Disclaimer: Kim Possible and all related characters do not belong to me. The song 'Unfaithful' is by Rihanna. I do not own anything in this document except for the idea and plot line.


Story of my life

Searching for the right

But it keeps avoiding me

Sorrow in my soul

Cause it seems that wrong

Really loves my company


I melt into the warm embrace that followed the greeting. "Hey yourself."

"You smell nice today."

I pulled a look of mock-insult . "Are you saying I stink any other day?"

She nuzzled my neck. "Now, if that were true, I wouldn't be doing this almost every time I see you."

I chuckle a little at her logic. "True, true." I kiss her head.

"Methinks you should stay for a while to keep me company." She smirked.

"Lucky for you, I agree with what you think."

Two hours later, we're both sweaty and naked under the sheets. But the climax had already passed and now we were in cuddling mode. As usual, I lean against her with my hands between us and on her chest as she holds me protectively.

"Hey, Kimmie..." She's biting her lip.

"Yes, Shego?" I say as I meet her eyes with mine.

"I... Nevermind." She kisses the top of my head.

She lets me go and gets off the bed. I look at her, confused.

"Bathroom." She says as she heads to her destination. When she came back, I was already pulling up my pants. "Going out?"

"... Yeah."

"Oh, okay..." She sits at the edge of the bed, watching me. I try not to look at her as I button my oxford shirt and fix my hair quickly.

"Bye, Shego." I kiss her quickly on the cheek. "Love you."

She doesn't answer me until I'm halfway out of the door. "Love you, too."

She's more than a man

And this is more than love

The reason that the sky is blue

But clouds are rolling in

Because I'm gone again

And to her I just can't be true

I walk down the hallway to the where the elevator was and pressed the button. Slowly, the doors slide open and I get in. In there, my breathing gets a little heavier as the image of Shego's sad face as I left come to my mind. I nearly started crying before a sharp 'ping' told me I had reached the ground floor.

I strut out of the building and into the sidewalk; blending in with everyone else there. I walked down the stairs leading to the subway and caught the next train. Inside, I look around. Then, I gave a little smile. He waves a little at me.

"Hey, KP."

And I know that she knows I'm unfaithful

And it kills her inside

To know that I am happy with some other guy

I can see her dying

"Hey, Ron." I say as I sit down next to him. He immediately puts an arm around me and I lean into his touch.

"So how's my most bon-diggity girlfriend doing?" He asks with his usual grin.

I gave him a half-smile. "Great. Just great.."

"Awesome, cause I was thinking that today we could go for a game of bowling!"

"Sure, Ron. Sounds spanking."

I don't wanna do this anymore

I don't wanna be the reason why

Everytime I walk out the door

I see her die a little more inside

I don't wanna hurt her anymore

I don't wanna take away her life

I don't wanna be.... a murderer

By the time I come back home, it's well pass midnight. I know that Shego is already asleep. I quietly close and lock the door behind me as I make my way to the kitchen.

I switch on the lights and go straight to a cabinet near the coffee machine. I grab a bottle of whiskey and the tiny glass placed next to it. I noticed that it was already half empty but paid it no mind.

I poured the alcohol into the glass and gulped it all down in one. Then another. And another.

I got into the habit of alcohol therapy when I first started all this. At first, it had been an innocent outing between friends for Ron and I, but after confiding in him about some problems I had with Shego, we became more than just best friends since Pre-K.

When I was drunk enough to not cry out blood, I kept the bottle and put the glass in the dishwasher before heading to my and Shego's room. As I had thought, she was lying on the side of the bed closest to the door and her back to me. Slowly, and a bit drunkenly, I undress and joined her in blissful sleep.

The next morning, I got up around the usual time and went straight to the shower. I cried silently as the water washed away my tears. After I brushed my teeth, I applied some eye drops to hide nay evidence of me crying.

I walked out of the bathroom in my towel and was greeted with a low whistle.

"I'll never get tired of that."

I blush a deep scarlet as I make my way to the closet that kept both mine and Shego's clothes. "Oh, come on. It's not like you haven't seen me in less."

I got a spank for that. "Yeah, but you in a towel just after a shower never gets old."

I rub my slightly sore bottom. "I hope not."

I dress hastily and go to my dresser with my towel to dry my damp hair.

"Going out again?"


She kisses my cheek and got down on her knees to hug me, as if she was scared I was going to disappear and she wouldn't see me for a long time.

"Shego... I promised Mon and Bon I'd hit the mall with them, that's all." I lie. I put the comb down and kiss her passionately. "I'll be back soon. I won't be long."

I feel it in the air

As I'm doing my hair

Preparing for another date

A kiss up on my cheek

He's here reluctantly

As if I'm gonna be out late

I say I won't be long

Just hanging with the girls

A lie I didn't have to tell

Because we both know

Where I'm about to go

And we know it very well

"Okay..." She says with a sad look in her eyes and slowly got up. She walks to the bathroom door that I had left open for her and looks back. "I love you." She says, with that same sad look in her eyes. Then, she went in and closed the door.

"Love you, too, Shego." I whisper to the wooden door and empty bedroom.

Cause I know that she knows I'm unfaithful

And it kills her inside

To know that I am happy with some other guy

I can see her dying

Even quicker than yesterday, I made my way down to the exit and hailed a cab. "The corner between 9thand 8th Avenue."

"Right. "The driver says as I close my door and he drove us off. It was a half hour trip what with the heavy traffic, so I had plenty of time to think. But that wasn't a very good thing to do right now.

We both know what I'm doing. I'm not going to go see Monique or Bonnie. Mon's in Milan and Bonnie's in Paris. Neither of them was even in the country right now. We both knew, but neither wants to confront the other. I don't want to see that look in her eyes again.

But, in the back of my mind, I knew that I'll be seeing it over and over again; so long as I keep this up. So long as I keep stabbing at Shego's heart with my affair with Ron.

I don't wanna do this anymore

I don't wanna be the reason why

Everytime I walk out the door

I see her die a little more inside

I don't wanna hurt her anymore

I don't wanna take away her life

I don't wanna be.... a murderer

Silently but surely, the tears sneaked up on me again. I let them flow freely.

Again, I can picture Shego's sad face.

Her sad smile each time she accepted every word she knew was a lie.

Her pain each time I call her to tell her I'll be out late.

And most of all, the broken look she wears each and everytime I walk out the door.

That look that said, 'kill me now and just put me out of my misery'.

Our Love... her trust

I might as well take a gun and put it to her head

Get it over with

I don't wanna do this

Anymore (anymore)

I broke down in the back of the cab, with my face in my hands. I know we're no longer moving. The driver must've pulled over somewhere, no knowing what to do with me suddenly breaking down.

"Um, Miss? Are you alright?" It was a standard question. It didn't really need to be answered, but I felt like I just had to tell somebody. Even a total stranger would do.

"No, I am not alright!" I half-shout. "I'm cheating on my girlfriend who loves me more than enough to let me go even when she knows I'm off to see my lover! She loves me so much but here I am cheating on her and abusing that love!!" I wail.

"Umm... Err..."

"And now I'm meeting Ron over at some deli when I know that my Shego is dying inside!" I sob. "She's hurting... so much... and it's all my fault!"

"Uh... Listen... If I were in your shoes, lady, I'd just dump this guy and go back to my girl. I mean, sure, you might think you love him and he loves you back or some other shit, but who're you kiddin? On one hand, you have a gal who loves you to bits and on the other, a guy who you don't know if his 'love' is real or not!"

"W...What?" Come to think of it, Ron hadn't said he loved her. She'd just assumed that since they were best friends.

"All I'm sayin' is, get rid of the guy and go home to the girl who's probably crying blood over you right about now."

"Y-you're right... You're absolutely right!" I wipe away the tears from my eyes. "Can you take me back to where you picked me up?"

"No need. We're hardly half a block from where we started."

I smile. A genuine one, now. "Thank you." I got out and went straight to the apartment building. I practically ran to the elevators and stopped the closing door. "Sorry." I say to whoever's inside. I pressed the button of my floor and waited. As soon as it stopped, I once again broke out into a sprint for the door that I knew held my one true love.

"Shego!!" I called out, nearly breathless as I came in the spacious apartment through the front door.

"Pumpkin?" I heard Shego's voice answer. It's strained and weak, but I can still hear it. My chest grew tight as I imagine what a state Shego must be in to sound like that.

"Shego..." I say as I make my way to our bedroom and froze at the sight before me.

Shego, my beloved and ever strong Shego, was curled up in a corner with her knees brought up to her chest and her arms around them. Her eyes were red and obviously swollen, as if she had been crying for hours when she had for nothing more than half. Her hair was a mess; as were her clothes.

"Oh, Shego..." I say as I go to her and wrap her in an embrace that she had given me not an hour ago. She returned it with vigor, not wanting to let me go again.

"Don't go... Not again..." She cries into my shoulder. My heart breaks as I see this side of her.

I hold her closer, tighter. "Never again, Shego... Never again."

I don't wanna do this anymore

I don't wanna be the reason why

And everytime I walk out the door

I see her die a little more inside

And I don't wanna hurt her anymore

I don't wanna take away her life

I don't wanna be.... a murderer