"You seem to be in a good mood today," Wolfram commented, staring at the student in front of him. They were inside the school's library with Wolfram continuing to tutor Yuuri. The baseball captain was known to be a particularly cheerful guy, but today, he seems to be a radiating ball of happiness. Wolfram could swear his smile practically reaches his ears. He noticed the goofy grin Yuuri had on his face as the latter was busy solving complex math problems.

Yuuri grinned. "Well, yeah, you could say that. I just heard a really good news last night."

Wolfram snorted, thinking what news could have made his 'pupil' that happy. He briefly debated whether to ask Yuuri about, when curiosity got the better of him. "So, what happened-"

"…and look at this!" Yuuri suddenly butted in, excitedly opening his bag and pulling out a piece of paper.

Wolfram raised an eyebrow with a silent "What is that?" on his face.

"Just look at it!" Yuuri said excitedly.

Wolfram took the piece of paper and read the contents slowly and then looked up to Yuuri, who was still holding a toothy grin.

"It's your answer sheet in yesterday's math exam…" Wolfram said slowly.

"Look at my grade, Wolf!"

Written on the upper right side written in bright red ink was an unmistakably eighty percent.

"Oh. Okay. So what?" Wolfram looked confused.

"I mean, it's the first time I got that high!" Yuuri explained proudly.

When Wolfram remained passive, he then added in a slightly disappointed voice, "I thought you'd be happy or something. Just.. Just never mind."

He tried to take his answer sheet back when Wolfram yanked it away from him. "Wimp. How can I be surprised? I already expected you to get a decent score."

"What do you mean?" Yuuri asked. Now he was the one confused.

"I had total faith you'd make it this time."

Yuuri was stunned. He never expected Wolfram would have that kind of trust in his abilities when he, himself, already expected he will not make the cut.

"Of course, that's also expected since I'm the one tutoring you," Wolfram continued, a smug look on his face. "There'd be no way you won't get better grades, let alone fail."

"My, my," Yuuri drawled sarcastically, rolling his eyes. "Aren't we a bit too confident?"

"No, I'm dead serious," Wolfram countered with a dead panned look. "I AM Wolfram von Bielefeld, after all."

"Yeah, whatever, Your Majesty," Yuuri teased.

"Shut up," Wolfram retorted. "Get back on working on those problems. Just tap my hand when you're done, okay?" With that, Wolfram plugged his earphones in and read in silence.

"Yes, you're majesty!"

Wolfram shot him a glare to which Yuuri ignore, again.

Yuuri continued solving the rest of the problems Wolfram came up for him. Silence came upon them as they both minded their own business. After a few minutes, Yuuri felt restless. The silence was not uncomfortable, it was just he realized that he was starting to get along with the person he used to be annoyed most in the past.

Yuuri took a glance at the prince in front of him, who was busy reading a book while listening to music. It seems to be a literary book. "Well, they did give him an apt nickname. He looks like your typical bishounen." It was the first time Yuuri got a proper look at Wolfram without feeling irritated or being tramples by his fans. Yuuri knew that Wolfram had a pretty face but this was the first time that he truly realized and appreciate what being pretty means. Hey, Wolfram maybe a guy, but he sure knows the difference between being pretty and truly pretty. Wolfram was the latter. He can be pretty without even trying. Yuuri briefly wondered if that is even legal.

He continued to stare at Wolfram who looks to be deeply immersed into reading since he did not notice what he was doing.

"What?" Wolfram asked, when he finally noticed him, removing one of the earphones from his ear.

Yuuri was surprised at being caught in the act. He was also caught up into his own thinking. "Umm, you see, I was.. I was," he stuttered, thinking of anything to cover up. "I was wondering what you got."

Wolfram looked at him for a moment, before opening his bag and taking out his exam paper. He handed it silently to Yuuri.

Yuuri briefly looked at it when a frown appeared on his face. No wonder Wolfram was looking smug. The prince only had two mistakes and that would make him the second highest. Murata got a perfect score. He looked to Wolfram, who was sporting a grin. Yuuri was annoyed.

"Don't," Yuuri warned.

"What?" Wolfram answered innocently. "I don't even know what you are talking about."

"Show off!" Yuuri said, shoving the paper back to Wolfram. He was being childish, he knew it, throwing tantrums just because his tutor almost got a perfect score. It was not a surprise, but Yuuri could not understand why he was irritated.

The blond smirked further, putting his paper back into his bag. "C'mon. Study session is over."

"Huh? Why? We're not even done yet."

"We're celebrating. Pack your stuff now."

Yuuri did as he was told. "Why?"

"Because you passed," Wolfram answered simply. "I'll meet you outside. I just have to make a short call. Hurry up, wimp."

"Oh sure," Yuuri answered before realizing that Wolfram called him again a "wimp".

"Hey! I'm not a wimp!"


Even though it was Wolfram's idea to celebrate, the blond did not actually know any place to go to. In the end, tired of their bickering, Yuuri decided that they should go to the ice cream parlor near their Academy.

It was already late in the afternoon when they arrived. The parlor was already empty apart from the customers seated near the window. Yuuri guided Wolfram to the table that they usually take. A waiter came and took their order.

"I was thinking," Yuuri said out the blue as they waited for their orders to come. "About what you said earlier. The part when you said tutoring me would be beneficial to you. But you're not even studying."

"Oh, I don't have to. I already understood most of the lesson thought to us."

"Um, is that even possible?" Yuuri wondered, a tone of surprise evident in his voice.

Wolfram looked at Yuuri exasperatedly. "Wimp. If you actually listen to what is being discuss instead of letting your head wander, we don't even have to have this study session."

"Hey!" Yuuri protested loudly. "I'm not stupid!"

"I'm not saying you are," Wolfram answered with a roll of his eyes. "I'm saying you're an air head. Now, be quiet and let's eat."

A waitress was coming their way, bringing two large parfaits. Both thank her and started to eat.

"It's actually quite good," Wolfram noted between mouthfuls.

"Yup! That's why we always hang around here after baseball practice. This place is actually famous around here."

"Oh, so that's why."

"Didn't you know that? Almost everyone knows this place."

"No, I don't really go to places like this."

Wolfram said it so quietly that Yuuri did not almost caught it. He was about to ask when the tinkling of a bell was heard. A group of girls came in. From their uniform, Yuuri concluded that they were attending the all-girls school nearby. They took their seat on the table behind him.

"We should go," Wolfram said and took out his wallet. "It's on me."

Yuuri wondered why the sudden decision to go. Wolfram's parfait was only half empty and the blond seemed to like what he was eating. Wolfram took the receipt and paid for their food. He stood up and Yuuri followed suit.

It was only when they passed by the girl's he saw earlier coming in that he understood why Wolfram wanted to leave.

"He really is handsome!" One of the girls commented.

"Should we ask for his number?" The other one asked.

"Who's that guy with him? A friend? Wolfram-sama doesn't have any, right?"

Yuuri ignored the rest of their conversation and caught up with Wolfram who was already outside.

"You're really popular even outside the Academy." Yuuri told Wolfram. "Those girls have a crush on you too, you know?"

"I'm only popular because of my looks," Wolfram said in a disgusted voice. "They only like me because they consider me as 'pretty'. It's really annoying. Like that's my only worth."

"That's not true!" Yuuri argued. "I mean, yeah, I also think you're pretty. But you're more than pretty. You might be snobbish, hot-tempered, and mean but you're also really nice. I mean you agreed to help me out and everything. And I'm really grateful for that."

Wolfram looked at him for a second. "That's the first time someone said that about me. But, thanks. That made me feel much better."

Yuuri smiled and for some reason, felt happy.

"Anyway, I have to go now. My uncle is looking for me. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, bye. Thanks for the treat." Yuuri said as he watched Wolfram get in his car. For a moment, he tried to absorb what Wolfram said and realized that Wolfram does not really like the attention. And it was because he was getting it because of his good looks and not because of who he is really.

Suddenly, he remembered a piece of the conversation he overheard.

"A friend? Wolfram-sama doesn't have any, right?"

Yuuri resolved to fix that problem.


"What?!" Wolfram shouted at the top of his voice, slamming his hands on the table. He was angry, furious even. He just got home and this was the news he got. He stared at his uncle as though he was mad. He could not believe what his family is forcing him to do. "Why should I even do that?!"

His uncle, Waltorana von Bielefeld, was not fazed by Wolfram's attitude. He was already used to be even affected. "Like I said, Wolfram, your older brothers is arriving tomorrow. Later that evening, the three of you, meaning you, Gwendal, and Conrad, will attend a press conference organized by the members of the media. They specially requested that you three be present, most importantly, the youngest brother. It would be rude to turn it down, after all the efforts they have made."

"I understand that they want Aniue to be interviewed, but why do they have to include me? And to add to that, with the presence of 'that' man! Absolutely not!"

"Wolfram," his uncle said sternly. "You have no choice in this matter. I expect you to be here at four in the afternoon. You will attend and that will all be to it. Have I made myself clear?"

The finality of his voice gave Wolfram no room for arguments. He bit his lips to stop the retort that almost slip his mouth. Instead, the blond stood up silently and gave a short nod before leaving. He stormed back to his room, muttering all the way. The maids have long learned to clear the way whenever Wolfram was throwing a tantrum which, in this case, a really violent one.

The blond immediately threw himself in his large bed and pounded the pillows to let go the anger building up inside of him until he finally calmed down. He pulled out his pillow and punched it to release the frustration he was feeling. After a few punches and grumble, he put it back and laid down again, thinking of what he will do next.

In the past, he was closer to Conrad than his Aniue. In fact, it was Conrad who stayed with him during his childhood days when Gwendal was sent to a boarding school to study. It was Conrad who read him bedtime stories, tucked him to bed, and stayed by his bedside until he fall asleep whenever their mother was busy running the family business. It was also Conrad who brings him to the park whenever he feels lonely. It was the time of his happy childhood days.

That was, however, all in the past. And there is no more point dwelling in it. Now, whatever brotherly feeling he had for Conrad is all gone. All was left was a feeling of resentment and animosity that only grows as each time passes by. It was a thought that Wolfram repeats to himself every day since that incident. He had already made his decision. It was decision he will be sticking to no matter what happens.

As much as he hated to attend that damned conference, he can never disobey his uncle. With a heavy sigh, he pulled out his cell phone and sent a quick message to Yuuri, telling him that their afternoon session is cancelled.

Back in the Shibuya residence, a delighted Yuuri was dancing with glee. He forgot to ask Wolfram if they can cancel tomorrow's study session since it coincided with his idol's press conference He was worrying on how to tell Wolfram because the latter's attitude. Now, the blond prince himself was the one who cancelled it. It could not have gotten any better. Yuuri was pretty sure that Wolfram would not agree. The prince might even give up on tutoring him, something that he could not afford now that he is starting to get good grades. He sent a text message to his fellow teammates who quickly sent a reply of their own. They all agreed to meet after school has ended and wait outside the Cimaron Hotel for his arrival. One of his teammates' fathers was working as the manager and told them he could give them passes to attend the press conference.


It was a long day and Yuuri could not help but to feel impatient. That's why when the bell rang, signaling the end of their last period. Yuuri could not help but feel excited. In a matter of few hours, he will be finally seeing, he might even see him personal, his idol. He stood up, packed his notebooks, and scanned the room for Wolfram to say good-bye.

"He already went home," Murata said behind him.

"Oh," Yuuri said with a hint of disappointment. He had barely spoken to Wolfram that day. The prince seemed to be out of mood, evident with the scowl on his face. Yuuri wanted to check up on him before leaving but seeing as Wolfram left already, he will just have to send him a message.

"We should be going too or else we will be late. The others are already there." Murata started to walk away with Yuuri taking a glance at Wolfram's seat before following suit.

"I'll just text him later to make sure."

Just as Murata said, they were indeed late. They were caught up in the traffic on their way to Cimaron Hotel. It took them an hour before finally getting and then they had to battle their way against the media and the fans that were swarming the entrance. They met with Endou-kun's father near the entrance where he led them to the employees' only entrance. The main entrance was too jam-packed, he reasoned out. The rest of the team could not agree more.

The conference was held at the main hall, and by the time they arrived, most of the invited guest had already taken their seats. Conrad Weller was already seated and was answering some questions. Yuuri and his teammates took the only available seats at the back. It was still near enough for them to take quality pictures of Conrad.

"Weller-san," A woman in her middle age wearing a suit, addressed him. "Is it true that you are not in good terms with your youngest brother? How about your older brother? Have you met each other abroad?"

Yuuri was intrigued. He never knew that Conrad Weller has sibling, let alone two siblings. This was new. He looked to his side and sure enough, the others were surprised too. The only one with a neutral expression was Murata, and he looked like this was nothing new.

Conrad's spokesperson, Jin, answered for him. "Those are simply rumors that aim nothing but to destroy Conrad-san's reputation as well as his family's. As such, we have prepared a simple surprise for everyone here."

"It is widely known that this family is very private and avoid publicity as much as they can. However, to show their support, his brothers have agreed to join him for today for a few words."

The crowd turned and waited anxiously. Sure enough, a tall man with a long brown hair tied on his back with a scowl on his face came. It was a face Yuuri and his friends would not fail to recognize.

"Gwendal von Voltaire-sama." It was announced. "Weller-san's older borther."

"And Shin Makoku Academy's terror director!" The unspoken thought in their heads.

But the biggest shock of them all came lastly and in a rather small package. Everyone held their breaths.

A petite figure trot past in a dignified manner with dazzling blond hair with white skin that seems transparent. Yuuri's eyes widened. His teammates, stunned. Murata's expression unreadable.

"Wolfram von Bielefled-san."

"WHAT?!" Yuuri shouted at the top of his voice.

I'm still alive! Sorry for not updating for like, almost a year. Real life was a pain. I had to passed my licensure exam last year and find a job. So that took most of my time and inspiration.

Anyway, what do you think? I'm turning rusty here so your opinions would be highly appreciated. And this was not edited. Full of grammar mistakes here and there. I still hope the story made sense.

So drop a review will you? :D