arrive to its final resting place with an earth-rattling explosion. Pavement, asphalt and metal shards spark as the wreckage careens down the main street and slams into the city's pivotal tower, a distinctly designed skyscraper that Gotham's entire skyline seems to point to. The tower bends as the effect of the crash ripples through its superstructure, but it does not fall. However, the sparks generated by the crash do cause a fire to ignite and soon a raging inferno flows through the building. As emergency crews move to contain the blaze Batman sighs in relief, grateful that the brunt of the crash has occurred in an area of the city abandoned outside business hours.

"Thank goodness for small miracles," the dark knight mutters as he returns his attention to Godzilla.

"Miracle?" Bullock screams. "That thing just tossed a battleship at us!"

"Calm down," Batman growls, "besides, it wasn't a battleship. It was half, maybe a third, of a frigate."

"Are you freaking nuts? Who the hell cares how much of a ship it was? How the hell can you just stand there like nothing's happened?"

"Because there's nothing I can do about it right now!" Batman snaps.

Bullock goes silent for a moment as Batman's rebuke sinks in. Bullock sighs as he realizes it's pointless to argue and he changes his focus, "So, why's the lizard just standing out there now, waiting?"

"My guess would be that it didn't like the fight it got last time, and it's just decided to burn the city down with atomic fire from a safe distance," Batman calmly surmises.

"What makes you so…" Bullock pauses as he sees the telltale fluorescent glow present itself along Godzilla's back.

"Don't worry Bullock," Batman nods, "we've still got the boat."

Cutting through the waves at an incredible speed is the Batboat. The high-powered motor sweeps the boat across the water and towards Godzilla as the monster prepares to unleash its rage upon Gotham. Inside the boat Robin sweats over the controls as he homes in on his target. He wishes there was a remote control for this job, but this time a deft and instantaneous human touch is required. Getting Godzilla in his crosshairs Robin launches a torpedo. The deadly silent runner manages to strike the monster and explodes scant moments before Godzilla would have released its atomic fire.

Godzilla halts its attack and looks for the gnat that bit it. It espies the Batboat and understands the source of its woe. It has already taken care of two much larger vessels this night and a slight snack earlier, one more watercraft is hardly an issue. With a snarl the monster swipes at the Batboat, and misses. Whereas the earlier prey Godzilla faced on the water were larger and slower, this new enemy is small, quick and agile. Godzilla lashes out again and Robin manages another desperate evasive maneuver. Growing impatient with the chase the creature performs a massive sweeping motion with its tail just ahead of the Batboat, creating an insurmountable wave. The Batboat plows into the aquatic barrier and its bow is submerged, causing the vehicle to stop in its tracks. Seizing the opportunity Godzilla plucks the tiny craft from the water with one arm and proceeds to crush it. As the metallic hull is ground against itself under this immense pressure a spark forms and the vehicle's gas tank ignites. The Batboat is engulfed in flames.

Satisfied, Godzilla tosses the boat's wreckage back to the ocean and returns its gaze to the city…

During Robin's altercation with Godzilla, Batman was busy contacting Commissioner Gordon through Bullock's walkie-talkie. In that short time he got the Commissioner to turn on the Batsignal, its glow now aimed directly at the Dynethenium energy plant. Gordon also relays a message to the power plant asking for the power to be shut down in the grid stretching from the docks to the power plant. The effect gives the Dynethenium plant an eerie appearance of a lone star shining in a sea of ebony night outlined by the arcane symbol of a bat.

"I really hope that was a remote controlled boat," Bullock mentions as part of the city goes dark behind him.

Bullock's comment rouses Batman from his duties. The caped crusader looks across the water and observes the flaming wreckage that once was the Batboat. Using his night-vision goggles he zooms in and scans for any sign of life as he comments, "No, it wasn't."

"You sent the kid out there, didn't you?" Bullock pointedly asks, his voice rising with emotion. "You're a real piece of work, Bats."

"Robin's fine," Batman whispers after being unable to spy any living thing in the water. Noting that Godzilla has begun to advance Batman decides he has no other choice than to begin his part of the plan. He depresses the start button on the motorcycle, bringing the high-octane motor to life. He then flips a switch and a pole rises up from a secreted compartment in the rear of the motorcycle. A red beacon light at the end of the pole begins to glow.

"Yeah, that's real pretty," Bullock snidely remarks, "does your helmet glow-in-the-dark too? I'm seriously wondering about you buddy. You just sent a kid out to his death and now…"

"Robin's fine!" Batman interrupts with conviction.

Bullock doesn't flinch and calmly replies, "You're basing that on what, exactly? Your Bat-sense tingling?"

Out in the water Godzilla notes the suddenly well lit building in the distance and it smiles a pointy-toothed grin. This is what the rage was directing it to all evening. This structure, it could sense, is the key to its current predicament and is what Godzilla must focus its energies on.

In Godzilla's mind there is only one way to approach any problem, and that is directly. To reach the power plant in the quickest manner possible it must first go on land and then follow a straight path to the illuminated building. The docks are the nearest piece of shoreline for the monster to alit, a location where a curiously bright red beacon light now beckons.

"It's headed this way," Bullock notes.

"Get to cover Bullock," Batman orders. "When it lands it'll see me waiting. It will want to crush me before heading over to the power plant. Hopefully that'll buy us enough time..."

"…to blow us all to kingdom come?" Bullock sarcastically interrupts. Batman's response is bleak silence. The chubby detective knows to not to push the issue and opts to help Batman mount the motorcycle and the caped crusader winces in agony as he gets settled. Batman removed the leg cast earlier and replaced it with a makeshift splint to allow for greater maneuverability. It doesn't help with the pain.

Bullock takes a quick glance and sees Godzilla rapidly making up ground. He looks at Batman, "I know you're probably eager to join the kid, but at least get the job done before kicking the bucket, will you? It's your show now."

With a sly wink Bullock moves away as quickly as his portly frame will allow. As he strides to cover Bullock relays through his walkie-talkie, "Bait's all strung up, getting ready to reel in the fish."

Godzilla is upon the docks within a minute of Bullock's farewell. The creature's massive moonlit shadow looms over the shore and Batman's red beacon. The creature pauses and looks down at the source of light. The oscillating red radiance from the beacon pulsates over Batman and his distinctive outline is etched within Godzilla's sinister shadow. It is a remarkable vestige.

Batman looks up at the monster's face and Godzilla's one good eye gleams hatred as it recognizes the pointy ears and cape. It opens its mouth and a characteristic blue flame spews forth.

Batman guns the motorcycle's engine and barrels out of the way of the massive blast, evading the controlled atomic eruption by seconds. As he burns rubber Batman could feel the light rain of dirt and minute debris from the nuclear onslaught rain down. He takes a brief look back. Where he once waited for the beast only a large, smoldering crater remains.

Godzilla is satisfied for a moment, until it notices that the red beacon has moved deeper into the city. The monster snorts smoke from its nostrils, steps over the crater and moves toward the light. The rage demands the gnat first, then the power plant.

Batman turns a corner and enters a lush avenue surrounded by tall towers on either side. He knows these roads better than any man alive, so the absence of light is not a hindrance to him. The night-vision goggles also help, particularly if any unforeseen obstacles arise. He revs the motor and flies across the pavement, his red light giving a sinister glow to the largely abandoned buildings.

As he nears one particular stone building its façade begins to splinter and crack. The edifice begins to crumble downwards, wreckage raining down onto the street. Batman weaves through the scattered downpour of brick and mortar as best he can and is thankful for the armor he wears. He takes a quick glance back expecting the see the monster standing in the street, and sees nothing but destruction.

He looks ahead and turns into a narrow alley abutted by two large brick buildings. The moment he enters the alley one building's surface grows pitted and cracked. It too begins to disintegrate like its earlier brethren, only this time Batman is able to exit the alley before the building collapses, thus avoiding the deadly rain of death. Over the din of the engine he could still hear the frustrated echo of the monster's characteristic roar. Batman lets a thin smile cross his lips as he whispers, "Too fast for you?"

A flash of fluorescent blue suddenly cuts across the sky over the caped crusader's head. The beam strikes with unerring accuracy, slicing across the base of buildings just ahead of Batman. Each building begins to teeter and fall in succession. Batman gives his head a shake, the creature has moved from destroying one building at a time, to several at once. There's no way he can drive through them all before they collapse. To even attempt it would be suicide.

He twists the motorcycle's controls and steers the vehicle into a nearby underground pedestrian bypass. Before he started this cat and mouse game he made sure that each route had an escape. The motorcycle's suspension rumbles as Batman careens down the walkway steps, the motor's noise reverberating along the abandoned tunnel walls. Batman winces after the jarring experience. He heads directly for the exit, a mere fifty meters away.

Without warning Godzilla's leg smashes through the roof of the tunnel a half-second after Batman passes that particular section. Batman curses himself. He'd fought the monster hand-to-hand and while it was fast, it was not this fast. Batman realizes that it must have been holding back all this time just to make him overconfident and he fell for it. He was supposed to lead the monster, not have it herd him! Regardless, the rapidly approaching exit now has a much more ominous appearance.

Batman depresses a button on the controls and a burst of nitrous oxide enters the motorcycle's fuel line. He feels the rush of speed as the chemical pushes the engine beyond its limit and the speed dial clicks past its maximum line. The motorcycle rolls up the stairs in a blur and literally flies through the exit. A half-second after hurtling his vehicle into the sky Batman witnesses the exit being bathed in atomic fire behind him.

Though he manages to escape Godzilla's assault, as Batman flies through the air he spies a large sedan parked at the very spot he is going to land. At the last second Batman's superb reflexes let him pull the front wheel of the bike upward so that the sedan is struck primarily by the rear wheel. The rear axle hits the car's roof at an awkward angle and Batman loses control. The motorcycle and rider roll over the roof and onto the pavement. Batman lands sprawled on his back with the motorcycle's weight pinning his broken leg. He growls as he tosses away the damaged night-vision goggles and espies Godzilla making its way towards him. The creature starts to build its blue fire and Batman grunts. Time is no longer on his side.

Batman's mind harkens back to a moment earlier in the evening when he and Alfred were in the cave, and Batman's own words come to haunt him, "I don't think I'll be able to walk away from this one…"

Suddenly, on the top of Godzilla's scalp a familiar figure appears and Batman smiles. Apache Chief was right, the Justice League couldn't help him, but that doesn't mean he is without friends in his hour of need. There, standing triumphantly on the monster's skull, is the crimson clad youth, Robin, the boy wonder!

It took all his skill and resolve for Robin to climb his way to the very top of the creature after abandoning the Batboat, and he's glad he made it in time. With a mischievous grin the young lad reaches for his utility belt and covers his eyes. Seeing Robin's actions prompts Batman to also cover his eyes just before a flash grenade explodes, bathing the surroundings, and Godzilla's good eye, in blinding light.

Temporarily blinded, the monster reaches for its eyes, but Robin has already leaped off the monster and is swinging to the safety of a nearby building thanks to his grapple line.

As Godzilla momentarily struggles to regain its sight Batman presses a secreted button on the motorcycle and the automated righting mechanism comes into play. A pneumatic hiss of air pushes a mechanical arm out of one side of the motorcycle and gingerly raises the fallen vehicle. The motorcycle is upright in seconds and Batman quickly follows suit. He takes a quick glance at the monster and smiles at Robin's handiwork before once more mounting the vehicle. Batman groans as he settles on the seat. He resets the red beacon and leans forward. The motor revs up and the Batman races away. Robin has provided a head start, something Batman desperately needs to take advantage of.

He turns onto a main thoroughfare and makes a beeline towards the power plant. He's stalled enough; it's time to execute the final phase of the plan. As Batman weaves through the darkened street on instinct alone he depresses a button on the motorcycle and opens up the communication-link. He dials the secreted number for the Professor's cellular telephone and dutifully waits for an answer.

"Hello Batman," a familiar voice echoes through the phone line. Though the voice is of the correct pitch and tone, Batman's acute sense of hearing and skills of detection could discern a slightly altered twinge in the oration.

"This is Kobayashi, isn't it?" Batman counters. "Where is the Professor?"

"He's… indisposed," Kobayashi answers.

Batman knew that something like this could occur when he asked Kobayashi to assist the Professor. However, it was a risk Batman had to take as they were short on time and Kobayashi was already well versed in turning Dynethenium into a weapon, whereas the Professor was a novice. And now it was too late to do anything about it.

"The dead-man switch is ready," Kobayashi continues, anticipating Batman's next question.

"I expected nothing less," Batman answers, deftly avoiding an abandoned car in the road. Over the roar of the engine he could now make out the loud thuds of Godzilla's ponderous march behind him. He shifts the motorcycle to its highest gear to try and maintain his lead on the monster.

"If the switch is ready, you'd better set it and get out of there," Batman continues after a momentary pause.

"I'm afraid that's not possible," Kobayashi solemnly notes.

"This isn't up for debate, Kobayashi," Batman growls. "Get out of there, or I will carry you out!"

"You don't understand," Kobayashi replies, "I cannot leave because I AM the dead-man switch."


"After I… discussed matters with the Professor," Kobayashi starts his explanation, "I tried to complete the dead-man switch, but there just wasn't enough time. Besides, isn't it better this way? I can troubleshoot on the spot and believe me when I say it's very easy for something to go wrong. And Batman, you and I both know I do not belong in your world."

"There's no guarantee that you'll be sent back to your world, Kobayashi," Batman sighs, "it's likely that you'll be killed."

"Yes," Kobayashi agrees, "I understand. It doesn't really matter as by rights I should be dead already. At least now you won't have to sacrifice yourself. I've seen what you've accomplished on the monitors, and heard Mitsumi speak highly of you. This world needs a Batman."

Batman has covered a great deal of ground during their conversation. He's just passed the city limits and the illuminated power plant beckons like a carnival prize. For a moment Batman even believes he may have outpaced Godzilla, until the Lexus crashes to earth mere yards from his speeding motorcycle. Superb reflexes let the dark knight veer around the misplaced car. Once back on track a Datsun lands on the road, its wheels flying off upon impact. Again Batman avoids the obstruction and beads of sweat form beneath his bandaged face after the close call.

"Batman?" Kobayashi calls.

"Godzilla is throwing cars!" Batman yells. "It's near! Start the process!"

"You have to get out of range!" Kobayashi calls back. A dial tone is the only response his plea receives. Kobayashi knows what's at stake and that there may never be a second chance. He moves to the control console and flips several rewired switches, setting the electron acceleration process in high gear. Another jury-rigged switch is then flipped to shut off all the safety devices and permit the electron flow to continue unchecked. He seats himself and stares at a solitary gauge charting the electron flow. The needle begins to rise. Now it is merely a matter of time. In his mind Kobayashi asks for forgiveness…

The Datsun is followed by an Impala, then a Topaz, an Integra and finally a Neon. Batman manages to avoid them all by the skin of his teeth. He could try to turn away now and make an escape, but he knows better. He's gotten under Godzilla's skin and the creature would only move in pursuit of its nemesis, and away from the power plant trap. Batman always knew that this could be his final ride and there are no regrets. It's even strangely comforting to know that there is at least one other to share these final moments, though he does wish it were otherwise. Adrenaline pumps through his veins as the power plant summons him with its sinister glow.

The flaming carcass of a Prelude lands with a resounding crash on the road between Batman and the power plant. The car's gas tank explodes upon impact and the concussive force rattles even the dark knight. He tries to steer around the wreckage, only to have a burning Sonata fall from the sky and block his way. With no room to maneuver Batman decides on a desperate measure. He leaps up on the seat of his motorcycle and crouches down. Then, pushing off on his good leg Batman propels himself up and over the Sonata just before his motorcycle careens into the burning car. Batman does his best to roll with the landing as incinerated car and bike parts fly about, but with his leg broken and shoulder throbbing in pain it is hardly a graceful touchdown. Grateful to have survived such a harrowing maneuver he staggers to his feet and looks toward his goal, the power plant, now within reach. Batman removes a collapsible cane from his utility belt and begins to rapidly hobble the final few meters, his cape billowing as he moves like a matador's taunt to a bull.

Upon reaching the white walled power plant Batman turns around and sees Godzilla in all its horrific glory approach. The 100 meter tall atomic lizard slows its advance upon spying Batman, who is illuminated by the Batsignal light, waiting against the power plant wall. The creature still has one car in its hand. Godzilla stares at Batman as it lifts up the car to its face. With a malicious grin it snorts nuclear fire from its nostrils and the car bursts into flames. It gestures with the car at Batman, only to seemingly change its mind and casually toss the car behind its back. A few ponderous steps bring the behemoth within meters of a defiant Batman. Once more it looks down at its prey.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Batman yells as he raises his cane. "Or do you know? Do you realize I've won?"

A blue-green hue develops along Godzilla's spine, and then a curious thing happens. There is a flash of brilliant light that bathes everything in and around and near the Dynethenium power plant in a vibrant orange glow. Though stunning in appearance, the eerie hue does no apparent physical harm to those within its embrace. Each can feel a slight charge in the air, its magnitude slowly building.

Batman touches his cane to the ground and is startled by the spark it makes. The scientist in him is amazed by the phenomenon and how it seems to have enveloped them so readily. The outside world, Gotham, the ocean, the sky, and everything else have simply blinked out of existence for those near the power plant. Batman then notices Godzilla and how its atomic rage has seemingly recoiled. By the monster's confused look, it was not a voluntary reaction.

Though bewildered by this startling, yet somewhat familiar, change in events, Godzilla still possesses enough resolve to bend down and gingerly wrap its fingers around a beleaguered Batman. With nowhere left to run and his energy virtually spent, Batman lets himself be lifted up by the creature, managing to keep only his arms and cane free. Godzilla positions the caped crusader before its face.

Batman could feel the atomic brimstone emanating from Godzilla's nostrils even through his armored uniform and bandages. He could see pitted marks on well-used teeth the size of average human beings, and he notices etched scarring from his numerous assaults on Godzilla's eye and scalp. It is a grim countenance.

Ever since that ominous night many years ago when a young Bruce Wayne witnessed the murder of his parents before his eyes, Batman has always been enamored by death. He never did fear it, but he always wondered what shape the grim specter would assume when it came time for him to join his parents in their eternal rest. Now, staring at this magnificent yet terrifying creature, he feels his question has been answered.

To Godzilla it is an odd sensation as the supercharged Dynethenium energy mingles with its own nuclear fission to create an uneasy calm in and around the monster. For the second time this evening Godzilla has been bathed in the electronic detritus of Dynethenium gone astray, and for the second time its mind is clear. Godzilla can now pause to ponder an idea that's surfaced in its mind, namely how something as seemingly small and delicate as this little man held in its hand could have given it so much difficulty. Where others quake in terror and flee at Godzilla's mere presence, this gnat advances and challenges it at every turn, and successfully so. It is like no other man it has ever seen. Perhaps… perhaps this is not a mere man but something more? Maybe there is even a little bit of monster inside the man?

With a nod to its foe Godzilla heaves its arm and throws the Batman up and away from the power plant. Batman is completely flabbergasted by the gesture. In the blink of an eye he has pierced the orange bubble and can be spotted hurtling through the sky towards Gotham City on the strength of Godzilla's throw. His sense of survival overcoming his awe Batman removes the grappling gun from his utility belt. This time the barb he fires has a long, silken cord attached to it. The barb digs into the concrete of a nearby skyscraper and Batman takes firm hold of the cord. Though his shoulder screams in pain Batman manages to force himself to swing down to an open rooftop. His boots dig into the gravelly surface as he lands and he adjusts himself so that the brunt of the impact is on his good leg. Once settled he immediately turns around and sweeps his cape aside in the process. From his vantage point on top of the building Batman could see that where the Dynethenium power plant once stood there is now only a massive hole in the ground.

"Godspeed Kobayashi," Batman whispers.


They had witnessed the entire drama from afar. The unrelenting advance of Godzilla, the blinding flash of orange light and the formation of an enormous energy bubble, and the final crackling bolts of power just before everything vanished. To even the most jaded of spectators it was an awesome sight to behold.

"I hope you find what you desire," the Professor whispers solemnly in the wake of Kobayashi's sacrifice. He turns and looks at his wife, Mitsumi, and the few tears sliding down her cheeks.

"You shouldn't cry," the Professor utters as he places a comforting hand on her shoulder, "he wanted it to end this way."

She turns to her husband and peers into his eyes, one of which is swollen black from Kobayashi's punch. She gently touches his bruised face as she speaks, "It was almost you in there. Why were you going to do such an insane thing? The power plant…?"

He grasps her hand on his cheek and smiles, "Though it is my life's work, the power plant is a cold and heartless thing, and things can be replaced. No Mitsumi, it was always about you. My double, he said we were alike and I believed him up to a point. One difference is that I couldn't ask him to risk his life again. He'd lost you once already and I could only imagine the pain he felt. By giving my life my twin would be spared and you would still have me as your husband… in a sense. Really, it sounds so foolish now, but he… he sacrificed himself to save his Mitsumi, he loved her so much. I just wanted to prove that I could do the same for you. I wanted to prove I deserved you just as much as he did."

She gently places her other hand on his cheek and their lips lock in a long and passionate kiss. When they pull away she smiles coyly and slaps his face on its good side.

"We've been married too long and been through too much together for you to doubt the feelings we have for each other," she states emphatically. "Don't ever try something so stupid again!"

"No, I won't," the Professor nods as he wraps one arm around his wife's waist. They both return their gaze to the site of the battle's grand finale as the Professor smiles, "Still, it was such a rare opportunity, to meet one's twin. In the short time I knew him I felt as if he were a brother. I truly hope the fates are kind to him…"

As he sits there at the edge of the skyscraper, feet dangling over the edge to the ground below, he watches the hive of activity the city has now become. The army has arrived at last, and they are coordinating with the police to assay the state of the city and keep the peace. Soon repairs will begin and in time it may appear as if nothing has ever happened.

Of course they all will know better. There have been lives lost and altered forever by this evening's events. He turns his gaze to the docks and watches as the Wayne Yacht nears Gotham harbor. It appears Alfred was successful in finding at least a few survivors of the ill-fated Destiny and Vector.

Batman notes a slight change in the air pressure behind him and he calls out, "Careful when you land, Robin. The roof is slick."

There's the characteristic crunch of boot leather grinding into the roof's gravel, and soon Robin is sitting by his mentor's side. The youth grins, "We all saw you fly out of that orange bubble just before it disappeared. That was awesome! The Commissioner sends his thanks by the way. He's a bit busy right now coordinating with the military and trying to coax the mayor out of his bomb shelter. After tonight, I think his honor has lost my vote."

"You're too young to vote," Batman mumbles.

"Didn't stop me the last election," Robin smiles.

Batman looks at his junior partner, "When did you bail out of the boat?"

"When I saw that giant wave, I knew I wouldn't make it," Robin answers, "so I got out, swam a bit, grabbed Godzilla's tail and started climbing. Easy as pie… well, not really. Bullock was oddly happy to see me alive and in one piece, I've never seen the big guy like that. It was kind of creepy, actually. So, uhm, let's see, how we can change the subject? I've got it, how in the world did you grow to 100 meters tall?"

"Apache chief lent me his strength," Batman replies.

"But isn't he…?" Robin trails off in his question.

Batman merely nods solemnly as he states humbly, "He was a good comrade and friend."

Batman adjusts himself and looks towards the crater where the power plant once resided, "It had me cold, Robin. It had me cold and it let me go, and I just don't understand why…"

Robin taps Batman on the shoulder, "I don't believe it had you. You always have some contingency plan or way out."

"I had my cane…"

Robin smiles, "There you go. You had your cane as backup, so it didn't have you."

"It's not a joke, Robin," Batman huffs. "What could I do with a cane? It had me in its hand and it let me go."

Robin also looks to the crater and loses his smile, "I don't know what to tell you Bruce, you've been in this business much longer than I have. Maybe it let you live so you could just sit here and wonder why. It could be a situation where the monster thought it better to let an enemy live in fear and doubt than to let him die a martyr. Or maybe it saw something in you that it liked and thought you were worth saving. You have to admit, Godzilla probably never came across something like you. In the end, does it really matter why? You're alive and tomorrow you can still make a difference in this world, like you just did tonight."

Batman sits silently as he chews over Robin's words.

Robin breaks the silence with a question, "So, what do you want to do?"

"I guess it's time to head back to the cave," Batman answers, "the sun's almost up and everything seems under control."

"Okay," Robin concurs, "and how are we going to get there?"

Batman looks at the streets below and points to a Cadillac, "That looks like Nails Bufone's car. I don't think he'll miss it…"

In another time and another place a couple lovingly embraces each other on the deck of a ship. They hold on tight for each had thought the other lost forever. Some of their closer friends look on in bewilderment, unable to explain the miracle before their eyes.

Others aboard the military vessel stare out at the calm waters as they head towards land, and a nagging worry fills their thoughts. If one is able return, so can the other…
