Dear Draco,
My parents are making me go on vacation to America to visit my sister and her family. As you know, they live in a very muggle populated city area. If that's not enough, they suggest we go on a complete vacation, meaning no magic at all, including owl deliveries. Trust me, I tried to talk them out of it the best that I could, but it was no use. I'll be gone until a few days before school starts and hopefully I can still see you at Diagon Alley like we planned. You're probably incredibly angry at my family and think my sister is an idiot for choosing her lifestyle, but what can I do? They're family, so don't you go badmouthing them again. I'll miss you loads, more than I already do. I hope your summer's been going well and if I could, I would take you there with me.
With love,
ps. Don't believe the Daily Prophets, please. I told you before in my last letter how many awful lies they've been writing, but just to remind you while I'm gone.