Hello again everyone. Hope you liked the last chapter. Anyway, please review and tell me what you think of this next chapter.

Disclaimers: I do not own any of the DBZ characters.

Title: A Change of Heart

Rating: PG-13 (so far)

Author: MiChan ^. ^


Last time on 'A Change of Heart'

Bulma zoomed over to Yamcha's apartment as fast as she could. She had finally got there and went straight to the elevator. She pressed for the level 4 floor. She got to the floor and reached for the marked 44. When she opened the door she had heard noises coming from his bedroom. She knew exactly what those noises were. She slammed open the bedrooms door hard and saw everything. Yamcha had another girl in bed with him. She had blonde curly hair and gray-blue colored eyes. Bulma screamed in anger and Yamcha turned his head to see his fleeing girlfriend.


Chapter 2:


As Yamcha watched the back of his retreating girlfriend he stumbled out of the bed wrapping. The bed sheets were wrapped tightly onto his waist. He tried to run after Bulma but found it hard to get himself free. "Oh shit! Bulma wait!" Yamcha yelled after her.

Yamcha finally freed himself from the captive sheets and ran out in the hall just in enough time to see the elevator doors on Bulma's red tearful face. Bulma ran outside and the rain started pour heavily. She got in her hovercraft and sped home crying all the way.

She got home and slammed her door behind her. All the sudden she heard the phone ring. She had a pretty good idea of who it was. "Moshi Moshi," she said between sobs and sniffles.

"No, don't even try to explain you bastard!" She screamed at the other person on the other line.

"How dare you! I saw it all Yamcha! You baka! I never want to see you ever again. We are through and that's final!" She slammed the phone down hard and ran up the stairs to her room with her head in her hands crying. Vegeta who was sitting in the living room watching television heard the whole conversation. Well one side of it, but he pretty much put the pieces together. He had smelt other women's scent on Yamcha's clothes many times before. Vegeta got up and walked to Bulma's room. He had no idea why, but something was just pulling him there. The door was cracked open, he peeked in through.

Bulma was on the floor against her bed crying with her knees pulled in and her head buried in her arms. She began to mumble, "Damn that Yamcha! How could he do this to me! I've always been so faithful to him in every way… and this is how he repays me? By sleeping with some bimbo!"

Bulma heard a noise at her door and she looked up to Vegeta there with no facial expression at all. "What do you want!?" Bulma said sharply as she sniffed her tears away.

"Bu-Bulma.. I.." He couldn't finish what he was going to say so he started to back out the door.

"No wait!" Bulma said. "Please don't leave me." Vegeta turne around with a questionable look on his face.

Bulma looked into Vegeta's worryful onyx eyes with her tearful sky blue eyes. Vegeta walked closer to her. They both sat on her bed. Vegeta had asked what's wrong, even though he knew already. He cut in, "You know on Vegeta-sei, we don't treat our women like that. You would be treated with great respect," Vegeta told her looking out to the big star filled sky out her window. He was looking at the spot where his planet once stood and still would have been standing if it weren't for the tyrant Freeza.

Bulma had a questionable look on her face. 'Why is he being so nice to me? He never is so nice and understands like this,' Bulma thought to herself. Vegeta placed a hand around to her opposite shoulder of where he was sitting. Bulma's sparkling sky blue eyes distracted Vegeta very much so. He let out a smirk, which was his closest thing to smiling.

All the sudden Vegeta's face was pressed up against hers and their lips brushed each other's softly. Vegeta moved his lips to Bulma's neck, she groaned softly as his lips moved down to the crook of her neck then he stopped all at once. He looked at her in a weird way and looked deep into her beautiful eyes. He felt something. He felt love for her. He kissed her lips once again and then got up. He couldn't do this to her. It was like taking advantage of her. She was only upset and in a weak stage. She and Yamcha had only just broken up.

Vegeta left Bulma in her room alone. He flew off to a small island to think for a bit. Bulma was saddened at his reactions to her. 'Oh Vegeta.. Do you not feel for me as I do to you?' She thought to herself and started crying again.

The next day had come and gone with no trace of Vegeta anywhere. "Where could he be? And what was up with last night?" Bulma kept asking herself.

Meanwhile on an island quite far from the Briefs house sat Vegeta. "What the hell! Damn that woman, she's turning me weak!" He was getting feelings for Bulma and this was making him angry.

One thing Bulma was a weak human and he was Vegeta, prince of all saiyans! Yet Goku had a human as a mate, why can't he!? No! Goku was a third-class warrior. Vegeta shook his thoughts out of his head and at that he flew back to the house.

As he finally got to the house he noticed Yamcha and Bulma sitting on the couch holding each other and making up from the night before. He got so mad that he punched a hole straight through the wall.

Bulma and Yamcha zipped their heads up at the sound and saw a large hole in the wall. A picture had fallen from it's place on the wall and sat broken on the floor. Vegeta was no where in sight.

"What the hell was that!" Bulma exclaimed.

"Probably that stupid Vegeta!" Yamcha said hoarsely.

"Kami Yamcha! Vegeta isn't stupid!" Bulma said defending him, Bulma didn't understand why she was defending Vegeta. After all he wanted to destroy Earth just a while back. He also had tried to kill some of her friends, which he managed to some. He was usually always rude to her as well.

"Why are you defending him Bulma?" Yamcha asked angrily. "He's a bastard!"

"Knock it off Yamcha!" Bulma's face turned red.

"Oh I see Bulma! Is this how it is?" Yamcha said softly at first.

"What the hell are you talking about Yamcha!?" Bulma asked loudly and confused.

"You like Vegeta! You little slut! You've been sleeping with him!" Yamcha yelled at her.

"NANI!?! I don't think so buster! I am not like you! You were the one to go out and sleep with some bimbo behind my back!" Bulma grew furious.

Vegeta heard all of the argument from his room. He smirked at the fact that he was the cause of this one. So he just got out of his bed and walked down the stairs to watch the argument.

Bulma was throwing anything that was near her at Yamcha. "Should've never taken you back all these times! You bastard!" Bulma screamed so hard tears formed in her eyes and started running down her cheeks.

Yamcha couldn't take her throwing anymore stuff at him so he started walking towards her at a steady pace. "Get out of my house Yamcha! I never want to see your face ever again!" Bulma screamed again. Yamcha advanced her quickly. "Wh-what are you doing Yamcha?! N-no! Get away!" Bulma yelled frantically. Yamcha raised his hand to her ready to slap her. Bulma shut her eyes tight ready for pain coming for her. Yamcha started to bring his hand down when he was caught by a much stronger hand. "Don't touch the woman!" Vegeta glared at Yamcha, practically burning a hole right in the middle of Yamcha's eyes.

Bulma was wide-eyed. She then ran up the stairs crying in fear. Vegeta threw Yamcha's hand down. "How dare you grab my hand Vegeta! This is none of your business. You had no meaning to cut in like that!" Yamcha yelled at Vegeta.

"On my planet we do not treat our women in such a way! Now remove yourself from the house before I remove your ass from this dimension!" Vegeta growled. Yamcha immediately ran out of the house after Vegeta's threat.

Vegeta walked upstairs and saw Bulma crying in her room. This time Vegeta walked by her room instead of going in and walked to his room and shut the door behind him and sighed.

Vegeta laid himself down the bed and fell asleep fast. The next morning he woke up in his same grumpy mood. He walked downstairs to the kitchen. He saw Bulma in the kitchen making breakfast. Bulma set the food on the table and looked up to see Vegeta standing in front of her with his arms folded in front of his muscular chest.

"Vegeta, I, just wanted to thank you for helping me last night. It was very nice of you," Bulma said softly.

All that could come out of Vegeta's mouth was a 'Hmph'. Bulma's eyes found the ground. She then grabbed her cup of coffee and walked down to her lab. Bulma sat down sipping her coffee. She spend most of the day working and thinking. Mostly it was thinking. She just couldn't get her mind off of Vegeta. Trying to figure him out. 'Wait, why am I thinking about him so much,' Bulma thought. 'Oh Kami! Do I love Vegeta!? Oh no!' Bulma started to cry at the thought. Vegeta couldn't love Bulma back. She couldn't bare the thought to love someone who wouldn't love her back. Bulma heard a sudden noise at her lab door. She turned around only to be met by the wandering eyes of Vegeta who was standing at the door with a smirk on his face.

"Um, Vegeta.. What are.. What are you doing here?" Bulma said sniffing and wiping her tears away with her lab coat sleeve. Vegeta gave a bigger smirk and walked up to Bulma. He placed his hand on her soft rosy cheek. "Don't cry Bulma," he said for the first time using her real name.

Vegeta then softly kissed Bulma on the lips. Bulma stood up and put her arms around Vegeta and kissed him back passionately opening her mouth to his inviting him in. Maybe he could love her.

Vegeta than stopped the kiss, both panting for air. This was no place for their lovemaking. If her parents were to walk in on them, they would never hear the end of it. At that thought Vegeta swooped up a blushing Bulma into his arms. Bulma put her arms tightly around Vegeta's neck as he carried her away.

Well, that's the end of Chapter two. Hope you liked. Please review! ^.^
