I don't own Bones… sigh. Anyway, I labored over the topic of this chapter all week long! I decided on doing a little chapter that I didn't want to do so soon, but I couldn't think of anything else until today when I got a little inspiration while singing. I believe another disclaimer is in order. I own no part of this movie this chapter is based on… If you haven't seen this movie, the chapter may seem a confusing to you. Sorry about that, but this is more of a filler chapter just so you all won't lose hope in me!

Booth POV

I bent over my sad little typewriter and hung my sad little head as I typed my sad little words. "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return. The Moulin Rouge… . . .ruled over by Max Keenan. A kingdom of nighttime pleasures where the rich and powerful came to play with the young and beautiful creatures of the underworld. The most beautiful of all these was the woman I loved. Temperance. A courtesan, she sold her love to men. They called her "the sparkling diamond", and she was the star of the Moulin Rouge. The woman I loved was dead."

I gazed out of the window, reminiscing. I had first come to Paris one year ago…

I was standing in my shabby little apartment. Quaint, but shabby. I had come to join the other children of the bohemian revolution. To write! To write about truth, beauty, freedom, and above all… Love! But, I had never been in love! How was I to write about what I most believed in when I had never experienced it?

Luckily, right at that moment, an unconscious Argentinean crashed through my ceiling and was quickly joined by a short man curiously dressed as a nun.

"How do you do? My name is Henri Marie Raymond Hodgins-Lautrec Montfa! Sorry, we were just rehearsing a play!" The unconscious Argentinean suffered from a disease called narcolepsy. "Awake one minute! Asleep the next! Hahaha!"

The play they were rehearsing was very modern: something called Spectacular Spectacular. Unbeknownst to me, and after some hard deliberation, I was to read the unconscious Argentinean's role!

I ended up standing on a hill while Hodgins was singing, "The hills animate with the euphonious symphonies of descant!"

Audrey shouted for him to, Stop!, and there seemed to be a slight disagreement over Audrey's lyrics.

Inspiration struck me as I struggled to sing out my lyrics. I raised my voice and pushed through the fighting, "The hills are alive with the sound of music."

"Yes!" Each member of the troupe cried out in exasperation.

Emboldened by their praise, I tried the next line, "With songs they have sung for a thousand years!"

"Yes yes yes! You should co-write the play with Audrey!"

But this was not was Audrey wanted to hear, as she stormed out of the apartment. The now not unconscious Argentinean praised my talent, "I like him!" He reached up to put his hand on me, but seeing as I was on a ladder, his hand ended up in a very uncomfortable spot. I gasped. "Nothing funny! I just like talent." And to my relief, he removed his hand.

And so it was that I was to write Spectacular Spectacular for the club Moulin Rouge through a little plan of Hodgins'. The only problem with this was that I was to audition for Temperance… the most beautiful courtesan in all of Moulin Rouge.

It was this night that I had my very first taste of… Absinthe. The lights on my good fortune flared up as we danced, sang, and laughed with the green fairy. If only this could last forever…

And if only I could finish this dream. This horrid in between place of dreaming and waking was the worst part of these bittersweet episodes. I had watched this random movie on some random channel and fell in love, so to speak.

Despite the beautiful love I'd experience dreaming this dream, I couldn't bring myself to want it when I knew the ending. The painful ending of that movie I loved so much… Moulin Rouge. Flashes of dream me and dream Temperance flashed by at the speed of light… beautiful, loving moments between us. It all flashed by so fast and I wished with all my might that I could experience the love between the beautiful courtesan and her penniless writer. Moreover I prayed silently I wouldn't have to experience the end. To experience the end of another dream Temperance would be…

I clenched my fists and the crisp bills rumpled. The glaring light blinded me as Temperance fell at my feet. Let her suffer! Let her crawl away in shame for nothing I had done in the past months meant anything to her! I write love songs for her and love her unconditionally and believe in her and everything else and she has the audacity to leave me for a few creature comforts!

"I've paid my whore!" I threw down the money and stomped off stage… past the beautiful Moulin Rouge dancers, past Max Keenan, and past the duke. Past the duke who had stolen everything from me. I looked back, tears rolling silently down my face, "Thank you for curing my ridiculous obsession with love!"

Booth leaned against the cold railing of the forensic platform reading over the file Bones had prepared overnight. "You stayed all night? Did you get any sleep?"

Bones stifled a yawn, her silky brown hair down and outlining her square skull. Oh yes, Booth did pick up a few lessons from Bones every once in a while. "I stayed, but I did sleep for about three hours."

Booth slid the file onto the platform and placed his hand gently on Bones's shoulder. "I want you to go home, Bones. I'm worried that you'll catch something."

To his intense surprise, Booth saw tears well up in Bones's deep gray eyes. "No. No no no no no! Booth! You don't understand! I can't figure out how she died. I'm sleep deprived and I... I... I'm a failure!" The tears streamed down her face and her beautiful gray eyes were red-rimmed.

Booth spread his arms in a rough circle shape, "Come here, Bones."

She glanced up at him, the tears having stopped, "Is this another guy hug?"

Booth swallowed and choked out the word, "Yes." He swept her into his arms and they stood there, not thinking and just feeling.

After what seemed like an eternity, Bones wormed her way out of his warm embrace and ran at full tilt onto the platform. "Bones? Did you have an epiphany?"

She picked up a bone near the skull and ran her fingers lightly along it's surface, "Stress fractures! Of course! Why didn't I think of it sooner?"

Booth swung himself up and over the railing to join her by the bones, ignoring the stares of the security guards. "Cause of death, I presume?"

Bones looked up at him, eyes shining and said, "The hyoid!" and then in response to his blank look, "She was strangled! The hyoid only breaks in adults and that's why there were no markers! The bone is simply too soft."

The loud clicking of high heels alerted the pair to Angela's arrival. "Got a hit off my facial reconstruction."

Now they were talking Booth stuff, "Oh, lovely." She tapped a few keys on the computer and a missing persons report filled the screen.

The girl was small and willowy with sharp features and brown curly hair. "Gabriella Nox, age fourteen. Last known residence: Winchester, Virginia."

Booth frowned, "Now for my favorite part. Informing her parents."

Bones stared grimly at the skull, mentally confirming the identity. a slow agonizing death with no other signs of distress or a struggle. Maybe the killer was sympathetic to this sweet-looking girl... maybe it was a random act arising from conflict. A crime of passion. Only time and facts would tell...

A/N: Hope this wasn't too short for you, promise the next one will be longer. You'll get to meet me! Yes hahaha I did put myself into the fic. All names of my friends, including myself and their parents, here's a little spoiler to tide you over.

"And what of Dominic?"

Booth looked at the distressed mother thoroughly confused, "Dominic?"

"My other son! Gabriella's twin. They went missing around the same time."

A/N: dun dun DUNNN! Another vic? Oh no!!!!