Disclaimer: No, not mine...

Okay sorry for being sooo long away, but with all my exams and my beta busy I couldn't made it faster.

Anyway big thanks to my kind beta: coolwolf22 and my reviewers: anime-freak1993, foxgodess07, Sessygurl, pricelessprincess, Shiori Yume, bookpotato795, Roshana. Big thank you again.

Now enjoy!

Chapter 5

Thursday was one big dark day for Kagome. It all started when Shippou and Souta landed in the principal's office and she needed to skip classes to pick them up from school. That made her late for getting her bike and she needed to wait 20 minutes, that automatically made her late go to work.

If it wasn't enough, a car almost run over her because the driver didn't see that he had a red light. She get only a few scratches, however, her bike was needing another repair. And her offender of course ran away.

When she finally got to work she was in deep sea of depression. Kouga only deepened it declaring how much he loved her and what he would do to make her happy. He didn't bother to hear how she told him that he's the most stupid and dense male she had ever know.

Thankfully 3 p.m finally arrived and Kagome found herself in Sesshoumaru's study again. With a deep sigh she went inside to find him with his nose stuck in some strange looking papers. When she entered he looked at her with smirk.

"Hello Kagome."

"Hi..." She answered with sigh, giving him his drink. He looked at her curiously.

She didn't wear her usual happy smile and to be honest he didn't like that.

"What's wrong?" Uh, why am I asking? It's not my business, she doesn't even work for me! She's only the coffee girl! Get a grip Taisho! Her voice cut his thoughts.

"You know it's a pity that all men have to be born as a jerks. It's really a pity, because you can't fight with it, it's in your genes. Look at someone like Kouga, he's dense and stuck on me, while he could have girl who would return his feelings easily, Miroku can't stop groping every girl he sees even if he knows that will end with a painful slap over his face, even you are jerk."

"And why is that?" the man asked.

"You're a man..." She sighed, "... it's such a pity."

Sesshoumaru watched her the entire time with amusement in his eyes trying hard to not burst into laughter. He calmed himself, seeing that she was really serious. It was probably what his step-mother called a dark-cloud-mood. If that was the case he had to work quickly.

He stood up and looked at her.

"Kagome, I'm not sure are you feeling well. Please go to the restroom and come back in 5 minutes. Try to do something with yourself." Kagome sighed again.

"Can I leave my bag here?" she asked with resignation. The man rolled his eyes.

"Yes." He answered before showing her the way.

After the door had closed, he opened her bag in mere seconds and he found what he was looking for.

He took her phone and called the only person he knew from her address list.

'Hello?"Said a chirping voice and Sesshoumaru cringed and asked himself if calling that Jakotu guy was really a clever move. With a shrug he decided it was already too late to back down so he answered with the most cold tone of voice he could muster.

"Weirdo, it's Sesshoumaru Taisho speaking-"

"Yay! Sesshoumaru! I can't believe it! You finally decided to call to me! I'm so happy! Oh my, but why you calling from Kagome-chan's phone? Oh you bad boy, what have you done to her?" Sesshoumaru rolled his eyes.

"That's why I'm calling. What is wrong with that woman today? She speaks like she is mad."

"Eh? Did she told you that all man are jerks?"


"Poor Kaggy! She must have had a really bad day. Don't worry I will call Sango. At times like this she needs another woman."


"You know it's sweet you care for her like this. But tell me why didn't you call from your phone?"

"I didn't want you to have my number."

"Soo mean!" Sesshoumaru snorted and turned the phone off. At least he had his solution and if everything would go right, tomorrow Kagome would return to her normal, happy, state of mind.

Quickly he hide the phone back in her bag and waited for the girl's return. Finally Kagome came back.

"Better?" he asked. The girl shook her head.

"Not much. Well it was just one shitty day, I'll be fine tomorrow." She said with a weak fake smile. Sesshoumaru frowned at that sight. God forbid him having to see that again.

"I hope so, that smile of yours is... what word did you use? Right, it's creepy."

"Hm like I care what you think!" she said turning to the doors. "Jerk" and she closed the doors after her.

At last- thought Sesshoumaru who iimmediately burst out laughing. Naraku, who was near his office, got goosebumps at the sound. Oh kami,- he thought- Kagome, what are you doing with his coffee?


Thankfully, on next day Kagome's mood become much lighter, though she still was unhappy because of her bike. Everything thanks to Sango. That girl was just an angel who was sent to earth to save her from her dark-cloud-mood Kagome decided.

She looked at the sky. Today will be a really good day.

Well, it already was, boys behaved like angels from yesterday, Kouga didn't call and Jakotsu told her that the puppies will be born in next week. And tomorrow is the start of the weekend! Yes today is a good day-Kagome thought with a small smile.

With that she entered into the coffee shop. Jakotsu ran to her immediately and took her to the back of the shop.

"Jakotsu could you tell me what you are doing?" she asked.

"Shh.. Kagome-chan look there, can you see that girl with red hair?" Kagome looked around the shop.

"That one with two ponytails?"

Jakotsu nodded grinning happily. "Yes, keep watching, what is she looking at?"

Kagome's eyes widened. Could it be?

"Oh my kami! Do you think..?"

"That's right Kagome-chan, I think she is the girl we needed. She's been sitting there about half an hour and she blushes every time she looks at Kouga-kun." Kagome smiled. It really was a good day.

"Then we must get them on a date." She decided. Jakotsu nodded happily.

"That's my thought. Now listen..."


"Hi! Welcome to the coffee shop, can I take your order?" Kagome asked smiling warmly. The red-haired girl looked at her with a light blush. She had beautiful green eyes.

"Oh hello, yes umm...can you recommend me something, I'm new here and..." She bowed her head and didn't finish. Kagome looked behind her and found that Kouga was taking cups from a close table. Her smile only widened.

"Then welcome to Tokyo as well, my name is Kagome." The girl shook her extended hand smiling happily.

"I'm Ayame. Nice to meet you." Oh Ayame-Kagome thought-it's my pleassure. You're my rescuer.

"Pretty name. Well Ayame, we have very good iced coffee, latte, Irish coffee, and normal with milk and sugar."

"Oh I'll take the last one." Kagome wrote her order. "Okay, right away." She said before turning away.

Jakotsu smiled when Kagome told him what she had gotten to know about the girl- it seemed that their plan might really work.


When the coffee was done Kagome called Kouga while Jakotsu went over to some table.

"Kouga please take that coffee to the girl in table 6. Be very nice, she's new here." The boy grinned at her.

"You can rely on me Kagome." he said winking at her. The woman rolled her eyes and turned her back to him. Seeing she was unwilling to respond, Kouga took the coffee and went to the table.

"Hi, coffee with milk and sugar. I guess it's for you." he said with a wolfish smile. The red-haired girl looked at him blushing.

Kouga's eyes widened-My, she has the most beautiful green eyes I have ever seen. I always liked that color. –he thought.

Jakotsu looked at the pair and smiled evilly.

"Kagome-chan can you help me?" he shouted. Kagome smiled-it was now or never- and she went to him. When she was passing Kouga she suddenly tripped and fell on the unsuspecting man. The boy, who was actually holding the cup of coffee, didn't fall, however the coffee splashed out of the cup and landed on the table, floor, and Ayame's white blouse.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. Ayame, Kouga-kun I'm so sorry." Kagome pleaded looking at the damage she had created. It's all for their own good.-she repeated to herself, but seeing the big stain on the Ayame's clothes she couldn't help but feel guilty. Perhaps it wasn't such a great idea.

Seeing her distress Kouga patted her shoulder reassuringly.

"Now, now, it's fine Kagome. No one is hurt." he said. Ayame nodded.

"Nothing happened, it's not your fault Kagome-chan." Kagome looked at the other girl gratefully.

"Thank you Ayame, but your blouse..." Ayame blushed lightly looking at the dark stain on her chest, before giggling.

"Oh no big deal it's only a stain." She said finally waving her head in a dismissing manner. Kagome grinned at her. Oh Ayame, I know a person who would made big deal of it.-she thought remembering her adventure in the park.

Kouga also looked at the stain.

"I'm sorry Ayame it's my fault. I should have held the cup better. Please let me make it up to you. I can pay for a new blouse." He offered the girl. Ayame only giggled.

"There is no need for that, but if you really want to do something for me, how about you take me to dinner and a movie tomorrow?" Kouga grinned widely at her.

"Lovely proposition. Is 3 okay for you?" The girls looked at him stunned.

"That fast?" The man nodded.

"I would like to know you better before I take you somewhere. After all it should be your day, right? Besides you're new here and I can show you around." Kouga said charmingly.

"That would be lovely. Here, it's my address, so at three tomorrow, right? I'll be waiting. See ya!" Ayame said before she went out. Kouga looked over at a smiling Kagome.

"It looks like you have date tomorrow." She said happily. After hearing this the man's face went pale.


"Kouga-kun please calm down!" Jakotsu said for the seventeenth time in last ten minutes. Kagome only shook her head. It seems they would have to listen Kouga's whinning whether they liked it or not. She was just gratefull it was during a time when they didn't have many customers.

"Shut up Jak, how can I be calm? I'm going on a date while I'm a taken man! Why didn't I think about it earlier? I'm not a two-timer!" Kouga shouted for the fifth time.

"Gee... you say it like it would be something bad." Kagome said. Kouga only frowned at her.

"But Kagome, I agreed to go on a date while you're my woman. You will hate me!" Kagome had to take a deep calming breath, before she could say something.

"I'm not your woman Kouga, and I hate to break your sweet illusions, but you will never date me, even if you begged me. I don't have feelings for you." Kouga looked at her with wide eyes.

"But Kagome-" he cut his sentence off when Kagome shot him a dangerous glare.

"You will go on this date Kouga and enjoy it, or I will never talk to you again and allow Jakotsu to tell everyone he's your boyfriend." Kouga gulped loudly before opening his suddenly dry lips again.

"It's not like I mind going on that date. That girl looks nice and she's pretty and .." he looked at Kagome with despair before continuing.

"But I will screw it up! You know me, people usually say I'm wild, I don't want her to think I can't behave!" Jakotsu nodded- they finally came to the true problem. Kouga's behavior might be a big problem, but he smiled reassuringly and patted his friend's shoulder.

"Don't worry. We will go after you and we will help you." Jakotsu said and Kouga looked at him with tears in eyes.

"You would do that for me? Really?" Jakotsu smiled.

"Sure what time do you have that date?" he asked.

"Three." Kouga said happily, Jakotu's smile fell and he started to rub back of his neck nervously.

"Ups... eh-he he too bad I can't go until six. How's that with you Kag-chan?"

Kagome smiled. Hell if that would help to stop Kouga from calling her his woman she would go to hell and back. Of course she has time at three.

"That's okay, I can help you, I will come with you and we will prepare you for that date. Then I will go after you guys, and at six Jakotsu will take my place." Jakotsu nodded, and Kouga relased the breath he was holding. But once again Jakotsu destroyed Kouga's calmness.

"Aya.. but Ayame knows you Kagome, you can't go alone. She will know something is wrong if she accidentally sees you. You should go with someone she doesn't know. And we still need a man's point of view on that case." Kouga sighed, he would surely screw it up.

"Perhaps Miroku could go with me?" Kagome asked. Imimmediately Jakotsu went to call him. He came back with frown.

"Nope, he will go with me." Kouga gave a long, painful cry and Kagome bit her lower lip. Where is she going to find man who could help her and Kouga? She looked at the clock It's almost three, I need to go to Sesshoumaru or... that's it! Sesshoumaru! She clapped her hands.

"Kouga-kun don't lose hope, I will help you, but I need to try something. I will call you later." With that she grabbed her things and coffee and ran to the bus that took her to Taisho Corp.


"Please, please Sesshoumaru you're perfect for this job! Please? I will do anything, just say yes!" Kagome looked at him with pleading eyes. The man rolled his eyes.

"I can't see any reason for this. Last time I saw him he was ready to rip my throat out simply because you were the one who delivered my coffee, and now I would have to help him to behave on his date with some other woman than you?" Kagome waved her hand with irritation.

"It's only details. Come on, please help him. Help me!" She gave him a big puppy look. Sesshoumaru sighed leaning back in his chair.

"I'm going to regret this." Kagome grinned at him.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I owe you for this!" With that she ran from his office. Sesshoumaru closed his eyes with resignation.

Why did he agree? Not that he had better things to do, but still... to follow some man and his date? Really, this Sesshoumaru must have lost his mind.


"Absolutely no."

"I must agree."

Kouga sighed and went to his wardrobe again changing his outfit. For almost half an hour Sesshoumaru and Kagome had been sitting in his living room, while he flaunted in clothes he considered wearing on his date.

He knew that he needed to look good, but after their fifth 'no' he felt a big urge to wear his old t-shirt and napless pants. With another sigh he took his clothes off.

To say Kagome and Sesshoumaru were bored would be an understatement. They were almost ready to start playing hide and seek, just to kill their boredom. Kouga just couldn't understand that when he went on a date some clothes were just not proper.

Thankfully in that moment Kouga came to the room. Kagome eyed him and this time she smiled.

"Yes, I think it's what we were waiting for. What do you think?" she asked her companion.

"Yes, that would go." Kouga smiled. He was now wearing a black turtleneck and brown jacket with jeans.

"So can I go?" Kagome nodded.

"Yes Kouga-kun, but remember everything we told you okay? And don't panic we will be near."

Sesshoumaru snorted. "Yes, but don't rely on us too much, I'm certainly not going to your next date."

Kouga smiled while Kagome glared at the silver-haired man.

"Thanks you guys. Let's go." Kouga took the flowers he had bought earlier and with that they left his apartment.


The date with Ayame was going good. Kouga made sure he followed all Sesshoumaru's instructions on how to behave, and Kagome's on how to be romantic. He didn't need their help.

It was now 5:30 and the pair was in some restaurant eating their dinner.

Kagome and Sesshoumaru were sitting in a corner watching them, but mostly talking about everything else. Sesshoumaru must say that he had a nice time with Kagome. She wasn't irritating like most females he knew, and she certainly wasn't drooling over the sight of him. Kagome on her side, was also happy to find someone with whom she could talk about movies, books, and music. Sesshoumaru was intelligent and knew much more about the world than her, so she was more than happy to use his knowledge.

Soon she received a call from Miroku that they were on their way and would change with them shortly. Slowly they were preparing to make their way out. Kagome once again sent a quick glance at her friend. What she saw made her stop for a longer look.

Kouga was still smiling and talking with Ayame, however his hands were nervously searching his pockets.

"Oh shit!" Kagome cursed quietly.

"What's wrong?" Sesshoumaru asked her. She turned to her bag and started to search in it as well.

"Kouga must have forgotten his wallet! Uh... and I don't have enough money to lend him!" She pulled out her phone.

"Hello?" said a male's voice.

"Miroku when will you be here?"

"In the next 15 minutes. Is something wrong?"

"Kouga-kun forgot his wallet and I don't have money to lend him." This time Miroku cursed from the other side.

"That's bad. We will try to be there as fast as we can, just make them stay there."

"Okay." she turned the phone off.

"They will be-" Kagome stopped when she found that Sesshoumaru wasn't on his chair.

"Sesshoumaru?" she whispered looking around a restaurant. She found him on his way to Kouga's table. She held her breath waiting to see what would happen next.


Kouga gave another nervous smile, but he was slowly loosing his calm.

He forgot it! He really did it! What now? How was he going to pay for their dinner without money?!

Then he heard Sesshoumaru's voice from above him and turned to look up at him. Sesshoumaru kept his poker face in it's place.

"My apologies for interrupting, but you dropped your money young man." He said giving the stunned Kouga a few banknotes.

"Oh... I did I mean ... oh thanks" the boy said still in shock. Sesshoumaru bowed lightly to Ayame and returned to his table. Ayame smiled at Kouga.

"My, my, you should be more careful Kouga."

"Yeah." Was everything he could muster to say.

Kagome looked at Sesshoumaru with pure admiration.

"Thank you, for what you did. I will pay you back." Sesshoumaru only shook his head.

"No need."


"Kagome, if anyone will owe me it will be Kouga." He said, not really understanding why she wanted to pay someone elses debt. Not that he needed that money anyway.

"Thank you again." She smiled at him sweetly, and he discovered that he actually returned it.

Well, that was quite satisfying repayment.-he decided looking at her smile.

In the next 10 minutes Jakotsu and Miroku took their place and they returned to his apartment. They were greeted by three happy faces.

"Onee-chan how was your date?" Kagome's face turned red.

"It wasn't a date Souta!" she cried.

"Oh.. and I had hoped so.." Rin said with sadness in her voice.

"Ne, Kagome onee-chan do you think you can take daddy on a date?" Kagome's jaw dropped while Sesshoumaru was looking in utter shock at his daughter.

"I-I think we will be going. Come on you little devils, we're going home. Thanks for the help Sesshoumaru." She said softly. The man smiled at her.

"You're welcome."


AN: I hope you liked it. Please leave me some review of what you think! Bye!