Umm This is Jessie that wrote this… I had to abide by Maddie's rules though. We had a lot of sugar so don't get mad if we seem kinda hyper.

She ain't that great with flowyness alright?

SO basically

Edward POV

I was walking away from Renesme's room when I heard snarls I ran inside and grabbed the vampire that was lunging for her and threw her out the window. (A/N: didn't see that coming did you?) I pounced out the window and landed pinning the vampire to the ground. I ripped off limbs in a blind fury before I was attacked from the side by a giant furry mass.

Paul's POV

I followed Maddie to the Cullen's house. Crap, I thought, please don't do what I think your doing. Suddenly she was thrown out the 4th story window and pinned to the ground by Edward. I snarled and lunged as he proceeded to tear off her arms. She was scream ing and pain as I transformed and pinned him down, growling. I smelt the Cullens enter the yard and I hope they were trying to calm her down.

Jess POV

WHAT THE H-E-DOUBLEHOCKEYSTICKS HAD THEY DONE TO MY SISTER! I thought as Seth jumped and the car and started driving, he wouldn't look at me.

"Seth?" I asked in my I'm-so-innocent-your-going-to-tell-me-the-truth voice, "Was that a-a VAMPIRE!" I kinda shouted the last part but, hey, he wasn't paying attention.

"Seth?" no answers, "Seth?" don't make me do it, "Seth?" Focus on acting hysterical, "Seth?" I was forcing the tears, "Seth…" I whimpered as I buried my face in my hands. Hey, I was the star of child acting back in Florida so I could pull off tears in a matter of seconds. I looked up at him from the corner of my eye; yep it worked.

"Don't cry." He said. Pssh, I'll stop when you tell me. He sighed deeply and started to rub my back. I shook him off and waited. "All right I'll tell you." I smiled into my hands. Johan-1 Muscley Dudes-0

"Well, ummmm, uhhhhhh… We are werewolves and yes that was a vampire." Okay, rephrase that Johan-1 Werewolves-1. He looked slightly anxious as he waited for it to set in.


HE looked at me, surprise all over his face. "Umm. Did you not hear me say I'm a werewolf?"

"SO? My sister is going to die and I never got to tell her I stole her iPod!" I was on the verge of a total breakdown. He quirked his eyebrow.

"Are you going to start confessing to everything you've ever done wrong like in the movies?" He asked with a smirk as I kept babbling.

"-and how was I supposed to know her boyfriend thought I was her when he kissed me? I mean we aren't THAT similar!" I cried. Seth was clearly not liking the fact of a boy kissing me and had a cute pouty face that resembled a lost little puppy. I laughed at the irony through my tears.

He looked at me worried, "Are you alright?" He asked as he pulled over into a hotel. He put the car in park and hugged me over the gear shift until I stopped crying. I looked around and smiled which made my face hurt, probably from crying so long.

"A little forward don't you think?" I asked with a smirk. He blushed.

His phone went off blaring "I'm too sexy for my Shirt" Making him blush even more as he picked it up. "Hello?...bad timing…WHAT!... No YOU tell her… she is going to flip out…..bye"

"What was that about?"

"Ummm… Paul said your sister is ummmm.. well…isavampire…" I could barely understand him but knew what he meant and gasped.

"AHHHHHHHH!" I screamed

Random POV

I heard screaming coming from the Marriot near Forks, Washington. Dang girl scared all the game away for miles. Grrrrr…..

Back to the story….

Jessa POV

"Calm down Jess." Seth soothed. "You'll be able to see her soon." I sighed and leaned into him.

"That doesn't explain why we are here." I corrected as I eased out of his grasp.

"As a vampire her blood lust will be over powering for a while. Emily and Leah will show up later with a bag for you. Emily is the, uh, ex-alpha's wife and Leah is my big sister."

I laughed. "So, is this run like a regular wolf pack? With an alpha and a beta and all that. How can there be an ex-alpha?" I questioned him.

"Well, Sam was alpha but when he found his imprint he stopeed phasing so he could age with her. Leah is a wolf too." I smiled.

"So there is a girl wolf? I think I already like her." I said with a smirk, oh the pranks we could accomplish…

We walked into the hotel silently hand in hand. "Clearwater" Seth said as he turned around to inspect the free dinner/breakfast buffet leaving me alone to get the key cards.

"That's some hottie you got there." I heard a voice say I looked up at the girl behind the counter that couldn't be older than 20 and blushed. "What I would do to get a man so fine." The lady mumbled giving me the once over why would he go for you look before returning to staring at Seth's ass. I saw his shoulder's shake with laughter so I knew he could hear what she was saying.

"Um, excuse me. But he is MINE!" I said with a territorial edge in my voice. Who the H-E-DOUBLEHOCKEYSTICKS did this girl think she was?

"Not for long, hun." The lady said with an evil smile. "Room 314." I could see her hands quickly write it down before slipping a piece of paper into her pocket.

I gave her a glare before Seth came up and put his arm around my waist. "Let's go, my one and only." He swept me up in a end of a romance movie kiss before carrying me off towards the elevator. I looked over my shoulder and smiled at the sour look the receptionist had on her face before she was out of view and we were in the elevator.

"You can put me down now." I told him as he readjusted his grip. He smiled before kissing me on the cheek.

I don't think so." He sang. I giggled at his stupid grin before I realized what it was about. "Soooo.. I heard you get all jealous." He started. I felt the blush in my cheeks go haywire. "I would like to thank you for helping me not get eye raped by her." He smirked at me. I glared before playfully slapping him in the chest.

"It was only for show so don't be expecting anymore." I said with a devious smirk.

"You know you love me."

"Yeah," I snorted, "And I'm the Queen." He put me down and made a show of helping me out of the elevator.

"Make way for her highness the queen!" He called out to unsuspecting lodgers as he bowed before me and took my hand leading me down the hallway. "Make way! Make way!" He called out. "She is throwing a royal hissy fit and needed to be escorted to her room! Make way! Make way!"

I gasped and slapped at him trying to get him to shut up! I couldn't stop laughing long enough to tell him that though because he was torturing the poor people in the hallway by asking them if they wanted to meet the queen. "Your key, my lady." He said going to my side and handing it to me. I looked at him with mock annoyance before taking it from him.

"Thak you, Charles." I said in a fake British Accent sliding the key in the scanner on the door before opening the door. "Umm… Seth?"

"Yeah, whats up?" He asked.

"There's only one bed." I said in horror. Had they gotten it wrong?

"Yeah, about that.." He trailed off. "Ummm.. soo should I sleep on the bed too?"

"On the floor, dog." I said. He reluctantly grabbed some extra blankets out of a nearby closet. "Good boy." I said as I walked by and gave him a pat on the head. I collapsed onto the bed, "When are they going to get here?" I grumbled as I buried my face in a nearby pillow.

Suddenly, I heard a light knocking on the door. "Can we come in? The receptionist was being a total bitch." I smiled. I don't care who is on the other side of that door. I love them already.

Jessie: Review Please!

Receptionist: Yeah, she is just mad cuz she's single. You reviewing will make her feel better.

Maddie: There is nothing wrong with single women!

Jessie: GET HER!


Receptionist: I'm not scared ya'll are just a bunch of !

Jessie: Review or end up like her!