(Lately I've lost most inspiration to write but this…this Daley series OBVIOUSLY roped me in because here's the second one shot! It's short. Just giving you a taste of what happened after they guys left in the last one! I hope you like it! Review?)

Disclaimer: I don't own but I wish I DID own Dean! YUM!

Haley was sitting at her desk just looking at the papers she was supposed to be grading. She now was a teacher, at Tree Hill High actually. An English teacher to be exact. She loved her work, helping kids further themselves through literature. Maybe even helping them fall in love with it, like she did. She was back living in Tree Hill too. Back at her old home town. Sometimes she felt like the same girl who left Tree Hill all those years ago but then she remembered. She remembered meeting Sam Winchester and then later Jessica. She remembered Sam's charming brother, Dean, who was trying to break into Sam's apartment. She remembered having a connection with Dean, or that's at least how it felt to her. She remembered Sam leaving and then coming back just in time for Jessica to die. That's the day she found out the things that went bump in the night really did exist. Both Sam and Dean left after that and she never felt more broken. More lost. But she quickly found herself, she always did.

"Haley are you alright?" Luke's worried voice pulled her from her thoughts. She stayed after school to grade on papers, hoping the professional atmosphere would help her get work done. It didn't.

"I'm fine. Why do you ask?" Haley started gathering up her papers and books, giving up on grading papers.

"You were crying." Sure enough, Haley brought her hand up to her eyes and they were wet with tears, her cheeks too.

"Oh." Luke was worried about her best friend. She's never recovered from her old friend's death and he wondered why. After she came home from Stanford, which was supposed to be temporary, she never went back. She just finished her classes online and took up the teaching job in Tree Hill. Luke just knew the basics of why she came home. Her friend, Jessica, died in a fire and Haley's other friend, Sam, who was dating Jessica left school to go on a road trip with his older brother. She didn't tell him the brother's name. If she even knew it, Luke added mentally.

"You wanna get some coffee, or something?" Luke asked Haley.

"No I'm supposed to hang out with Peyton." Haley frowned when Luke's face hardened at the mention of Peyton's name.

"I'll see you later then." Lucas headed out and Haley followed, heading to her own car. She drove to her small house she recently bought. Haley, honestly, was miserable and lonely. Though, since Peyton and Brooke moved back she was happier but life wasn't the same without Sam, and sadly, even Dean Winchester. Haley's doorbell rang and she went to let her blonde friend in.

With Sam and Dean, things were a little harder since they were, after all fighting the supernatural. Dean had just got done with a hunt involving deals to crossroads demons that left Dean emotionally drained since his figured out his father probably made a deal to save his soul. Both Sam and Dean were sitting on opposite beds in a cheap motel, both thinking about the same blonde. Haley James. While Sam's thoughts were on both Haley and Jessica, Deans were on only Haley. She got under his skin and he didn't know why. Sam just missed his best friend. Yeah, he always had feelings for Haley but his feelings for Jess ran much deeper. He still missed Jess with every passing second. Sam opened his laptop, looking for a hunt to get his mind off of things. He found one, or he thought he did.

"Found an easy hunt, Dean." Sam told his brother.

"What do you think it is?" Dean asked absentmindedly.

"Missing hearts, probably a werewolf."

"Sounds good to me we'll leave in the morning." Dean laid back in his bed hoping to get some sleep. He then remembered to ask a question. "Where's it at?"

"Um," Sam then yawned. "North Carolina. A little ways away from a small town called Tree Hill."

"I wonder if there's any hot girls there." Dean wondered aloud.

"I'm sure there's one or two." Sam turned off his laptop and laid back on his bed. His mind going back to Jessica only while Deans went to his brother's blonde best friend, Haley.