Part 7

In the cave that held the Hidden Treasure they've been searching for, Timmy, Danny, Jimmy, Tak, and Vlad began to collect as much treasure as they can.

"I can't believe we found the treasure." Timmy smiled happily to himself. "I can't wait till Mom and Dad find out I can fix the inn."

But while Jimmy, Tak, and Poof were looking at all the treasure, SpongeBob was pacing around, looking concerned about something.

Jimmy noticed this and asked, "Your Highness, is there something wrong?"

"Well..." SpongeBob began saying, "There's something about this place that I feel I should warn you about, but I just can't remember what it is."

Jimmy and Poof look at each other, and then at Tak, who just shrugs.

Danny was busy stuffing coins and jewels into the pockets of his coat while Vlad walks over and says, "Daniel, do you not realize that something is still here?"

Danny stood up and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Or should I say…someone."

Meanwhile, Timmy was running up a hill of coins until he reaches the top and spots what looked like an alien skeleton that was wearing a pirate hat and sitting in a chair, holding a large red gem in his hand.

"Wow," Timmy said in awe. "That must be Captain ZIM."

"Correct, cabin boy." Timmy gasped and turned to see Vlad with Danny following from behind. "Holding the Blood Gem," he continued, gesturing to the large ruby, "The most valuable treasure in existence."

Back at the others, SpongeBob's eyes suddenly widen when he finishes thinking. "Now I remember!"

"And you wanna take it for yourselves, do you?" Timmy asked angrily.

"Of course not." Vlad simply answered. "I wanna take it for myself."

Danny just glared at him and said, "Vlad, you can't take it for yourself."

"I won't let you." Timmy said as he stood in front of him and the treasure, blocking him from it. "If anyone's getting it, it's gonna be me! I need it more!"

"I don't think so, cabin boy!" Vlad shouted as he smacked Timmy aside, causing him to fall over and tumble down the large hill of coins all the way to the bottom.

"Tim!" Danny shouted in panic.

"Now to claim Captain ZIM's treasure as my own." Vlad said as he reached for the treasure.

But what they didn't notice was SpongeBob running over to them as fast as he can while shouting, "NOOOO!!!"

But Vlad had already picked up the treasure and the whole cave shook and rumbled. Once the shaking stopped, Danny looked at SpongeBob, "Your Majesty, what's going on?"

"I tried to warn you." SpongeBob explained. "Captain ZIM never wanted anyone to take his treasure, so he set a trap so that if anyone touches his most prized treasure, the Blood Gem, it'll turn whoever touches it into stone."

"What?" Vlad asked in shock until the ruby began to glow, and Vlad screamed as his whole body began to turn to stone.

As Danny and SpongeBob stare at the now petrified Vlad, water began to start pouring from every inch of the cave. "Now what's happening?" Danny asked SpongeBob.

"Well, that rumbling from before," SpongeBob explained. "This place is set to flood now."

Danny gasped and Jimmy, Tak, and Poof run over to them. "Guys," Jimmy called. "We have to get out of here right away!"

Danny nodded and began to run through the hills of coins and treasures with Jimmy, Tak, SpongeBob, and Poof as more and more water began pouring in.

The five stop when they see the entrance of the cave is blocked with a strong current of water flooding in. "We're trapped!" Tak shouted in panic.

"Now what do we do?" SpongeBob wondered.

"There's no way to escape." Jimmy said. "Every way out is pouring water in."

Danny stopped and looked around until he turned his head upward. "Not up there." He said with a smirk.

"What are you saying, Long Dan?" Jimmy asked skeptically. "We can't possibly climb up there."

"We don't have to." Danny easily replied. "Everyone grab onto me now!"

Jimmy and Tak grab his arms, SpongeBob grabs his right leg, and Poof holds onto his back. Danny then held onto them as he flew up into the sky with them and phased through the top of the cave.

But down at the corner of the cave, Timmy was lying on a pile of gold coins unconscious after being pushed down by Vlad. Once the water approached Timmy's head, he suddenly began to groan and open his eyes.

"Huh?" he weakly asked until he looked down and noticed his hands in a puddle of water. He looked around and was soon able to notice the whole place was flooding with water.

His eyes widen and he quickly gets up and runs up the hill of god coins to escape it. "Tak! James! Poof!" he called out, but heard no response. "SpongeTiki!"

While running, he slipped on a gem and fell down a pile of gold coins, landing on a piece of land where water was rising. He sat up and tried to run, but his shirt had gotten caught on a sword. He tried pulling it off, but it was too caught on and the water had reached his ankles.

Outside, Danny had brought Jimmy, Tak, SpongeBob, and Poof to the shores of the island. "Phew," SpongeBob said wiping sweat off his forehead. "We're finally safe."

"If we get back to the ship, we can head back to Port Toon." Jimmy noted.

But Tak wasn't listening and was looking around. "Wait!" he shouted in panic. "Where's Tim?"

"Poof, poof, poof!" Poof shouted also.

"He should've been with us." Jimmy said until his eyes widen. "Unless…"

Before they knew it, Danny had flown off at fast speed. "Long Dan Phantom!" Jimmy called.

Down in the cave, Timmy was underwater trying to cut his shirt loose with his teeth. But after failing to do so, he quickly swam up as high as he could from underwater and coughed as he tried to breathe in some air.

"Help!" Timmy yelled out. "Somebody help!"

From outside, Danny flew into the cave and looked around to try and find Timmy. "Tim?" Danny called, hoping not to be too late. "TIM!"

When the water was rising past Timmy's eye level, he suddenly heard Danny's voice call out "Tim" once again, and he raised his mouth from out of the water and shouted, "DAN!" before the water completely covered him.

Luckily, Danny heard and rushed over to where Timmy was and dived underwater to rescue him.

Back on the island's shore, Jimmy, Tak, SpongeBob, and Poof were anxiously waiting for Danny to return with Timmy. Then after what seemed like a long time, Danny floated down with Timmy lying in his arms.

"Tim!" Tak shouted as he rushed over to him and shook him by his shoulders. "Tim, wake up! Come back to us!"

"Tim…" Poof peeped as he floated over his brother.

Suddenly, Timmy spat out some water like a hose and sat up as he started coughing. "Ohhh…" he groaned as he opened his eyes. "Tak? Poof? James? SpongeTiki?" then he looked up to see Danny. "Long Dan Phantom?"

He got out of Danny arms and asked, "What happened? I thought I was gonna drown."

"You were." Jimmy replied. "But then Long Dan Phantom went back and rescued you."

"What?!" Timmy asked in shock.

"It's true." Tak nodded with a smile. "If it wasn't for him, we'd never see you again."

"Phantom," Poof said with a giggle.

"You can't feel anger at him now since he just saved you from an impending doom." SpongeBob said as he laughed.

Timmy stood there silently until he turned Danny awkwardly. "Thanks, Dan." He said as he put on a smile. "I guess you're not as bad as I thought."

"Uh…sure thing, Tim." Danny said with a small smile.

'A couple hours later, they all got back to their ship and sailed away prepared thanks to Prince SpongeTiki and his people.' Timmy narrated. 'But to Tim, it felt like an empty voyage since they have no treasure and Long Dan Phantom would soon have to face justice.'

On the ship, Jimmy was sailing the ship while Danny was below deck and Timmy was on deck with Poof and Tak.

"This isn't fair." Timmy said angrily as he pounded his fists on the railing. "Why does this have to happen?"

"You heard what James said." Tak told him. "He's still a criminal that needs to be taken into custody."

"This still shouldn't have to happen!" Timmy cried as he ran away with Poof.

He ran down below deck and told Poof, "We should still go see him one last time before he's put behind bars to rot."

"Poof," Poof replied.

When they reach the bottom, they walked forward until they stopped when they spotted Danny with his back turned. "Long Dan?" Timmy asked.

"Tim!" Danny yelped as he turned with a rope in his mouth and a sack in his hands.

"What are you doing?"

Danny spit out the rope and nervously replied, "I was just…making sure…this rope was secure."

Timmy gave him a skeptical look and dully replied, "You were running away, weren't you?"

Danny sighed and answered, "Yes…" then he smiled. "I'm still a pirate, and pirates don't get off the hook that easily."

"You still shouldn't have to go." Timmy said with a sad look. "You saved my life, so you should stay with us."

"That still doesn't make it right. In truth to be told, I was actually gonna kill you when the time came." Then Danny smiled, "But you really grew on me. You're like the little brother I never had."

Timmy was shocked for a second until he blushed and smiled. "Great…that's really great. Well, you better be going before James or Tak find you."

"Right," Danny turned until he stopped. "Wait!" he ran over to Timmy and pulled something out of his pocket and gave it to Timmy. It was a couple of gold coins and jewels. "Here," He said with a smile. "This should help pay to fix your parents' inn."

"But how did you know-"

"Bye Poof." Danny suddenly said as Poof giggled and hugged him. "Bye Tim."

Then he walked away and flew through the ceiling, phasing through the wall of the ship.

"Bye Long Dan." Timmy said with a smile.

'After they returned to town, they saw no signs of Long Dan Phantom anywhere. Then after a few months went by, Tim's and his parents got their inn fixed.'

Inside a large building that had a sign on top reading, "Fairly Odd Inn 2" in neon, there were a lot of guests, sitting a tables having drinks, eating food, and talking as inn employees tended to their needs.

'With all the riches Tim made, he and his family could afford a much nicer inn as well as employees to do most of the work for them.'

While Timmy was watching from the steps with Poof, Wanda flew over to them and said, "Oh, Tim, we can't tell you how proud we are of you."

"Yeah," Cosmo added. "We're still making more business than we ever did."

Then Jimmy walked over holding a large of money. "We've just received another tip from a satisfied customer."

"Oh, that's wonderful, James." Wanda smiled happily.

"Guys!" Tak shouted as he rushed over to him. "We just got word that someone else is going to check in, and it's Prince SpongeTiki after having traveled around the world."

"Whoo-hoo!" they all cheered.

"Quick everyone," Wanda told them. "Let's get the place shaped up so we can be ready for him."

She, Cosmo, Tak, and Jimmy rushed off in different directions while Timmy and Poof headed toward the front door.

"Isn't this great, Poof?" Timmy asked his baby brother with a smile. "We finally got everything we always wanted, and it's all thanks to him."

"Poof, poof, poof." Poof said as he waved his rattle and a glass of milk appeared in their hands.

"To Long Dan Phantom," Timmy toasted as they raised their glasses, "Our big brother and favorite pirate that we'll always have."

"Poof!" Poof finished as they tap their glasses together and drink.

Back in the real world, Timmy finished, "'And Tim Hawkins and his friends and family lived happily ever after…The End.'"

The others clapped as Jimmy said, "That was a pretty exciting story, Timmy."

"Yeah," SpongeBob agreed and smiled. "I liked the happy ending and the shiny treasure."

"All of it was awesome." Tak said excitedly.

Danny was lying on his side, trying to keep his eyes open. "Yeah…your story was great, Timmy." He yawned.

SpongeBob noticed this and asked Danny, "You look a little sleepy there, Danny."

"I just feel tired, SpongeBob." Danny responded. "I was trying to stay awake to hear the end of the story."

"Well, it is pretty late." Jimmy said, checking his watch.

"Oh great." Timmy groaned in disappointment. "Even after my story, we're still trapped in here."

"We might even have to spend the night here." Tak said equally disappointed.

"Ohhh…" Timmy grunted, standing up. "I wish there was some way out of here!"

Then suddenly, there was a magic glitter on the door of the vault and it suddenly opened on its own, surprising the Nicktoons.

Cosmo, Wanda, and Poof suddenly fly in. "Hi Timmy!" they both greeted happily.

"Guys!" Timmy shouted as he smiled. "You heard my wish?"

"Actually no, Timmy," Wanda answered. "We just noticed you've been missing for hours, so we've been trying to find you."

"And it's a good thing we noticed too." Sam said as she poked her head in.

"Sam," Danny smiled with a yawn.

Jeera then came in and looked around. "So you guys have been in here the whole time?"

"You have no idea." Jimmy responded as he stepped out of the safe with others. "We still haven't even caught Calamitous's robot that tried to rob it."

"Oh, you don't have worry about that." Patrick easily responded.

"Yeah," Sheen said with a nod. "We stopped that giant robot while we were out looking for you guys."

"We hit something that said 'self-destruct' on his back and he suddenly blew up." Carl added.

Jimmy, Timmy, Danny, and Tak just stare at each other, dumbfounded while SpongeBob just laughed and said, "All right! You guys are awesome!"

"It must've been awful for you guys to be locked in there the whole time." Jeera thought, "Not to mention extremely boring."

"Actually…" Tak began saying with a shrug. "It wasn't all that bad."

"Huh?" Patrick questioned.

"He's right," Jimmy nodded. "We thought we were doomed until Timmy kept us preoccupied with an intriguing story."

"What story?" Sam wondered.

"Wait till you guys hear it." Timmy said excitedly. "It's about-"

But Danny interrupted, "Let's tell them tomorrow, Timmy." He then tiredly rested his head on Sam's shoulder. "I've had enough for one night."

"You're right, Danny." Jimmy said with sigh. "The rest of us might not have consumed fairy medicine, but we could all use some rest after tonight."

"Yup," Tak quickly agreed as he stretched his arms and began walking away with Jeera. "Night, guys."

"Night," SpongeBob happily said as he skipped away with Patrick.

Jimmy left with Carl and Sheen, Timmy poofed away with his fairies, and Sam walked Danny back home.

The End

And that's the end. I hoped you enjoyed the Nicktoons Unite Parody. Please review and check out my other stories on my profile.