Wedding Day
So today is wedding day, I'm not gonna lie I am not at all excited. Well I'm excited for Louise and Jake but the fact that I have to wear that dress, the one of hell that took almost three hours to find in the shop. I'm happy it's red but it's still a dress and I don't do dresses. I had nightmares about it. The combination of a dress and heels were never a good thing for me.
Louise was the first one to wake up at the farm, it was 6:30 in the morning and she was energetic. She jumped on my bed as an effort to wake me up. Why wasn't she jumping on Beccer? She is laying in the bed next to me.
"Leah I'm getting married today."
"We know." I groaned wrapping the duvet over my head.
"Get up, get up there is so much to do."
"Like what? All you got to do is put on a dress, do your hair and slap on some makeup."
"But that all takes time." She pulled away the duvet and I let out another groan. "Beccer tell her."
"Leah come on we have to get up."
"You are still in bed."
"I'm still up."
"Urghhh FINE!" I pushed Louise off me and went to Beccer's bed, grabbed her foot and dragged her onto the floor.
"Ow you bitch."
"I know." I grinned. "Now come on there is soooo much to do." I put on a higher pitched voice as I skipped out the door and downstairs where Dominique, Zoë, Charlotte and Charmaine (Louise's mum) were sat eating pancakes.
"Morning Leah." Charmaine smiled, knowing all to well that I had just been woken up. "Nice sleep?"
"Could say that." Yes I did have the evil nightmare of the dress but then I also had a nice dream about Paul. Wonder how he and the lads are doing? I know that they are round my dads place and are going to meet us down there. Hope dad didn't kill them? "Can I borrow your phone a minute?"
"Sure you can."
"Gonna ring up that hunk of a man of yours." Dom grinned.
"Maybe." I stuck out my tongue as I took the phone and dialled the number to Paul's cell. The stares of Louise's family watching my every movement. The Phone rang four times, he's probably asleep maybe I should hang up.
"Hello." Came Paul's groggy voice down the phone. Yup he had been asleep.
"Sorry I woke you didn't I?"
"It's okay muffin it's only 6:35 in the morning." He was trying to be nice but I knew he was cursing because I woke him up.
"Yeah well I just got woken up too by a bouncing bride."
"All hectic down there is it?" I looked around the room as Louise ran through the door followed by a sleepy Beccer.
"Kinda." I grinned. Paul was chuckling down the phone. " So how was last night with dad?"
"You were worried he killed me and Jacob weren't you?"
"No." I faked. Bingo!
"Well I'm alive and well. We talked, played burnout which he is really good at by the way and drank some beers that's all." Well that made me happier. "You have nothing to worry about."
"I know."
"But there was one thing I missed."
"Yeah what was that?"
"You. The bed was cold without you, although I did get some of the blanket finally." I knew I was probably bright red then.
"Well I'll be back tonight."
"I'll let you sleep a bit more I have the feeling I am about to get attacked soon." I looked over my shoulder and saw the table covered with cosmetics and hairs stuff.
"Okay muffin see you at the church." I hung up the phone and turned to face my hell.
I was sat in that chair for ages. Charmaine was doing stuff to my hair that was scaring me by the amount of hairspray, hair pins and glitter she was putting on. What was she doing turning me into a fairy? Urghhh I hate this kind of thing. Louise was still running around the house like a crazy lady, Dom was following her trying to do her makeup and Beccer was sat painting her nails.
"Aww wicked, look Leah my nails are shiny." She looks so happy with herself.
"That's great."
"Do you want me to do yours?"
"No. I can do my own." I'm not gonna give her the satisfaction of thinking she's better. So I stubbornly did my own and I'm gonna be honest I screwed it up so bad, it took me two goes to paint all my fingers and they still looked shoddy from all the small finger prints engraved into them.
"So Leah how's it going." Beccer looked over my shoulder.
"Is that a chip?"
"Get lost."
"Do you want me to re- do them for you?"
"No I think I am fine."
"Well okay, but I'm doing your make up." I glared up at her.
"I don't trust you." She dramatically clutched her chest and gasped.
"That hurt so bad."
"Good. Better start then hadn't you other wise Louise is gonna moan that we aren't even in our dresses yet."
"Good thinking." She forced me to sit back in the chair before she started poking me in the eyes with eyeliner. I swear I'm blinder than I was before Beccer came near me. When she was done with my eyes she brought out some lipstick.
"Whoa there what colour is that?" I moved my face away as I saw a flash of pink .
"Just stay still." She came at me again.
"I don't think so."
"Leah." She was near enough sat on me now as she tried to hold me in place whilst put on the horrendous colour. As I moved again she caught my cheek drawing a big pink line on me. "Oh now look what you did."
"Great you made me look like a gay cat thanks."
"What a cat with whiskers on one side…let me fix that." So then she decided it would be funny to put a line on the other side. I just looked at her with an un amused expression.
"Oh haha you think you are so funny."
"Leah…Beccer are you ready to…what the hell!" Louise stopped in her tracks as she saw me. "Will you two stop playing face paints and get ready I'm getting married in an hour."
"You are stressy when you are getting married."
"Of course I am Leah, it's my big day. NOW MOVE." She left the room quickly. Beccer and I looked at each other and at the same time both said.
It was finally time for the service, the bridesmaid waited outside the church for the bride to turn up. It gave me and Beccer a couple of minutes to meet our men who I can say had scrubbed them selves up well. Jacob was wearing a nice black suit with crisp white shirt and a black tie that was hanging off his neck, Beccer quickly corrected that when she tightened it and he moaned about his air supply. Paul was in the same sort of clothes but not wearing a tie and had the first three buttons of his shirt undone again.
"You look a mess." I groaned. "Three buttons are way too much, women might start looking at your chest." I did up one button and looked up at him with a smile. He was just looking at me strangely, well actually he was looking at me like he did when he first met me. "Paul are you okay?"
"You look really beautiful." Oh my god I'm gonna blush. Wait too late.
"Oh." I ducked down. I couldn't hide my face as my hair was all tied up. I hate these awkward but nice moments.
"Hey don't hide away. That was a compliment." He chuckled as he tilted my head to look back at him.
"I know, that's why I hid."
"Weirdo." He grinned. So he calls me beautiful then a weirdo, my type of relationship.
"Well I must say apart from the three buttons antic, you don't look so bad yourself."
"Thank you. I brushed my hair especially." When he said that I just had to run my hands through it, he had washed it too from its softness.
"Oi love birds the brides on her way." Dom shouted over.
"I better go inside then, see you after." He bent down and kissed my fore head as I watched him jump on Jacob, get hit in the arm for jumping on him from Beccer then them both wander off into the church.
"Beccer did you just hit my boyfriend?"
"He jumped on mine." I looked at her for a little while dumbfounded before I just shrugged.
"Fair enough." We headed over to the car that had arrived with Louise and her dad Phillip in, Louise looked stunning all done up.
"Ready to tie yourself down forever." I grinned as I helped her get out.
"Great Leah scare her." Dom rolled her eyes.
"No it's fine one day she will be in my shoes and I can do the same things to her."
"I don't have the same size feet as you." I grinned.
"Come on then girlies lets get my daughter married. I want her out of my house." Phillip said in his thick Wiltshire accent.
"Thanks dad."
Inside the church was decorated out with white roses, bouquets at the end of every other pew. As the music started Beccer and I got pushed forward to move down the aisle and I am telling you it was the weirdest thing ever. Every one was watching us. I mean I didn't mind Paul looking at me but all these people including old college friends and Louise and Jakes family was a little weird. It got me thinking actually that one day I would be in the same position as her wearing that white dress although I might add a bit of red or black. Then there would be Paul stood at the front waiting for me, I don't know if I can do that. I've been dead set against marriage for years. Damn this imprinting thing. Louise had made her way up finally and I took the opportunity to look round for Paul. Him and Jacob were sat near the back and he was looking at me, as soon as he saw he had my attention he winked. So like Paul.
"Does anyone have any reason to object to these two people getting married this day?" The priest asked. I grinned as I looked up to find Jake looking straight at me. We had previously had a conversation that at his wedding I was going to shout out I object, I guess this was him making sure I didn't. I smiled sweetly at him as the priest moved on with the ceremony.
"Leah are you actually crying?" Beccer whispered next to me. Crap she caught me.
"No." I whipped my eyes. "I never cry."
"Your crying." She smiled. What is she getting some sick pleasure out of this. "Your crying for happiness for Jake and Louise."
"No I am not."
"Oh yes you are. I knew you were soft."
"Shut up!" I groaned.
The wedding reception went well, everyone was happy dancing or eating or just talking to each other. I was happily watching the boys scoff down all the free wedding grub they were getting thinking it was the most natural thing to see however some on lookers thought differently. The Dj began to talk into his microphone.
"What a happy day it is for Mr. and Mrs. Murdie. Now I know that some people in this room were asked to play something for them so would Leah and Beccer please come up here."
"Wait. What?" Jacob asked looking at us both.
"You'll see." Beccer patted his cheek as she walked by. Paul already knew what was happening he got it out of me a couple of days ago when he caught me playing the guitar. There were two microphones and a stool set up for us both. I picked up my guitar and checked the tuning as Beccer talked. "So a couple of months back Louise and Jake visited us in America and they asked us to play one or two songs for them today. We are happy for you both, you deserve each other."
"Here's to you sexy." I grinned as I started to strum.
"There's no one in town I know
You gave us some place to go.
I never said thank you for that
I thought I might get one more chance
What would you think of me now
So lucky, so strong, so proud
I never said thank you for that
Now I'll never have a chance
May angels lead you in
Hear you me my friends
On sleepless roads the sleepless go
May angels lead you in
So what would you think of me now
So lucky, so strong, so proud
I never said thank you for that
Now I'll never have a chance
May angels lead you in
Hear you me my friends
On sleepless roads the sleepless go
May angels lead you in
May angels lead you in
May angels lead you in
And if you were with me tonight
I'd sing to you just one more time
A song for a heart so big
God would've let it live
May angels lead you in
Hear you me my friends
On sleepless roads the sleepless go
May angels lead you in
May angels lead you in
Hear you me my friends
On sleepless roads the sleepless go
May angels lead you in
May angels lead you in"
Louise and Jake were dancing in the centre of the room with other couples surrounding them.
"Well I think we were pretty awesome." Beccer smiled as she hoped off the little stage.
"I could even say we rocked." Jacob and Paul came over looking a little astounded.
"I never knew you could sing like that." He said as he smiled at Beccer. "And I think Leah we just found our new bon fire guitarist."
"I thought that was Sky."
"She gets nervous a lot so sometimes she doesn't"
"So I'm a back up…fine by me." I grinned as Paul took my hand and swirled me onto the dance floor. Beccer and Jacob following.
"I thought you played very well." He whispered in my ear as the DJ played another slow song.
"Gorgeous, shortie." Oh our nicknames, we both turned around, well Jacob and Paul twirled us around but still held onto us. "Thanks for the song."
"Yeah guys is was really nice of you." Jake added.
"That's alright stretch." I grinned.
"Oh and thanks Leah for not objecting."
"Well what can I say, I decided I had nothing to object to."
"I'm glad."
"Well we'll leave you couples to it, if we don't say bye before now we'll see you next time we come to visit you on holiday." Louise hugged us both followed by Jake.
"What makes you think you are welcome?" Beccer asked.
"They are." Jacob nudged her shoulder. "Even if these two wont let you stay with them, you can always go to Sam and Emily's. Everyone goes there anyway." Yes because that is basically the pack hang out but lately I've realised our house is becoming crowded a lot more.
"Thank you Jacob. It was nice to meet you both."
"And you darling." Paul winked.
"Whoa mate I just married her." Jake clutched Louise to him.
"A guy can't help but try."
"See you around you four." They both said as they filtered off through the crowds of dancing people.
"I like those two." Paul said as I was turned back around to face him. "Especially Louise, she has the same thinking pattern as me." I swear Louise said the same thing about him.
"I'm glad." I sighed as I rested my head on chest.
"Hey you two." Jacob called. "Wanna go to what is it called Beccer?" He asked looking at her.
"The cinema."
"Yeah that's it. Do you want to go to the cinema tomorrow?" He asked us in an attempted posh English accents.
"What the hells the cinema?" Paul looked intrigued.
"Basically the movies."
"Why not call it that then?"
"They are English." I rose my eyebrow towards Beccer, she must have understood as she hit him in the chest.
"We'll go to the cinema." I answered as I bought my attention back to Paul when the DJ spoke again.
"This next song had been dedicated to Louise and Jakes friends from America and their bridesmaids." All four of us looked at each other confused when I recognised what came on.
"Those little shits." I grinned as right round came out.
"I like this song they have good taste." Paul grinned down at me. I know that he meant something else like our previous encounters with this song. "My lady could I ask you for this dance?"
"Why not. I can show you some of my moves."
"If they are anything like the last time I cant wait." His arms brushed down my spine as he pulled me closer.
"Get a room you two." Jacob shouted across from where him and Beccer was dancing.
"That's what you dream of doing with Beccer" I laughed.
"Leah!" Beccer whined back. This is defiantly now mine and Paul's song.
Authors note: Okay people that is the end of this story. I thank you all for reading and reviewing on this along with my Brady story. I have a new one up and running at the moment. It's a Collin story so check it out if you love him like I too. The song that is song is (Here you me - Jimmy Eat World) A play list link will be placed on my profile for this story.
Thanks to PepperX who is one hell of an amazing friend and a wicked beta. :D Love you dude.
And thanks to: jakeyness4ever, PepperX, jacobblackismineduh, werewolfwithaheart, HayleeLovesIt, BrokenAngel16KL, cindy92, Irene- the writer, HunnyABee, Kats and Twilight, takethis2urgrave, starlight5577, a-lil-angel, kikikiki, 2GrayBoys, SilverGoldsun - .Day, CrazyLilPixie101, puppygurl.98
Again big thank you to you all :D