Hey, everyone I am so, so, so sorry I haven't update! I was going to update over my spring break, but we went on vacation and I couldn't take my laptop! Sorry, and then I had volleyball terniment, but I'm am writing now! Anyways lets get on with the story!

Disclaimer: I own nothing!

Macy's POV

I woke up to the sunlight shining through the window of the hotel room. I turn over the other way, so the sun wouldn't bother me, and snuggled closer to Nick. Nick's arms subconcusisly tightened around me. I smiled slightly before I tried to go back to sleep. An hour later I was still awake, obviously not going back to sleep, while Nick was snoring away happily in dreamland. I looked pasted Nick's shoulder to see that the clock sitting on the nightstand read 9:30 a.m. I groaned slightly, and decided to get up and get dressed.

I tried to get out of Nick's grasp without waking him, which was somewhat of a struggle, but I finally made it out without waking him. I quietly walked to the bathroom, and took a quick shower. I peeked my head out of the bathroom to check if Nick was still asleep. He was. I walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel and over to my suitcase, and began looking for something to wear for today. It was a free day so I just pulled out some comfortable jeans and a nice shirt. I walked back into the bathroom and changed clothes, blow dried my hair and styled it, then I put on some light make up and I was ready to go.

Nick was still sleeping so I decided it was time to wake him up. I quietly walked over to Nick's side of the bed, and knelt down onto my knees.

"Nick," I whispered in his ear, he stirred a bit.

"Nick," I whispered again, making sure to blow in his ear. I could see goose bumps on his arm as he shivered. His eyes flutter for a moment, but then closed again.

"Nick, wake up," I said gently, sliding my hand up his back. He groaned but made no other sigh to show that he was awake. I sighed. This was going to be harder than I thought.

"Nick, get up," I said a little bit louder, shoving him in the shoulder. His eyes fluttered open, finally. I smiled at him and he smiled back at me with a lazy, sleepy smile.

"It's time to get up, and get dressed," I told him. He shook his head.

"Nuh-uh," he sighed out.

"Yes," I whined.

"Not without a good morning kiss," he said, smiling cheeseily. I smiled back at him and leaned down. He lazily streched up and kissed me. Then he pulled back, sighed, and got slowly out of the bed. He walked to the bathroom to take a quick shower and, hopefully, wake up.

Once Nick was done in the shower he changed and we walked down to Joe and Stella's and Kevin and Abby's rooms. Today was a free day and we all went out to a go-cart place and rode go-carts all day.

The next day we stayed at the hotel until the concert that night. Right now we were getting ready to go swim in the indoor pool that the hotel managers so kindly shut down to the other guests to we could swim in peace. Stella, Abby, and I had all bought new swim suits, so we were dieing to wear them. We girls changed in Stella's room, since our suits were in there, and the boys changed in Abby's room. When we were done changing we went over to Abby's room and went in to get the boys.

They eyed us carefully in our new suits.

"You like," Stella asked Joe turning slightly so he could see ever angle. Stella was wearing a Zebra print two piece, that hooked around her neck, and tied at her sides. (link: .?namespace=productDisplay&origin=&event=display&prnbr=GN252140&page=1&cgname=OSSWMREZZZ&rfnbr=6096&atp=a except not as much clevage)

"Kevin, honey, eyes up here," Abby told Kevin pointing her eyes, effectively taking Kevin's eyes off her butt. Abby was wearing white open back one piece with a bunch of strings that attached the top to the bottom. (link: .)

"Close your mouth, Nick, you'll catch flies," I told him, as his jaw snapped shut. I was wearing leopard print one, that ties around the neck, criss crosses across the chest, and back. (link:.?namespace=productDisplay&origin=&event=display&prnbr=GN-253518&page=1&cgname=OSSWMVERZZZ&rfnbr=2514&atp=a with more coverage then it original has)

We giggle at the boys antics, and grabbed their wrists and pulled them out the door and to the pool. The band went yesterday and said they didn't want to come today, and my Mom went shopping, so, it was just the gang today.

On the way down to the pool I heard Joe whisper to Stella that she looked amazing, and Kevin whisper to Abby that she look simply beautiful.

"You look absolutely gorgeous," Nick whispered in my ear. I blush hard and smiled shyly up at him. He just grinned back.

Once we exited the elevator we walk to the pool. We laid our towels on the chairs and the boys jumped right in. They came up shivering and whimpering.

"Whoa, it's cold," Joe complained.

"Duh, the sign on the door said 'indoor, unheated pool'," Abby said in a sarcatsic tone. Joe pouted while the rest of us laughed. We girls slowly got in so we could ajust to how cold the water is. Once we had got in the boys have yet to 'warm up' to the water. We all giggle at them. Abby takes Kevin's hand, and pulls him to the shallow end of the pool. Pushes him down and sits on him. I smiled at the sight.

Stella pulled Joe out of the water and takes him to the hot tub, whispering

"I'll warm you up." I was grossed out and scared at the same time, it worries me about what they do behind closed doors.

I forget about Stella and Joe for a minute and focus more on Nick. I take his hand and pull him to a corner in the deep end of the pool. He's shivering like a little puppy, and his lip are turning blue. I push him up against the wall, and wrapped my legs around his waist. The deep end was about 5ft so little 4ft 8in me can't touch the bottom, but Nick being his 5ft 9in self could touch the bottom and had to hold me up so I wasn't treading water the whole time.

"You look like you needed a little warming up," I said huskily running my hands up and down his arms.

"I-I d-do," he stuttered. I smirked, I loved being in control.

"Yep," I said as my smirk got wider. He smiled, a small smile, at me nervously as he continued to shiver.

"You know," I leaned in to whisper in his ear, "your lips are a little blue, do you want me to warm them up?" He stared nervously at me for a split second, then he gulped, and let out a breath shakily. He nodded dumbly. I smiled seductively.

I slowly pushed my lips onto his, pulling a low moan from him. I kissed him slowly at first, actually trying to warm his bluish lip up, but also just to torture him. Just a little bit. He started to deepen the kiss by kissing my rougher, harder, and that's when I pulled away. His lips were no longer blue, but he they were curved into a pout. I quickly kissed his pout away.

"Your lips aren't blue anymore," I informed him. He laugh, a deep chuckle. He had stop shivering so he must a gotten use to the water. Then suddenly he turned and pinned me against the wall. He was smiling playfully at me.

"I love you," he said.

"I love you too," I said back smiling as he slowly kissed down my jaw.

Joe's POV

Stella and I walked over to the hot tub, and slowly got in. I warmed up imeditately. I sat in front of one of the jet. It felt amazing as it hit my back. Stella walked through the water over to me, and sat down on my lap. She wrapped her arms around my neck and leaned in to whisper in my ear.

"Are you warm enough yet?" she asked.

"Even warmer now," I said with a growing smirk on my face. I could feel her smirking into my skin.

"Good," she whispered seductively, then she started kissing down my neck. I bit back a moan as I tipped my head to the side to give her more than enough room.

Kevin's POV

Abby pulled me over to the shallow end of the pool and pushes me down on the steps, so she can sit on me. She has one leg on each of my sides, straddling me. I wrap my arms around her waist pulling her warm body against my frozen one, as she wraps her arms around my neck. I lay my head on her shoulder.

"Geez, Kev," she shivered, "your freezing!"

"I-I-I k-know," I stutter out. I'm so cold I can't even talk! Abby rubbed her hands up and down my sides, and arms to try and bring some warmth back into my body. It started working as the goosebumps on my arms started to go away. She laid her head on my shoulder and she hot breath warmed my neck up. I dropped my head onto her shoulder, placing a soft kiss there. Her breathing was shallow for a moment and then evened out. Intrigued with my new power I experimented some more.

I kissed my way up her neck as I heard her teeth clamp shut. I smirked. I slid my hands down her sides, past her hips, and hooked my hands around the back of her knees. Pulling her body closer to mine. She started to take deep breath through her nose.

I locked my arms around her waist and kissed behind her ear, she squirmed in my lap. I gentle took her ear lobe in my mouth and sucked on it. Her breath hitched. She shifted on my lap and I felt my trunks get a little tighter. I leaned back slightly and pecked her lips, grinning at her. She smiled back at me, right before our heads got soaked in water. We looked up glaring at Joe and Stella, who had jumped in right over our heads. They swam and walked around a little to get use to the water again.

"Nick, Macy, come over here," Stella said loudly enough for them to hear they swam over to the shallow end.

"What?" Macy asked, holding hands with a pouting Nick. Mmmmmm, I wonder what they were doing before Stella called them over.

I am so so so sorry this is really short, but I have been having a really hard time, but people really wanted another chapter so here it is! I know I don't deserve it but if you don't care please review and tell what you think thank you all so much for beening so understanding!

Peace and Love!