Author's Note: Thanks everyone for your kind words (sorry if I haven't responded to your reviews) and your patience. I know I have taken way too long to publish this chapter. Losing someone so close to me has impacted me more than I thought it would and I haven't felt like writing in such a long time. Hopefully I can now get back to this series and get part three underway. Your final chapter of part two is here.

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Stargate Atlantis or the characters. The only things that are mine are any original thoughts or characters that you may find here. As always all mistakes are of my own making and will hopefully be forgiven.

Chapter 60

"When are you going to let me out of this place, Doc?" asked John. He had spent way too much time in the infirmary and he was desperate to escape. McKay's plan to help sneak him passed the night nurse had bombed spectacularly. It hadn't helped that Carson had warned his staff to watch out for any early escapes.

"You would get outta here sooner if you didn't try any of Rodney's daft escape plans," replied Carson as he approached.

"I told him it wouldn't work."

"Aye so you said but it didn't stop you trying anyway."

"I'm going crazy in here, Doc."

"The feeling's mutual," replied Carson as he pulled a penlight from his pocket and flashed it in Sheppard's eye.

"I'll do whatever you want. I just need to get out of here." He was hoping if he kept his begging up, and yes he was willing to admit to himself that he was begging, that Carson would finally relent just to get rid of him. It wasn't much of a plan but it was all he had.

"You'll do whatever I want?" asked Carson as he continued his checks.

"To the letter." He could work on any hurdles Carson put in his way later. First he needed to get out of the infirmary.

Carson finished his checks and made a few notes on his data pad before putting it down and locking his full attention on Sheppard. "Talk to Elizabeth."


"I'm not finished. She's been through hell and needs to take some time away from Atlantis. Away from Stargate Command. You both do. Just make sure she does."

"Easier said than done," replied John.

"You're resourceful. I'm sure you'll find a way."

John remembered a conversation with Elizabeth on Daleria and an earlier one on Atlantis before this whole mess had started and realised he had been played. And none too subtly either. A vacation did sound good though and he knew just the person to help him organise it.


Elizabeth stared at the DVD collection debating her choices. She needed something with enough action to keep John from falling asleep without so much it would fuel the nightmares that still plagued her since her return from Daleria. That ruled out anything with torture. She knew he liked sci-fi movies from the many overheard conversations with Rodney but he'd most likely already seen all the ones they had on Atlantis.

She skimmed the titles again and made her choice. The Three Musketeers. It had everything. Action and adventure to keep John happy, a little romance for her to enjoy and all wrapped up with some light-hearted humour. Now all she had to do was fetch some popcorn from the mess and she'd be set for her visit.

It was a ritual that started not long after their arrival in Pegasus. She had quickly learned that boredom and a certain Air Force pilot were not a good combination. Add in one supposed genius and a few Ancient artefacts that needed testing and you had the perfect recipe for disaster. Luckily only John's pride had been injured that time. To avoid a repeat she made a point of keeping a closer eye on him till he was back on duty. It hadn't taken him long to work out what she was doing and call her out on it but somehow the ritual had continued anyway.


She reached across and helped herself to the last of the popcorn as the credits started rolling across the laptop screen. The movie had been a good choice for John. Not too serious and plenty of mayhem. A fun distraction. It was a pity that the romance aspect had been less of a distraction for her than she had hoped. It had only served to make her more aware of how close she sat to the man she cared so much for. The man who had no idea how much she loved him. She knew she had to tell him and she would. Just not tonight.

She turned to face John and found him watching her. "Time for me to go and let you get some rest."

"I'm good. We need to talk, Elizabeth."

"Fine as long as it isn't about your return to work." They'd already had that discussion. Twice. It was far too early to even consider light duties. Maybe a week or two from now but not yet. Even just watching the movie had visibly tired him despite his protests to the contrary.

"It doesn't. Carson told me that you haven't been sleeping much."

"Carson talks too much." She should have known John would find out and call her on it.

"Carson is worried about you and so am I. What's going on?"

She looked away as she thought of the images that haunted her nights. Every night she saw the same thing when she finally fell asleep. Lieutenant Jenkins being whipped, Lorne and John being beaten. All because she wouldn't give the Ree-Tan or the Dalerians what they both wanted so desperately that they were willing to kill for it.

"Jenkins death wasn't your fault, Elizabeth. None of this was your fault."

Logically she knew he was right but emotionally she couldn't help blaming herself. It had been her decision and hers alone to offer her services so quickly in exchange for much needed fresh food supplies. They could have survived for a while longer on their current supplies. She should have-

"None of this was your fault," repeated John. "We had no reason not to trust the Dalerians."

Elizabeth sighed. John was right of course. Lorne's team had conducted the usual scans of the planet and nothing unusual had shown up but still it rankled. "I know but-".

"It's still not your fault. Ask Lorne, ask anyone and they'll say the same thing because it's the truth."

"Okay, I get it. It's not my fault but it still doesn't stop me thinking about what happened. Every time I close my eyes I'm back on that planet."

She could see it now even without closing her eyes only this time it wasn't Jenkins lying naked and dead on the ground. It was John. She couldn't lose him. Not again.


He had never seen her this tired and distraught before. Not even being held hostage by the Genii had affected her this badly. Carson was right. She needed to get away from Atlantis for a while and give herself time to deal with everything that had happened on Daleria.

He took her hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Elizabeth, listen to me. You're safe now. Do you hear me?"

He gave her hand another squeeze until she finally looked up and he could see the unshed tears filling her eyes. It was heart breaking to see her in such an un-Elizabeth like state. He dropped her hand and wrapped his good arm around her, pulling her in close. He felt a tremor pass through her moments before he felt the moisture soaking into his t-shirt.

"It's okay. You're safe." All he had were words and the comfort of his touch. It wasn't much. "You need some time away from here. Maybe spend time with your mom. It will do you good."

He fell silent, hoping his words were enough. If this didn't work his next stop was General O'Neill. He didn't want to go over her head but he would if he had to. It was for her own good. Atlantis could survive for a few weeks without her and so could he if it meant she got the break she needed.


She clung to the sound of his voice as her tears slowed. He was safe and here with her but still it was hard to shake the images that haunted her sleep every night. Her work was suffering and Carson was threatening to stand her down again. Maybe John was right. Maybe she needed to get away for a while. Away from the Pegasus Galaxy and the dangers it held. Away from the burden of responsibility that weighed ever heavier across her shoulders. Maybe then she could finally get some much needed sleep.

She closed her eyes and drank in the scent that wrapped itself around her and reminded her of his presence. His heart beat beneath her ear was steady and strong and reassuring. John was alive and by her side.


Awareness beckoned but she ignored it. Atlantis could do without her for a few minutes more. It wasn't often that she indulged herself but she had earned it after everything that had happened. No-one would miss her for a while thanks to Carson and the limits he had placed on her return to work. She decided to make the most of it and snuggled deeper into the delicious warmth that surrounded her.

A pained grunt nearby drew her back and she opened her eyes. Bright daylight screamed in and forced her to turn away. It wasn't like her to sleep this far passed dawn. It wasn't like her to sleep at all these days. Not since Daleria. Something had changed but what?

She scrubbed a hand over her face in a bid to brush away the sleep induced fog that clouded her brain.

She dropped her head as memories of the night before flooded in. No wonder she had slept so long. Breakdowns would do that. No doubt John had told Carson by now and that was why no-one was looking for her. They were letting her sleep while someone else ran Atlantis. After last night she couldn't blame them.

It would be easy to stay in bed and hide but that had never been her way. With a sigh she pushed against her pillow. It was time to get up and face the music. A sudden grunt of pain from behind her startled her. Only then did her brain catch up with her eyes. She wasn't in her bed. She wasn't even in her room. She groaned as she realised where she was.


She turned to face him and found a pair of confused eyes watching her. Maybe he wouldn't remember. He was on some heavy-duty medication after all.

"Was it my imagination or were you using me as a pillow?" He didn't wait for an answer before continuing. "Never mind. Probably my imagination. You probably came by to check on me."

She smiled. There was no doubt in her mind that he remembered but she wasn't beyond taking the out he was giving her. "I did and to remind you to take your pills."

"I'll be good."

She snorted but didn't say anything as he carefully pushed himself to his feet and made his way over to his desk. Guilt gnawed at her as she watched him. He was hurting and she was to blame. If only she hadn't been so tired last night. If only she hadn't broken down. If only she hadn't fallen asleep on him as he comforted her. If only. Those words were becoming all too common in her life of late. It was time to change that and she knew just where to start.

"So where are we going on this vacation?" asked Elizabeth.

"Sorry?" asked John.

"You heard me," replied Elizabeth. She wasn't the only one affected by events on Daleria. He was just better at hiding it. A vacation would do him the world of good and it would give her the chance to talk to him. Really talk to him. Without worrying about anything or anyone else.


Yeah he'd heard her alright. He'd like nothing better than to spend his downtime alone with her but she was his boss. The IOA would have a field day. He wasn't going to be her downfall.

John turned to face her. "What about your mom?"

"No. I don't want her to see me like this."

He frowned. He'd never met her mom but he knew they were close. Closer than he'd ever been to his dad. "She won't mind - I mean she will but she would want to see you."

"No. She'll want answers I can't give and I'm too tired to lie to her."

Her eyes held his and he found himself caving. If this was what she needed he wasn't about to deny her. Not now. Not ever. She meant too much to him. He would just need to find a way to deal with the IOA if they found out. He would worry about that if and when the time arrived. Right now Elizabeth needed him and he wouldn't let her down. Not this time.

"Okay, I'll go with you but I pick the destination."

"Thank you, John."


A/N: Phew! When I started this I thought maybe it would take about 70,000 words and about 12 months. Boy was I wrong. Never underestimate the power of plot bunnies. They took complete control and threw in far more mayhem than I had ever envisioned. Thanks to them I think just about all the gang received some measure of whumpage with John as usual bearing the brunt. Poor guy, will he ever catch a break?

Thank you all for reading my attempts at writing. I must congratulate you on your persistence and patience if you have made it all the way to the end. I know I didn't make it easy with some rather long pauses between updates. Lessons to self - sort out the back-story that motivates your characters before commencing on the details and remember where you left your characters so they don't appear in two places at once without at least one of them being a clone or hologram. Thankfully no-one seemed to notice and it has since been corrected. No doubt there are other mistakes but I'm not admitting to them. I blame those distracting bunnies.

For all those who probably want to berate me right now for how I've left things between John and Elizabeth just know that this was a deliberate choice as I think it warrants its own story. There will be a sequel at some point in the hopefully not too distant future that resolves things once and for all. Will it be the ending that several of you want to see? Who knows? I certainly don't. Not yet anyways. Maybe you have an opinion and would like to let me know. You know where I am. I'm just behind that little button at the bottom of your screen.