Hello readers of Fanfiction!

You guys just keep making me smile every time I update this story. :) I really enjoy the reviews! Sadly, I've posted quite a good amount of stories on this site and already this one is looking like it might beat my record for most reviews… it's sad… I know…

But, I would love to beat that record, soooo…. Keep those reviews coming!

Ha! A lot of people were wondering if there was going to be an awkward scene in the motel room between Sasuke and Sakura… I was actually thinking about it before I ended the last chapter and now that everyone wants it, I decided that I just HAD to put it in :)

Yes… It is WAY TOO SHORT! Please forgive me and read it anyways…

So here it is everyone! Enjoy!

A Lalagirl555x fanfiction

Some time to heal

Chapter four

It was as if she had lost the ability to blink.

Sakura stared wide eyed at the blank wall, surprised that she had not burnt giant holes into it yet. She was all too aware of the slow breathing half naked man that lay just behind her back, and hadn't been able to get to sleep since she had let that awareness sink in.

She hated Sasuke, there was no doubt about it, but she could not deny that physically he was an attractive man… and she just happened to be a young hormonal nineteen year old girl. She wasn't a slut or anything… but it had been a while since… well… you know…

She lifted her lead heavy hand up and forced her eyes closed, rubbing them as she pinched the bridge of her nose. She needed to get to sleep, they were going to go far out tomorrow and find the tailed beast.

Groaning lightly she shoved her face down in the white linen pillow and let out an exasperated breath.


Sasuke had been trying to get to sleep for a while now. While it was true that he was a bit of an insomniac, he was still usually able to force himself to sleep if he meditated enough. He'd been trying to calm his breathing, in and out slowly, but it was to no avail.

He heard the young girl behind his back groan and ruffle her pillow. She must've been having trouble sleeping too.

Well, it was a hot summer night and even though he'd taken his shirt off it was still too warm to get comfortable. He sighed, breaking his even breathing for the first time in a few hours.

"Are…are you awake?"

"Hn?" Sasuke let out groggily as he heard Sakura talk to him quietly. Suigetsu was snoring on the other side of the room.

"I can't sleep." She stated bluntly. He heard her shift a little bit more, further from him and closer to the edge of the bed.

"Not my problem." He responded grunting slightly at her stupid comment pointing out the obvious.

"Hmpf." She scooted further still and he could almost envision her sticking her nose up at his rude attitude while she did so. "You can't sleep either… so that is your problem."

"Then let me deal with it and you deal with yours." He began to move to the other edge of the bed away from her. His edge of the bed.

"Fuck this." Sasuke felt her body shift until it was completely off of the bed. Out of curiosity he propped himself on his elbows and peeked over his shoulder at where she had gotten up.

"What the hell are you doing?" He asked not really caring, but it seemed like an appropriate question at the time.

"I'm sleeping on the floor." Sakura held her white pillow in her hand, getting ready to throw it down on the hard cold ground of the motel room.

He continued watching her until she moved to grab the only bed blanket that they had been sharing moments ago. "No." He said simply as he grasped her small wrist in his hand, preventing her from pulling the blanket down to the floor with her.

"Why the hell not?" She asked looking up at his eyes for the first time since they had tried to go to bed. They both had a stubborn edge to them.

"I get the blanket."

"Says who!? I need the blanket to put under me when I sleep on the hard floor! You don't get shit!" She yanked her hand from his grip and began pulling the plain white blanket again. But again, he stopped her.

"I'm cold…" He very well knew that that wasn't true. He was still a little warm but for some odd reason unknown to him, he didn't want her to have it. Didn't want her to win… didn't want her to have the satisfaction.

"Then put a damn shirt on!" She pulled again.

"Shut up, Suigetsu is sleeping." He pulled back.

"I don't care! Give it to me!"

"You're acting like a child, Sakura."

"Oh, I'm the child?! Really? That's bull. Give me the damn blanket Sasuke!"

"No. Sleep on the floor blanket-less or stay on the bed." He gritted through his teeth, making her stop pulling but never loosening her grip on the blanket. Their eyes connected in a fiery glare contest. Sasuke had thought that he would win for sure but she didn't seem to be backing down…

"Since when do you get to make all the decisions?" She had boiled down their argument to a whisper.

"Since I'm the one that is holding you hostage. Why is it that I have to keep reminding you of that?" He never broke their eye contact but he could still see her lip twitch with her impatience.

Sakura finally closed her eyes taking a deep calming breath which she figured that she really needed, and loosened her grip on the blanket before letting go completely.

"Fine. Scoot your ass over." She growled all the while putting her pillows back up to their original spot and crawled back onto the bed.

"And you really think you're going to fall asleep on the bed this time when you couldn't before?" He knew that he was being a complete jackass but for some reason he was amused by the power that he was able to hold over. It was evil, but did he ever claim to be a good guy?

"Argh! Stop being an asshole! Why the hell should you care if I fall asleep or not? Just face you're wall and I'll face mine…"

"Alright." He mumbled not believing that he had just agreed with her. Maybe he'd decide to change that. "But if you so much as brush against me, I'll force your ass on the floor, blanket-less." An unseen smirk crossed his features.

This was really getting old and she was pissed… "Really now?" Unexpectedly she ripped the blanket off of the bed and threw it on the floor forgotten and pushed herself full against his naked chest. "Is this fine for you!?" She made sure to push her breast up a little more until he was nearly falling off his side of the bed.

His eyes were slightly wide. He had NOT been expecting her to do anything like that at all! What kind of game was she trying to play… He stayed silent for a few moments, running through the things that he could possibly say or do.

"Not quite." He smirked. He pushed back at her with greater force than she was pushing on him and flipped her on her back. Somehow he was now straddling her waist, one leg by each hip and his hands propping him up, one on each side of her head. "And is this good for you?" He asked sarcastically.

Sakura momentarily went through the same form of shock that he had gone through but recovered just as quickly. "Nope." She wrapped her arms around his torso and pulled him down until his bare chest was once again touching her clothed one. "Ah, this is much better." She smirked.

And that seemed to be all that they could do… Both whipped the smug looks off of their faces when they realized the position that they were in. And then there came a long and awkward silence.

Sakura's hands slowly slid down Sasuke's back and she was no longer forcing him against her. It took him a few moments of hesitation to get that her hands had actually left his back, leaving it a little colder than before, and he finally began to possess that they were pulling apart. He slowly lifted his chest from her and flipped himself over to his side of the bed, laying flat on his back. She stayed the same.

Neither of them moved.

"We have to get up early tomorrow. Get some sleep. You can have the blanket." He mumbled before turning over to face his wall.

Just beginning to comprehend what he had said, Sakura lifted herself from the bed silently and took a pillow with her to the floor where she fell asleep comfortably on the plain white blanket she had thought that she wanted.

Okay okay… this chapter is REDICULOUSLY SHORT! I know that… I'm sorry but I thought that this was a good step up to their…. Well to them.

Please give me some… well I can hope that you'll please give me some positive reviews…

Thanks, and again I'm sorry….


I can promise another chapter will be coming out shortly! This time, I WILL keep that promise!

So thank you for your patients with me my readers! Until the next chapter! I hope you enjoyed this little moment.
