Hearts A Mess

Prologue – Swan Residence, Forks – March 1999

The banging echoed through the house, waking Charlie and Renee. Charlie cursed under his breath as he trudged downstairs to see who was knocking at 3am on a Sunday morning. He unlocked the door, leaving the chain on. He opened it and peered out into the darkness. "hello Chief." the door burst open,kicked off its hinges by the stranger standing in the shadows. Charlie was knocked off his feet and landed with a loud thump. Renee came running down the stairs, her face a mask of horror. "Charlie!!" she ran to her husbands side. But the stranger knocked her back, with a baseball bat. He laughed at the sickening crunch as it made contact with her rips. She yelped in pain. Charlie jumped to his feet and charged at the attacker. But he stepped sidewards and brought the baseball down on Charlie's neck. He laughed again as he fell to the floor.

Phil Dwyer dragged the Chief and his wife into their spacious living room an tied them to the dining room chairs with coarse rope. He crossed his arms and watched as they slowly came to. Charlie looked up, slightly dazed before grimacing in pain. He struggled against his binds, gritting his teeth. "who are you?!?" he demanded. Phil laughed at his question. " they always ask the same questions. 'Who are you?' ,'what do you want?' Can't you at least be original Chief." He walked over to Renee and lifted her head up so so he could look at her face. His head cocked sideways taking in her features. "pretty thing. Shame she ended up with an idiot like you." Renee whimpered as her lungs felt like they were burning. He slapped her hard across the face. " shut up Bitch!" she bit her lip to stop from crying out. Tears started to fall down her cheeks, as she thought of what would happen to her family.

" Mom? Dad?" Phil spun around to see a six year old girl, standing in the door way, clutching to her chest a brown bear. Her messy brown locks hung to her waist and her skin was pale. She rubbed her eyes sleepily before looking up and seeing her parents bloodied and tied to the dining room chairs. Her eyes widened when Phil took slow, determined steps towards her, and then knelt down, smiling. "Hi sweetie, did we wake you up? I'm sorry" he spoke down at her, his voice sugar coated. The little girl looked up at the strange man then to her mom who was shaking her head at her, mouthing for her to "run". She took a step back,scared of the man in front of her. His hand quickly latched onto her small wrist and pulled her towards him.

Charlie yelled in anger "leave her out of this!! she's just a little girl!!" Phil turned towards him as he stood up, keeping a tight hold on the child. " I know. I can just see how much money she will bring in for me." he smiled, showing straight white teeth. Renee struggled against her binds. " Don't you touch her, you bastard!!! Not my baby girl!!!" Phil continued smile sadistically while he tied the girl to the coffee table, warning her not to move. Phil moved over to Renee and untied but kept a tight grip on her. He took a pocket knife out of his pocket and flipped the blade up. She whimpered as he brought the knife to her throat. " you only speak when I want you to. Understand?" she nodded, tears continuously flowing down her cheeks. He turned her round and bent her over the arm of the couch and sliced the PJ bottoms off of her trembling body. Charlie roared in fury and tried to rip the rope off his wrists and ankles but had no luck. "NOOO!!!!DON'T"

Phil laughed before unbuckling his pants and burying himself in Renee's body. She screamed in pain as he continued to pound into her. " that's right bitch! Scream!" When he came, his body shook from the aftershocks. The little girl started to cry, calling out for her mom, begging for the man to stop. He pulled out of Renee and buckled his pants and then threw Renee to the floor as she sobbed and curled into a ball. Charlie was furious, but tears streamed down his face. Phil laughed at him "not the best I've had Chief. But I guess you wont be around to find your self another whore!" Charlie looked down at his wife, his eyes filled with guilt, shame and anger. The same thought whirling around his head like a storm. 'why couldn't I protect my family? I wont be able to protect my baby girl! I hope he kills her as well. I don't want to think of what he will do to her.' He looked at his child "Me and your mom love you baby! We always have. Always will." and with that Phil buried the knife in Charlie's body over and over and over again, ignoring the screams of the daughter and wife.

Blood splattered all over Phil and the surrounding furniture. He stood straight, and closed his eyes as he felt the adrenaline rush spread through him, giving him the feeling of power. The power he relished in every time he killed. He slowly turned his blood covered face to the sobbing woman. He smiled. Renee choked on her scream, her body and heart hurting. He stalked over to her and straddled her. She knew there was no point in fighting him but she punched and clawed at his chest until he stabbed her in the side. She gasped, her eyes widened. He continued to stab her until she coughed up blood and started to choke on it. Her eyes wandered over to her six year old daughter, who sat huddled against the table leg, he hand over her mouth and tears that flowed down her cheeks. Renee tried to reach out for her baby, but found that her arms were to heavy to lift. She mouthed ' I love you ' and smiled as the girl mouthed it back to her. Her eyes slowly dimmed, her last tears mixing with her blood.

"Mom! Dad!" the little girl screamed for her parents as the killer carried her out of her home and into the night. His last words to her before exhaustion and shock took her small body were :

" You're Mine now!! "

(A/N) ookkaayy then. Its been a long time since I've updated but I've got a bit of writers block and it doesn't help that I've got a lot of homework. * sigh * I'm working round the writers block so I should be updating soon.....hopefully. ^^

This was sort of a dream I had (like my other stories) but I especially like this idea because it is disgustingly morbid and sad and any other words you can come up with.

Next chapter, will be set 10 years into the future in Arizona.

Tell me what you think on this chapter and ill update A.S.A.P. And please be gentle – I know my grammar and that sucks, I'm already getting beaten up bout it!! ^^ lolz


before I forget – I don't own Twilight or any of the characters, they belong to the boss – SM!

