Thank you people of fanfiction for clicking on this particular fiction!

I do NOT own Naruto or any of the characters

Well anyways this is a story that just came to me one day and I think that it's pretty good. or at least I hope that it is! please tell me if it horridly sucks!

Thank you again and please enjoy!


A Lalagirl555x fanfiction

Some Time To Heal

Chapter one

His breath was coming out in short and labored huffs. He knew that he had pushed it with that last one but if he hadn't have done what he did, he wouldn't have been able to get away. His vision was becoming slightly blurry and it was making it difficult to focus on the task at hand. If he didn't watch his back, the man could come back any second and as much as he hated to admit it, right now, the man was stronger than he was. Being weakened by his previous fight made it that much harder to avoid the one after him.

He wanted to relax, the only thing on his mind was how inviting the stone floor looked at the moment. To lie down and shut his eyes for the longest hibernation of his young life. But he knew that if he even sat, he wouldn't be able to get back up. He really needed to stay on his feet right now.

The stone felt cold against his hand as he leaned it on the wall, the other on his knee. He was still heaving but his senses were sharp. Keeping a lookout for anything and everything that might come by…


He could feel it, luckily it was familiar and friendly, and it happened to be just what he needed at the moment… three vessels of chakra that could get him out of there.

In that same moment the far wall of the small dense room that he hid away in crumbled and through it walked a large orange haired man with a red headed woman trailing behind him. He straightened his back being sure not to look too crushed in front of his comrades.

The woman walked toward him looking horrified and overly concerned, he had to keep from scoffing. He didn't look that bad, did he?

"We must go now." The large man boomed through the room.

"Yeah, look at you! Are you alri-"She froze when she was met with a glare emitting from the wounded. He caught his breath finally and pushed himself off the wall that he had been leaning against for support.

"Where is Suigetsu?" He asked, his voice sounding more broken than he had anticipated.

"Fending off some of the guard." The orange haired man answered.

"He would enjoy that wouldn't he…." He sighed and began to shakily walk toward the opening that had been created only moments ago. "If we don't leave now, it'll only be more trouble for us. Karin."

She snapped her head up and met his fading eyes. "Yeah?"

"Is Madara anywhere near?" He could feel it now… his strength was nearly out but he needed to make it just a little further.

"No, it seems that he cleared out a while ago… he wasn't here when we came, just some men with swords we assumed to be his guard." She followed him to the opening and out into a dimly lit hallway.

"How do we get out?" He asked then.

"Two left turns, then a curved corridor and a right, then straight." She directed him, the large man now close behind.

Following her directions he walked out into an open and lighted woodsy area full of unconscious and most likely some dead bodies. Standing in the middle holding his large blade was Suigetsu.

"Ah! Sasuke! You're alright! Karin, Jugo and I were all a little worried about you!" He smiled carelessly and waved as if Sasuke wasn't covered in cuts and bruises.

"Suigetsu, we're leaving." He said simply and commanding, he never stopped walking.

"Alright then." Suigetsu complied pulling his heavy sword onto his back and began to maneuver his way over and around the fallen bodies.

"Where are we going Sasuke-Sama?" Jugo asked confused about their destination. This whole time they had been traveling together Sasuke had a goal that they had set to help him with. Now the goal was complete… so what did that mean?

"With Madara loose… and I not at my strongest… we're in danger as a group." Sasuke said through clenched teeth, his wounds were becoming more annoyingly painful with each small step he took.

Suigetsu scoffed, "Come on Sasuke! You're not the only one in Hebi with some skill!" All three were now behind him and he had to stop to face them. To tell them his plans.

"Maybe so, I am not denying your abilities. I simply mean that we need to lay low for a while. And we need a skilled medic to heal me."

They did not respond so he turned and began to limp again, further into the woods.

"Um, Sasuke…" Karin's voice interrupted his walking focus, "If you don't mind me saying, your injuries are pretty serious, who are we going to go see to get them healed… there aren't any good treatment centers around here…"

"There are three people in the world that will be able to heal me fast enough… Unfortunately they are all difficult to get to. But one of them is easier to find and lure than the other two."

"Who?" Suigetsu questioned tilting his head to the side.

"There is the Tsunade, Shizune, and…." He hesitated for a moment, "The one we will be able to find best is Sakura Haruno."

"Eh? I think I've heard of the other two but who's Sakura?" Suigetsu scratched his head trying to recall who she was.

"Idiot." Karin often insulted him, "She was Tsunade's apprentice, and she's a good medic… under the teachings of Tsunade she became one of the strongest medical ninja out there… she's still a part of the leaf village though… I don't understand how she would be easier to lure."

"She's an old teammate of mine…" Sasuke slurred, his vision and perception becoming fuzzy again. "She and my other old comrades want nothing more than to bring me back to the village… but that won't happen. I'll be her bait…"

"Then what?" Jugo's deep voice entered conversation.

Sasuke paused. He wasn't sure exactly, all he knew was he needed to be healed as quickly as possible and if he was able to lure her into it unsuspectingly he would get that. But then what? It'd probably be easiest to knock her out somewhere and leave her. That way even when she got back to the village she wouldn't have any information to give to the village other than she had seen him.

Sasuke told them this plan.

"How do you even know she will heal you?" Suigetsu, always with the wondering…

"If she sees I'm near death, she will." He said very sure of himself.

"Okay, so how do we find her?" Karin caught up to his slow speed and was now standing beside him.

"That would be up to you." He answered bluntly.

"Huh!? But I've never met her before!" Karin complained. "You're always ordering me to do things and this time I can't do it! I can only sense the Chakra of people I know. If I've never met them I can't tell who it is!"

"You talk too damn much… don't you ever just stop and listen before running your mouth?" Suigetsu complained.

"Shut up you lazy ass, I wasn't talking to you!" So began another round of bickering. Sasuke wouldn't have any of it though, not when he was on the edge of passing out.

"Shut up! Both of you." He said through clenched teeth, yet loud enough though so that they could hear through their yelling.

They became silent and gave him wide eyed stares. "Fine…" Karin muttered.

"As to your problem Karin, all you'll need to do is sense Naruto's Chakra, and she's sure to be nearby." She nodded in understanding.

"The nine-tails Jinchuriki? He'll never let us have her as long as he's nearby." Jugo pointed out.

"Don't worry… All I need is for Karin to get a feel for her Chakra so that she can find her the next time she's alone… We have to do this quickly though. We'll look around the battle grounds that I was around a while ago, they're probably looking for me there…"

"They'll come after us as soon as they realize that she is missing…" Suigetsu sighed.

"Doesn't matter, we'll run to a place she can heal me, then dump her somewhere else when she's done…" Sasuke coughed. A loud deep and painful cough that ran up his lungs and burned.

"Sasuke!" Karin rushed to his side and put her hand on his back. "Just, breath slow and deep." She tried to sooth.

He shook her off but did as she told anyway. "We need to move fast. How far are we?"

"Not far, I can already sense some people around here… No nine-tails though…" She reported.

"How many?"

"Three and an animal. A ninja animal no doubt. It has a lot of Chakra in it." She was looking off into the distance.

"Kiba and Akamaru… "Sasuke trailed off. How many people did they have out there? "I'm going to guess that the other two are Hinata Hyuuga, and Shino Aburame. Avoid them. Hinata's Byakugan is powerful and will see us from a distance…are there any more?"

"There are four more over at two o'clock." She smiled a wide grin. "And there's our Tailed beast. So she's most likely with him huh?" Sasuke nodded.

"Let's go." He continued to pull his body forward. Just a little bit longer and she would be within range. "We can't make ourselves obvious until she's alone, got it?" They all nodded and followed his weak body toward her.

But that didn't last long. Sasukes foot connected with the ground in another step and he stopped, short of breath and stood there, hands on his knees and coughed up blood onto the dirt. His vision blurring worse than before and his head feeling light, he fell to the ground exhausted.

"Sasuke!" Karin worriedly shrieked, running to him in a failed effort to pick him up.

"Ha, whoops… something tells me he wouldn't be too good with alcohol…" Suigetsu smiled.

"Shut up, idiot!" Karin snapped still trying to get Sasuke off the ground so she could carry him.

Jugo made his way over and easily cradled Sasuke in his arms. "Quit fooling around, we need to find this woman so that Sasuke-Sama will be healed and we can carry out our search for the eight-tailed beast." Fighting a blush on her cheeks, Karin nodded and began walking with Jugo and Suigetsu at her side.


"Damn… so you think he's already gone? Where the hell could he be?" Naruto's voice was well full of concern. They were so close, and then he just slipped away… just like that.

"It had to have been that Akatsuki member… Tobi right? He and that other one were saying something about Itachi and Sasukes battle…" Kakashi's brow was furrowed as he thought of the answer to Naruto's question. He too was disappointed at the fact that they had been so close yet again, and still… Sasuke slipped…

"Well I'm going to keep looking." Sakura jumped from the thick branched tree that they were standing on to another. There was no way that she was going to give up on this search so easily. No matter what the facts said… Sasuke was near. She could feel it. "I'm not giving up!"

"Me neither!" Naruto followed her suit.

"They're determined…" Yamato nearly whispered to Kakashi. They were both watching Sakura and Naruto's backs as they retreated deeper into the woods.

"All they've wanted for nearly three years now is to bring Sasuke back. To bring back what used to be squad seven." A sad look crossed his eyes. "It's all that they… that we, want. I won't give up either." The sad look changed to determination.

Yamato smiled. "Then I'm here to help you all."

"Thank you Yamato." Kakashi returned the smile and quickly jumped out into the trees in the opposite direction that Sakura and Naruto had fled. Yamato wasn't far behind.

"We aren't getting anything like this…" Sakura pointed out to Naruto. They stopped on the ground and were leaning against two trees rooted close together. "We'll have to split ways, only one of us to go each way." She continued.

"Nuh-uh! I don't like the idea of you being alone when those Akatsuki freaks could come back at any time!" Naruto protested, a frown on his face.

"Naruto, you know as well as I do that we'll cover more ground if we spread out and go solo." She explained.

"Yeah… but… I just don't want… I don't want you to get hurt Sakura. Those guys are strong and-"

She cut him off. "Are you saying that I'm not? Come on Naruto, you know I can take care of myself when need be." She gave him a serious look.

"Sakura…" He looked down at the ground sad.

"Naruto… I'll be fine. If we should be worried about anyone it's you. They are after the nine tails, aren't they?"

Naruto blushed and looked back at Sakura. "Y-yeah, but still…"

Sakura sighed and gave him a reassuring smile. "I'll be fine. We'll meet back here in exactly one hour, okay?"

He was weakened by her smile and nodded unsure. "Fine… one hour." He sighed.

"Alright then! Let's move out!" And they split up.

Sakura made her way through the trees carefully scanning the area for Sasuke's familiar Chakra. She couldn't let him go. Not again. Not EVER again.

Sakura had come to realize over the years that she no longer wanted Sasuke back in the village for her own personal gain such as the fact that she 'loved' him. All she wanted was for Naruto to have his best friend back. It mattered so much to him that he keep one of his first real bonds.

And, when Sasuke got back it'd give her a good chance to beat him for trying to hurt Naruto… the jerk didn't care about anyone other than himself.

She was going to set him straight. Bring him back to the village, beat his face in, and then have Tsunade deal with the rest.

The sound of the whooshing of the tree's passing her ears as she zoomed through the forest made her feel like she could take anyone or anything. The feel of battle welled up inside her before it was even going to happen.

She had a bad feeling.

Skidding to a stop, Sakura landed on one particularly large tree branch and fully took in her surroundings.

She couldn't sense any Chakra nearby but somehow knew that someone was there. More than one someone's. The feeling of ambush set over her and she picked a kunai from her pocket, ready for attack.

"Sakura Haruno?" She whipped her head around at the sound of her name being spoke through an unfamiliar voice.

A man whom she'd never met stood there with a smile on his face and sharp teeth poking through his upper lip. His purple eyes seared into her green ones.

"Is that you? Are you Sakura Haruno?" He asked again, this time a look of confusion crossing his features as if he suddenly lost confidence that it was her. Why would he want her anyway?

"Who wants to know?" She kept her kunai up in front of her in a defensive position.

"So it is you!" His smile returned tenfold and he began to walk a little closer to her. She spread her knees apart, ready to attack whenever needed to. "Whoa! Don't be so defensive. I don't want to fight you."

She gave him a glare. "Then what do you want?" the anger not once leaving her voice.

"I need you to come with me. No questions until we get where we're going. I swear though, I'm not here to hurt you." He still smiled and took a few more steps toward her. "I'm Suigetsu."

"Where do you want to take me?" She asked knowing that he wasn't going to tell her what it was that he wanted her for.

"No questions. You'll see when we get there."

She grit her teeth becoming annoyed with this man. "I'm not going anywhere."

She flung herself toward him her kunai aimed straight at him. His smile immediately disappeared from his face as he stood and took her attack.

"Idiot." She mumbled as she landed on his other side after ripping right through him. She staired at the blade that she had cut him with and it was wet. But not with blood… with water.

She furrowed her brow in confusion then heard laughter come from behind her. She spun around to see the cut she had just inflicted on his body pieced itself together with the same water.

"Silly girl," He laughed as he turned. The smile had returned to his face. "I cannot be harmed with a blade. You're going to have to try harder than that."

"Damnit." She cursed shoving her kunai back in her protector. He was made of water and couldn't be cut by a blade. This was going to be difficult. Chances were it also meant that he couldn't be hurt by her chakra punches… but if she focused it to the right pressure point, she could paralyz him.

She focused until her fist was glowing green with the intensity of her chakra.

He looked at her amused. "I told you that I didn't want to fight. I just want you to come with me. You're starting to become annoying."

Her glare intensified as she rushed toward him, the full intent of slamming her fist into him rushed through her veins.

She punched but instead of her fist hitting skin or even water, it banged hard against a large heap of metal. He had a sword.

A large one at that, it looked exactly like… well exactly like the sword that she remembered Zabuza having. It was huge, how could she not have noticed that he had it. She was getting rusty.

The feeling of her hand breaking at the contact hit her hard and she backed away, pain running through her.

"Alright, this isn't fun to watch anymore." Sakura looked the other way to see a red headed female come from hiding her hands resting on her hips. "Just knock her out already!" She yelled pointing a finger at Sakura.

"Who the hell…?" She whispered not loud enough for anyone to hear.

"Karin… I was hoping that she would just come with. Why do you ruin my fun?" Suigetsu frowned and looked even more annoyed.

"Idiot, just take her so that we can heal Sasuke!" She was still shouting.

Sasuke? These people knew where Sasuke was? Then it hit her. They must be a part of the small platoon that he had put together.

She had said that they needed to heal Sasuke. That's what they wanted her for.

Getting too lost in her thoughts she opened her mouth to ask where he was and if he was alright. When Suigetsu came up behind her and hit that all too painful pressure point.

Damn, she thought, I let my guard down…

Sakura fell into Suigetsu's arms with a soft thud. He smiled down on her. "She's kind of pretty isn't she?"

"Hmpf, whatever, let's get her back to Jugo and Sasuke so that when she wakes up she can heal him already." Anger traced her voice.

"Geez, someone is jealous."

She glared at him, her red eyes piercing. "What the hell do I have to be jealous of?"

"That she's prettier than your ugly ass." A bemused smile on his face as he carried Sakura over his shoulder.

"You fucking jerk! Ugh, I don't understand why Sasuke didn't just leave you behind! You wouldn't know beauty if it smacked you in the face!"

"Say what you want. Anyway, like you said, we need to get her back to Sasuke, so quit flirting with me and lets get the hell out of here." He jumped through the trees.

"Flirting!? You asshole!" And she followed him with anger apparent in her system.

She could already tell that this damn medic was going to cause much more trouble in her life than she already had, or needed.

Thank you my readers for… well, reading! This is a new one that I just started because I felt like I needed to. I know I have a lot of stories going on right now but this one just had to be written. In fact, I've really been thinking about deleating some of my les popular stories…

If you are a reader of mine please review and tell me if I should get rid of (( OR KEEP!)) any of the following-



Like high school begins again

I want to get rid of these ones because no one reads them and honestly, I don't even really write them! Untitled hasn't been updated since god knows when, Like High school beings again is boring and Disasterpiece… hell, I don't even know where I was going with that one…

So please review and tell me about this issue and also tell me how you liked this first chapter!

Thank you again! :)
