Disclaimer: Kim Possible and all related characters do not belong to me. The song 'I Don't Wanna Know' is by Mario Winans and P Diddy. I do not own anything in this document except for the idea and plot line.



She melted into my warm embrace that followed the greeting. "Hey yourself."

"You smell nice today."

She put on a look of mock-insult . "Are you saying I stink any other day?"

I nuzzle her neck. "Now, if that were true, I wouldn't be doing this almost every time I see you."

She chuckles a little at my logic. "True, true." She kisses my head.

"Methinks you should stay for a while to keep me company." I gave her one of my signature smirks. I know she can't resist it. She told me it was undeniably sexy, once... or was it thrice?

"Lucky for you, I agree with what you think."

Two hours later, we're both sweaty and naked under the sheets. But the climax had already passed and now we were in cuddling mode. As usual, she leans against me with her hands between us and on my chest as I hold her protectively.

"Hey, Kimmie..." I start, biting my lower lip. It's a nervous habit I picked up from her.

"Yes, Shego?" She says as our eyes meet. There, I see something I wish I hadn't.

"I... Nevermind." I kiss the top of her head.

I let go of her and gets off the bed. She propped herself on one arm and gives me one of those adorable confused looks.

Somebody said they saw you

The person you were kissing wasn't me

And I would never ask you

I just kept it to myself

"Bathroom." I say as I head to my destination. I stand over the sink as tears start to form in the corners of my eyes. I opened the tap so that the sound would drown out the sounds I would make when I cry softly as the water washed away my tears. After a moment, I opened the medicine cabinet to grab some eye drops to hide any redness in my eyes.

When I came back, she was already pulling up her pants. "Going out?" I ask though I already know where she's going.

"... Yeah."

"Oh, okay..." I sit at the edge of the bed and settled to watch her. I can tell that she's trying not to look at me as she buttons her shirt and went to fix her hair quickly.

"Bye, Shego." She kissed me quickly on the cheek. "Love you." Do you really?

I don't answer her until she's halfway out of the door. "Love you, too."

"But do you really, truly love me....? Like I do you?" I whisper to no one in particular.

I know everything. Though, I really don't want to.

I know that you're lying to me, Kim, even though I'd be happier not knowing.

I know you've actually gone off to see Ron although I would've been better off blissfully oblivious of it all.

But I love you too much to confront you about it.

I'm too much in love with you to actually confirm that you're cheating on me and that you don't really love me.

I don't wanna know

If you're playin' me, keep it on the low

Cause my heart can't take it anymore

And if you're creepin', please don't let it show

Oh baby, I don't wanna know

By the time she comes back, it was already 2.37 am. I'm sitting on the same corner of the bed I had earlier today, in the same position.

I hear her coming through the door and I hear the locks. I hear her walking to the kitchen, and also the sound of glass.

I close my eyes. I go to my side of the bed and lied down. I cover myself with the blanket, willing myself to go to sleep.

I was only half asleep when she came in. From her footsteps, I could tell that she was a smidge drunk. As she joined me on the bed, I immediately wrap her in my arms. She's mine for the moment. I won't let her go for as long as she decides to stay.

'You're a lying bitch for doing this to me, Kimmie... But I just can't hate your for it.' A tear escapes. 'I love you too much for my own good.'

I think about it when I hold you

When lookin' in your eyes, I can't believe

I don't mean to know the truth

Baby, keep it to yourself

Did he touch you better than me (touch you better than me)

Did he watch you fall asleep (watch you fall asleep)

Did you show him all those things that you used to do to me (baby)

If you're better off that way ( better off that way )

All than I can say ( all that i can say )

Just go on and do your thing and don't come back to me ( stay away from me )

The next morning, I was half awake when she got up and was fully awake by the time she closed the bathroom door. I can hear her crying although the shower drowns most of it. 'Why're you crying, Princess? You're not the one being taken for a fool.'

She walked out of the bathroom in her tiny towel so I greeted her with a low whistle. "I'll never get tired of that." I give her my smirk again.

She blush a deep scarlet as she hurriedly makes her way to the closet that kept both mine and her clothes. "Oh, come on. It's not like you haven't seen me in less."

I gave her a playful spank for that. "Yeah, but you in a towel just after a shower never gets old."

She rubs her slightly sore bottom. It's a bit red, but nothing serious. "I hope not."

She dresses hastily and goes to her dresser with a towel to dry her damp hair.

"Going out again?" I asked. It was only 9am! It was way too early to be going out. Most of the shops aren't even open yet.

"Yeap." She answers simply. So, this will be the last I see of her, then. It was both expected and a shock. I had always thought that she would do this eventually, but I didn't think it'd be so soon.

I kiss her cheek and got down on my knees to hug her desperately. 'You see what you've done to me, Kimmie?' I tighten my grip a little. 'See what a mess you've made of me?' I had o fight the urge to just break down right there and then.

"Shego... I promised Mon and Bon I'd hit the mall with them, that's all." She lies. She puts the comb down and kisses me passionately. "I'll be back soon. I won't be long." Another lie. When will all the lies stop? It's all that comes out of her mouth nowadays.

I don't need to know where your whereabouts or how your movin'

I know when you in the house or when your cruisin'

It's been provin', my love you abusin'

I can't understand how a man got you choosin',

Undecided, I came and provided

My undivided, you came and denied it

Don't even try it,I know when you lyin'

Don't even do that, I know why you cryin'

I'm not applyin' no pressure, just want to let you know

That I don't wanna let you go and I don't wanna let you leave

"Okay..." I say, knowing that I wouldn't see her until much later and slowly got up. I walk to the bathroom door that she had left open and turns my head around. This may be the last time I get to say this to her face to face. "I love you." Then, I went in and closed the door.

I didn't wait to hear her response because I know it'd just be another lie.

I got in the shower and let the now cold water wash over me. I just stood there with my eyes closed until I hear the door close. Then, my tears came once again.

"Why are doing this to me, Kim? What have I done to you to deserve this?" I sob as my knees go weak and my shoulders shake. I loved her, didn't I? I gave her everything she needed and more.

She wanted to stay as a hero and save the world, so I let her. Even if I worry myself to death everytime she goes on a mission.

She wanted this apartment instead of a house. I let her have her way although I really wanted a nice house and it wasn't as if we couldn't afford one.

She wanted to continue her studies and get a double-degree, so I helped her enroll in Upperton University. She may burn herself out from all of her activities and insanely busy schedule, but I let her do what she wants because it makes her happy.

Can't say I didn't let you breathe, gave you extra g's

Put you in the SUV

You wanted ice, so I made you freeze

Made you hot like the West Indies

Now its time you invest in me

Cause if not, then it's best you leave

Now, I'm alone, again. One would think that I'd get used to it, the loneliness, but I could never get used to this feeling of being incomplete whenever she's not around.

Lifelessly, I turn off the water and dry myself. I dress myself casually and sit on out unmade bed.

And so, I do what I do everyday and everytime she's not with me.

I cry my eyes out. My shoulders shake violently and my breathing gets heavier.

"Kim..." I cry as I hold my knees to my chest and bury my head in between. 'How I wish you'd never started all of this...

How I wish I wouldn't be I so much pain everytime you leave to be with him.

How I wish I'd never found out.