I'm staring at you with eyes you can't read.

You dont understand the pain that comsumes my heart.

You struggle to understand my words.

Yet, you weren't created to know this.

You weren't born to handle these feelings.

I know I was stupid for falling for you.

I knew this all along.

But I always told myself that one day you'd learn.

You'd learn to except a human.

I know its stupid, and a waste of time...

But I want you to know.

I'll wait forever for you to return my love.

My darling robot.

My beautiful...



She jolted awake, cold sweat staining her pale white skin and drenching her aqua-blue hair. Her eyes were dialated in the white moonlight, her body slightly shaking.

"It was just a dream...a dream!" Those loud whispers filled the room slowly, the young woman slightly rocking back and forth in a steady motion. "Theres no need to be afraid...its okay..."

She slowly let go of the tight grip she had on her shoulders, moving her hands to stare down at them. Confusion, horror, suprise, and happiness all mixed into the one expression she wore.

"How can a Vocaloid...have dreams?"


"Miku-chan wake up!" A womanly voice echoed out.

Miku's eyes fluttered open slowly. She looked up to see the beholder of the voice; a young woman with brilliant brunette hair and hazey crimson eyes, that were staring straight into her's.

"I said wake up." Her crimson eyes narrowed with annoyance.

"AH!" Miku gasped loudly, pushing the brunette off her in one fluid motion. She stood on her knees in the bed, the white fabric crumpling down, reveiling the young girl in a small lacey white nightie.

"Meiko-sama! You scared me!" The crimson eyed woman let out a bark-like laugh, her eyes hazing over once again.

"I just came to tell you that its ten in the morning. You usually wake up at around eight," Meiko stood up, smoothing out her slightly wrinkled outfit. "Did you have trouble sleeping last night?"

Miku's metalic eyes suddenly darkened, remembering her dream. Those bright sea-green eyes, and shocking blonde hair...and his words. My darling Vocaloid. Did that mean he knew her secret? About how Vocaloids weren't actual humans?

If such a secret got out, their race would surely crumble.

"Miku-chan? Are you alright? You're zoning out." Meiko's soothing voice brought Miku back to earth. She looked back at the elder woman, masking her horror is a forced sugar-coated smile.

"I'm alright Meiko-sama."

"..." The brunette continued to stare at the girl in front of her. Was she...lying? She hadn't taught Miku about lying yet, since it was considered wrong.

"If you say so, Miku-chan."


I feel so untouched and

I want you so much

that I



resist you.

That enough to say that I miss you?


My first Vocaloid fanfic oAo

Hope its good enough ^_^

*Havent written anything in awhile*

Please review :D

Kami commands you ._.