Me-I told you I would update soon didn't I huh, and here it is and I still will update a different story

Takuya-Its time for me to save Zoe isn't it

Me-I never said that did I

Koji-wait so were not going to save Zoe

Me-I didn't say that either did I anyway this story will be full of action and someone will die but I'm not saying who

Takuya-Please not me you don't pay me enough to afford life insurance, so I won't be able to afford a funeral

Me-Yeah I'm pretty broke my self right now because of "stuff" I bought

Koji-Like what, wait I don't really want to know l just wish you would get on with this story

Me-Yeah you probably don't want to know oh and by the way this will be the last chapter of this story s enjoy

Takuya's House

"Koji call your brother and tell him to get his tracking system we have to find this guy and now" said takuya

"Okay what will you do," asked koji

"I will call Jp and Tommy and tell them to get ready" said takuya

"Hey Jp this guys kidnapped zoe and I have to save her so I need you to pick up tommy and explain to him and I also need you to get as many weapons as possible and were gonna storm the house, and beat up as many as possible, so meet me at my house and koichi should be there" said takuya

"Alright, hey koichi I need you get your computer ready so we can track this person, that kidnapped Zoe" said koji over the phone

"Alright, are we gonna storm there house or something" asked koichi

"That's exactly what were gonna do" replied koji smiling

"Is it only gonna be the three of us right" said koichi

"No Jp and tommy are gonna help us and he is bringing weapons" said koji

"Alright see you when you get here" said koichi

"Hey takuya you ready to go" asked koji

"Yeah we need to save Zoe so I'm always ready" said takuya

"Come on we'll take your car," said koji

"What car I'm fifteen, Zoe has a car but I don't know where her keys are" said takuya

"Damn that's a setback, where do you think she put them" koji asked

"Probably the clothes she had on last night" said takuya

"Come lets get them then go" said koji

They soon got in zoes car and got to koji's house and saw koichi at the computer and saw Jp with tons of bats and pipe and a switch blade just in case.

"What's the dudes name" asked koichi

"His name is Chad Wilson, and he was once married to Jane Orimoto" said takuya

"Okay he lives at 120 Lester road" said koichi

"Lets go" said takuya

They soon got into Jp's Van and packed all the weapons and drove off to the address, trying to get there before Zoe got hurt.

"It's 11:45 hurry this slow piece of shit up" said takuya

'Calm down we'll save her" said Jp

Chad's House

"Come on what time do we get the girl" asked Chad's friend Chester

"At twelve" replied Chad

"That's too long I don't know how long I can wait she is so freaking hot, and that ass …. " said another man

"Just wait fifteen minutes okay that's it and then she is all ours" replied Chad

Fifteen Minutes Later

"Alright Chad we've waited our fifteen minutes now bring her out" said Chester

"Alright calm down I'm getting her" said Chad as he started to go into the basement

"Let go of me you sick bastard" said zoe being pulled into the living room

"So who goes first" asked the short fat man

"I don't know Lets roll a dice" said Chad

And Chester won the dice roll and started trying to pull Zoë's Clothes But she was struggling to hard so he couldn't get anything off except her socks, and at that moment takuya and the others showed up, and started to pull weapons out of the trunk.\

"Stand still you stupid bitch" said Chester as he punched Zoe in the face knocking her unconscious

Takuya and the others stood at the door as soon as Chad was about to rip her skirt off.

"Police" said Koji using a deep voice

"Shit I'll hide the girl, and you answer the door" said Chad throwing Zoe in a closet and locking it

I got the door" said the short fat man and as soon as he opened it WHAM takuya wit him in the head with a bat

"What the Hell" said Chester?

"Get them you guys" yelled takuya

They got the upper hand because of surprise but then the Adults began to win because of there strength, that was until Zoe's Scream distracted them enough so the guy could hit them with the pipes and bats. Takuya then hit Chad in the head with all his force and strength.

"Where is the key to that closet" said takuya pulling out his switch blade and putting it on Chad

"Fuck you" said Chad spitting on takuya

"You don't think I won't kill you know where the hell is Zoe you bastard" said takuya very fiercely

"Ha you just a kid you won't do anything" said Chad

"Fine then you can die" said takuya about to jab the knife in Chad's neck

"Alright its next to the T.V." said Chad

Takuya I missed you so much" said Zoe as she let her out of the closet

"Zoe I'm sorry I couldn't save you earlier, Did they do anything to you" asked takuya

"No but they would have if you didn't come any sooner" said zoe

"Okay lets get out of here" said takuya

"None of you are going any where" said Chad coming out with a gun in his hand

Koji tried to reach for the gun but then Chad shot his straight in the chest and he laid there lifeless.

"Koji" they all screamed

"That's one down now for the rest of you" said Chad smiling

"Man I never thought this is how I would die" said JP holding on to tommy and koichi

"Wait I think I will have sex with zoe and make all of you watch, then you will die" said Chad walking towards zoe

As soon as he got near her she kicked him in the nuts and he screamed and dropped the gun, which takuya picked up.

"Now look who's gonna die' said takuya holding the gun

"Like I said before you wouldn't kill me " said Chad

Just as Chad swung his fist at takuya the trigger was pulled but zoe had pressed the button. And Chad lay there dead with a bullet hole in the middle of his head.

"Zoe call the police and an ambulance cause koji is still down" yelled koichi

"Okay" she relied

"Come on koji please don't die you're my best friend and you always help me I don't know what I would do without you" said takuya

"Yea man you may act mean but we know you care" said JP

"Yeah please don't die" said tommy

"Come bro don't die" said koichi

"Quit yelling in my ear damn can't a guy lay down I peace, he missed my heart so I didn't die I was just out cold until somebody screamed in my ear" said koji

"Hey you guys an ambulance is coming, wait koji your alive thank goodness" said zoe

"Yeah what about Chad" said koji

"He's dead" said takuya

"Yeah I shot him in the head" said zoe

"Oh no I don't die so easily" said Chad standing behind them with the gun bullet hole and all

"I thought you were dead zoe shot you in the head" said takuya holding zoe

"You should check next time you try to kill someone" said Chad

He aimed the gun straight at takuya and zoe then bang Chad lay down dead for sure with a second bullet hole in his head, and behind his was takuya's mom with a gun in here hand.

"Mom what are you doing here" said takuya

"Well when I got home I saw the house in a mess, so I looked for you then I went to koji's house to see if you were home and I saw an address on the computer with Chad's name on it so I followed it here and he was about to shoot you guys so I finished him off" said takuya's mom

"Well the police are on there way and so is an ambulance for koji" said zoe

"We need to get you guys some where else away from this violence" said takuya's mom

The cops soon got there and arrested the adults and took koji to the hospital and zoe and takuya went back to dating and thing were back to normal except the fact that they all remember what happened, oh and by the way zoe took self defense classes and the last time Jessica tried to break them up zoe kicked her ass.

Me-l that's my story I hope you liked it and if you didn't well then too damn bad, oh and I was planning to kill koji but koichi kept bitching about it so I didn't kill him

Koichi-I didn't want you to kill my brother damn

Zoe-I'm so glad takuya and the others saved me

Takuya-Yeah because I'm awesome

Me-No its because I'm such a cool writer that you saved her

Zoe-He has a point

Takuya-Well I'm still awesome

Me-No your not but bye everyone and remember takuya isn't awesome

Takuya-Aw man