"You don't understand, I'm really fine. I have to get back out there to find my brother. He needs me." Dean insisted for the hundredth time, while the medics tried to keep him still to deal with his injuries.

"Just calm down sir, cops will look for you brother. All you need to do is stay still now, or you won't be able to see your brother whenever they find him." One of the nurses said, trying hard to be convincing. She was bewildered and couldn't understand how the the sedative wasn't working on Dean.

"Jesus Christ; what language am I speaking in? I'm telling you, it's nothing the cops can do there. I gotta go. I'm fine. Isn't it the thing you medics should do? Doing what the patient asks?" Dean was tired but still fighting.

"We do, as long as we know that the patient is doing the right thing. Sir, you've already lost so much blood; your injuries are serious and the worst part is that you've been unconscious for a long time, which means a head trauma. "said the doctor and he didn't seem like he was going to let Dean move an inch.

"Listen, doc, I appreciate what you're trying to do here, I really do, but the thing is I can handle it; actually I've been in much worse situations, and I'm now here; alive and kicking. Just give me something for the pain and let me go." Dean said, trying not to show how much pain he was in.

"Why don't you just tell us something about your brother? Something that may help the cops to find him sooner. How old is he?" asked one of the nurses.

"25... He's 25." Dean was wondering how an easy task like breathing could be one of the hardest thing ever at that moment.

"Excuse me?!" said the nurse, and exchanged a -what the hell- look with the other one. "He is 25 years old?"

"Yes he is. So what?" said Dean looking for some way to run away from that hell.

"Was he injured before you lost him ?" asked the doctor.

"No. He was fine back then., but that doesn't mean he is fine now, too. Keep me here any longer, and he'll be in even more danger." Dean sounded genuinely concerned.

"Is he sick? Does he have any kind of disability?" the doctor asked again.

"No. What are these questions for?" Dean looked at them with confusion.

"Excuse me, sir, but don't you think a healthy 25 year-old man can actually take care of himself? He doesn't even need the cops looking for him. We thought he's a child."

"He kinda is!" Dean muttered. "Look." He spoke up, "I know how does it sound, but you don't know what was out there. He can't survive alone; nobody can. Please. It's family stuff. Don't you have a family? what would you do if your own family was in danger?" said Dean hoping that this last card of his would work on the hospital staff .

The doctor, Dan Gray, didn't answer; exchanging a look with the nurse, he closed his eyes and thought about his wife and his 5 years old son. He knew he'd do anything, anything, to make sure they were safe.

"Alright, Mr Harrison, if you wanna check yourself out AMA, we can't stop you, but you should know that if anything happens to you due to these injuries is just on your own; you should sign the papers and, and I'll give you some more painkillers, even though I've already given you more than enough, but you're still awake. Doesn't seem it's affecting you at all." The doctor still wasn't sure that he was doing the right thing.

"Fine. That sounds great. But for the painkiller, nothing too heavy, I need to keep my mind clear, just give me some pills in case I need them later." said Dean as he tried to sit up, 'Man it's harder than what I thought' he thought to himself.

The nurse passed him the papers to sign; Dean could hardly see the letters but he knew if he showed that they'd never let him leave the hospital, so he just found the right place he thought was for the signature and signed it.

The doctor gave him some painkiller and passed him his card, "I know how you feel about your brother; I know what does family mean. I hope you find your brother and then you should come back here for medical care. But till then, make sure to give me a call if you were in more trouble you could handle."

Dean took the pills and the card. He couldn't make out the numbers but it was good to know he could have some help if needed, "Thanks, Doc. You have no idea how helpful you've been today. Thanks for everything." and with that, Dean walked out of the room.

Now the only thing he had to do was finding a car and get back to Sam. The responsibility he always felt about Sam, made him do every impossible thing in the world, even though he could barely keep himself on his painful feet.

"Wait." Someone called him.

Dean wasn't sure if he should wait or walk faster, but he stopped.

Dan was running after Dean "Wait..."He panted. " You're in no shape to go back to where they found you and not in a position to drive for sure."

"It's OK Doc. I'll find someway; like I said it's not my first time."said Dean, trying to get rid of the older man in the politest way possible.

"I tell you what. My shift is over for now. I have the rest of the day off. I'll drive you there and if the next word out of your mouth is anything but 'that'd be great, thank you' I'll haul your ass back to the bed you just left." he smirked at Dean.

Dean's eyes widened. "What? Doc, thanks for your help, but you've already done more than what I could ask you. You have no idea how dangerous is out there... Sorry, man, but I can't let you go there with me."

"Back to the bed, then." the doctor shrugged.

"I'm telling you, don't underestimate me. For stopping you from putting your life in danger, I would do anything. But... "A thought occurred to Dean. "Actually, there's something else you could do for me...Would you give me your car keys? I'll bring it back to you in one piece. Or you can find it where they found me at the first place. I'll take good care of it. Promise." Dean grinned.

"Forget about it, man. I'm giving you a ride. Who said anything about me putting my life in danger? I can take care of myself and I don't know why, but I trust you and I know you wouldn't let anything happen to me" he shrugged.

"Come on, look at me; I can hardly look after myself and I'm gonna save my brother's ass, too; and you still think I'll be able to save someone else's there? No way, dude; I gathered you have a family; you should think of them; what if something happens to you? It's not a serial killer out there; it's something worse than whatever you ever heard; something that you'll never believe exists, unless you see it with your own eyes; even then you may don't believe it."Dean said firmly, he didn't know why, maybe it was the painkiller, but for some reasons he didn't lie about what he was about to face. "Now if you don't let me go, I might be too late to help my brother and that's not acceptable."

"Wait. You're right. I've no idea what the hell you are talking about; I'm not even sure you're not hallucinating, but let me just drive you there and I'll drive back as soon as you step out of my car. I promise. Don't make me push you to my car, and in your shape, I'm pretty sure I'll win."

Dean was starting to get worry; why was that man insisting that much? why did he want to help so bad? In Dean's experiences, nobody, well except the few friends he knew well, ever tried to help that much, unless there was something wrong behind it. But apparently he had no other options than trusting this man; he had to find Sam as soon as possible; that was his priority.

"Deal." he finally conceded. "And thanks for your help, but don't forget, you're gonna leave there as soon as I step out of your car."

Gray nodded and led Dean to his car and helped him to sit in the passenger seat.

As soon as they started to drive down the road, Dean felt that he was going to passed out any second; the sedative, the bleeding, the pain and the effort he'd put to check out of that damn hospital had taken their toll and was leading him to unconsciousness; but he knew he shouldn't let that happen, he couldn't fully trust the man who was sitting beside him, after all.

It wasn't an easy task to stay awake, though. He was suffering from pain and it was more than whatever he could remember; though he kept saying it was nothing compared to his previous injuries. But deep down he knew he should find Sam faster, or he wouldn't be able to do that at all.

To avoid losing consciousness, he started to think about last 24 hours; or was that less than that? He knew perfectly well how things could change in a matter of seconds, let alone a day.

Doctor Gray was completely quiet; he wasn't trying to ask or say anything at all, and Dean wasn't sure if he should take that as a good sign or not. At least he didn't have to find some stupid lies about what was going on out there in order not to look completely nuts. He could think about the lies that he had to tell, later. For now, he needed to clear his mind to be able to find and help Sam.

- One Day earlier -

Dean and Sam were in their motel room, getting ready to go for a hunt.

"Dean, it's just a normal hunt, chill out man!" said Sam and grabbed his jacket from the bed, "we'll be back for breakfast and you're probably gonna order a pie! Anyway it's just a day like any other days."

"I know, I know and for your sake you better not forget my Pie!"Dean was checking every thing for the third time. "I just feel it's not like what we think; I have this damn feeling that says there's something more waiting for us."

"Oh, I hope it's not dad there waiting! You know he doesn't like it when we keep him waiting." joked Sam.

Dean looked up at him, narrowed his eyes "Sam, you OK?"

"Yeah..why?" Sam's big smile vanished.

"You've never made a joke about dad after his death; I thought it... You.." Dean shook his head .

"Oh...I , I just wanted to lighten the mood; I'm sorry Dean. I didn't really mean to make a joke about Dad."Sam said regretfully .

"It's OK . Let's go; I wanna be back for break fast, not lunch!" said Dean and left the room.


The place they were about to check was an old building about 2 miles out of the town. From what they had gathered, they couldn't say for sure what was waiting there for them. They had heard about four bodies, one of a woman and three of men, found close to that building; which was about everybody who'd got into that building for last two months. The victims had their heart missing and all their blood sucked out of their bodies, so it could be a vampire or a werewolf. For the last 3 days they were looking around, but hadn't found anything that could say which one was their enemy for sure. So they just got ready for both of those things.

It was around one in the morning when they arrived to the building and there was nothing but darkness and the damn silence.

The boys stepped out of the car and Dean passed Sam the bow and grabbed the shotgun himself.

Everything seemed ready.

"Alright, lets go and kill that son of a bitch. Just Sam, don't be a hero, alright ?" Dean looked at him pointedly.

"That's enough Dean, I got it when you said it the last 20 times." Sam shot back.

"Man, you almost got yourself killed on the last hunt; I just can't see you like that again. Be careful. Let's go." Dean walked towards the old building.

Three hours later and they still hadn't seen anything suspicious,"I can't understand it, something is not right." Dean sounded worried.

"Or maybe whatever it was, it's just gone." Sam shrugged.

"O yeah? Since when those son of a bitches leave their place; specially when it's such a perfect place like this one?" asked Dean. "I'm telling you, Sam, something is wrong. OK come on, lets get back to the car, I think we need more than a bow and a shotgun."

"Dean, maybe we should get back to the motel and check everything once more. "Sam walked out after Dean.

"Whatever; first we should get back to the ca. And when I was double checking everything, you made fun of me. You should learn to listen to me more, kid!" Dean teased playfully.

But they never got back to the car. It seemed like just 50 more steps when something just rushed to them and separated them away from each other. Finding himself on his back, Dean tried to sit up, but the sharp pain in his side stopped him.

'Great I got stabbed with my own knife.' thought Dean as he looked down and found the knife there. He checked the wound and decided that it wasn't too bad, so he just pulled the knife out.

He tried to find Sam , but it was still too dark for human's eyes. "Sammy... Sammy, where are you?" Dean shouted, but the pain made him sound hoarse.

Luckily his voice was loud enough for Sam to hear him. "Here Dean, I'm fine. God, what the hell was-" he didn't have the chance to finish his sentence.

"Well well well. Dean and Sam Winchester. Don't work too hard to find each other, you two bastards. You're pretty close to each other..."a girlish voice came out of the darkness.


To be continued...