Disclaimer~Me no own DBZ, so you no sue me then all peeps are happy ^-^

Author's Note~Dedicated to my 2 fabby friends, Ty and TD.

Dragonball Z

Starlight Daughter's Moonlight Melody

Chapter 4-Blossom Showers And Birthday Surprises

"My visit won't be for too long." Arlia told Bulma as she stepped inside the large Capsule Corps building. "I wish to see Trunks. I need his help with something."
"Sure Arlia, he's upstairs in his bedroom." Bulma replied.
"Thank you."
Arlia walked upstairs and stopped outside Trunks' room and knocked twice.
"Trunks, are you in there?"
Arlia then opened the door and looked inside.
Trunks was standing in nothing but his light blue boxers next to his wardrobe. Least to say, they were rather shocked.
Arlia blushed, screamed and shut the door. Trunks blushed, screamed and hid behind his bed.
"Oh gosh Trunks, I'm so sorry!" Arlia yelled from behind the door, holding her paws to her face to hide the blushing as Bra walked past looking amused.
"Haven't you heard of knocking then waiting for someone to answer?!" Trunks yelled from within his room.
"I did knock and I asked if you were in there, but I didn't wait. I'm so sorry about that." Arlia said.
"What was that all about?" Bulma asked her daughter.
"Oh nothing much mother." Bra replied. "Arlia walked in Trunks while he was getting dressed, nothing interesting."

A few minutes later, Trunks let Arlia in his room. There was some uneasy tension at first, but it quickly settled.
"So what did you want to see me about?" Trunks asked.
"I need your help Trunks." Arlia said. "My father's birthday is next week and I wish to do something special for him."
"It's really Goku's birthday?" Trunks asked, surprised. "How old will he be?"
"I can't answer that." Arlia replied, winking. "If you want to know, you'll have to ask him yourself. Let's just say he'll be one year older than last year."
"Thanks for stating the obvious." Trunks muttered sarcastically. "How about organising a birthday party for him?"
"Birthday party?" Arlia asked in a confused manner.
Trunks sweatdropped and fell over backwards.
"Don't tell me you don't know what a birthday party is?!"
"No I don't." Arlia replied.
Trunks sighed to himself and thanked kami that he wasn't a Perisais.
"A birthday party is a huge gathering of family and friends to celebrate and loved one's birthday." Trunks explained in the simplest of terms. "At the party for have food, drinks, music and waste a night celebrating."
"That's a birthday part? Sounds like fun." Arlia said.
"It sure is, especially with all the party games and mischievous activities that always go on during birthday parties." Trunks said. "And everyone organises the party except the person whose birthday will be celebrated."
"I'd sure like to organise one of these birthday parties for my father." Arlia said.
"No problem then! Just tell mom, she'll gather everyone together and we'll make a big birthday party for Goku. But we can't tell him because that's a surprise until the night of the party." Trunks said.
"Great! I just have to get my father a present now. I knew that on birthdays you give presents to the person whose birthday it is, but I didn't know about birthday parties." Arlia said, standing up. "Thank you for your help Trunks, it's much appreciated."
Arlia then leaned down to Trunks and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek then walked downstairs to talk to Bulma. Trunks looked stunned, then smiled to himself and shook his head.
"Arlia knew about presents, but not about parties. The wonders of life will never cease to amaze me."

Bulma had gathered together everyone except Goku at Master Roshi's place to organise the party of the century.
"Right, so Krillin, 18 and Marron are taking care of drinks. Chichi and me are putting the food together. This is gonna be so great!" Bulma said happily.
"I can't wait to see the look on dad's face." Gohan grinned. "Someone will have to bring a camera."
"I'll do that Gohan!" Goten called from the other side of the room.
"You and Trunks have thousands of cameras, so that wouldn't surprise me that one of you volunteered." Piccolo said.
"Especially in the bathroom, eh Vegeta?" Bulma smirked, elbowing her husband.
"I still have yet to kill you two brats for that!" Vegeta yelled. "I might as well do it at the party!"
"Oh no you won't Vegeta!" Bulma said. "This is gonna be the party of the century to thank Goku for everything he's done for us over the years and I will have NO ONE spoiling it, got it? Everyone, especially you Mr Saiyan Prince, are gonna be on your best behaviour!"
"Except when the fun starts!" Trunks yelled.
"And don't you start!" Bulma shouted at her son, making everyone laugh.
"What games are we going to have there?" Pan asked.
"Who can get drunk the quickest!" Goten piped up.
"I said best behave!" Bulma countered.
"I'm with Goten!" Trunks said.
"And me!" Gohan added.
"Oh stop encouraging them!" Videl said, playfully whacking her husband over his head.
"Kakarot would get drunk the quickest with or without beer." Vegeta said.
"VEGETA!" Bulma yelled, hitting his arm.
"What was that for woman?!" Vegeta yelled.
"For encouraging the teenagers and insulting Goku!" Bulma replied.
Arlia watched with an unbroken fascination with what was happening. She'd never seen something so funny in all her life.
"Oh forget it! I'm not gonna argue with you guys!" Bulma said. "Like all men, you're impossible to deal with!"
"Hey we resent that!" Gohan, Goten, Trunks and Vegeta yelled at the same time.
This sent everyone into more laughter fits and it was a full 5 minutes before they calmed down.
"Moving on swiftly, what about presents?" Bulma asked.
"They're all taken care of, right Arlia?" Goten said.
"You bet." Arlia replied.
"Okay, now that everything's sorted, we just have to bring everything together on the night." Bulma said. "Who's gonna be able to distract Goku all day on his birthday?"
"Leave that to me Bulma." Arlia said. "I can handle that."
"Okay, sorted!" Bulma said. "Now remember Krillin…"
"Bring the beer!" Gohan, Goten, Trunks and Yamcha yelled together.
Everyone laughed as Bulma sighed in utter defeat and pouted.

"Morning Otousan." Arlia said from the kitchen.
Goku had awoken to the appetising smell of food being cooked in the kitchen and had followed his nose to the source.
"Morning Arlia." Goku said. "Is it you who's cooking?"
"Yep." Arlia replied. "I'm making a traditional Perisais breakfast that we always cook on special occasions."
"Special occasions? Is today a special occasion?" Goku asked.
"Really Goku." Chichi said as she walked up to her husband. "You can't even remember your own birthday?"
"It's my birthday? Really?" Goku asked.
"Yes dad, it is. My present to you is to challenge you to a fishing tournament at Moonlight Lake." Arlia said as she set breakfast down on the table.
"Alright!" Goku said happily. "Gohan and Goten can come too!"
"Gohan and Goten are busy Goku." Chichi said. "They went to do a hard day's training with Vegeta and Trunks. Everyone else is busy too."
"Gohan invited me to go to, but I wanted to spend my day with you Otousan, since it is your birthday." Arlia said.
"Oh, okay then." Goku said cheerfully, trying to contain his slight disappointment that his sons couldn't come. "Wow, that was really good Arlia!"
"You've eaten it already?!" Arlia asked in shock.
"That's the eating power of a Saiyan Arlia." Chichi said, wrapping her arms around Goku's neck.
"So when are we going?" Goku asked.
"Now if you want." Arlia replied.
"Great! Let's go!"
Goku grabbed Arlia's arm and dragged her out of the house and into the air.
"Bye Goku, Arlia! Be careful! See you later!" Chichi called.
Once the two were completely out of sight, Chichi sneaked around to the back of the house.
"Okay guy, they're gone. You can come out now."
Then, all the Z Fighters appeared from bushes and trees with large boxes and bags.
"Remind NEVER to do this again." Piccolo moaned. "Six baka hours I've been stuck in this tree with Vegeta!"
"And you think I enjoyed it?!" Vegeta yelled.
"Oh shut up you two and let's get inside so we can set up!" Bulma shouted.
"This is gonna be so exciting!" Pan giggled.

It was already late evening. Goku and Arlia were having a great time competing to see which one could get the biggest fish.
"I'm not giving up yet!" Goku called.
"Come on father! You know there's no way you can get a fish bigger than mine!" Arlia smirked.
"I'm still not giving up!"
Arlia watched as Goku dived back in the water to find a fish bigger than her's. She smiled to herself, thinking of the blunders that were going on back at the Son house. She knew that she couldn't have to distract Goku much longer.
Arlia then turned and laughed loudly as Goku was attempting to grab a massive fish that both knew was too much for even him to handle. Arlia had to dive in and help her father catch the fish because it was so big. In the end, they decided to call it draw.
"Hey dad." Arlia spoke, looking up at the stars that were beginning to show in the darkening sky. "Do you think mom is up there, with the stars I mean."
"Sure she is Arlia." Goku replied.
"Did you…did you love her?"
Goku sighed to himself looked at his daughter.
"Yes I did Arlia, part of me still does."
"How do Chichi, Gohan and Goten feel about that?" Arlia asked. "I know mom forced herself on you, but you did have some feelings for each other. I should be honest. Mom took advantage of your weakened state when you arrived, but that was because she loved you very, very much. She knew from the start that it wouldn't work between you to and that's why she just acted on her feelings rather than doing the sensible thing."
Goku silently listen and looked at the stars as Arlia continued.
"I know you must bee feeling extremely guilty, but you mustn't blame yourself for what happened, for my conception. There wasn't much you could do."
"Arlia, don't put this all on your mother. It was my choice too." Goku said. "I did have the power to stop that from happening, weak or not. I let it happen because I wanted it to happen, I loved your mother. But I love everything I already have too. It all means too much to me to abandon it for another love."
"I know father." Arlia said. "I just can't help but feeling like a bug. I'm the remind of what happened in the past. Maybe I never should've come."
"Hey Arlia, don't ever say that." Goku said. "They all have mixed feelings about it, but if their feelings were that dead set, we wouldn't be here right now and nether would they."

"Ssssh shut up!" Bulma muttered as everyone wondered around in the dark to hide.
"Yeah, they're coming!" Pan added.
"OW! Vegeta watch where you're placing your foot!" Gohan yelled.
"I'll step on more than your hand in a minute!" Vegeta growled.
"Everyone be quiet!" 18 shouted. "Your gonna give us away!"
Everyone then went silent as Goku and Arlia opened the door.
"Hey hold on, what's going on? The lights are out!" Goku's voice was heard.
"Hang on dad, I'll just find the light switch." Arlia's voice said.
Just as the lights came on….
Goku stood in complete shock as everyone yelled and jumped up, Goten taking a photo at the same time.
"What in the name of kami…" Goku muttered.
"Goku, did you really think we were gonna let your birthday pass by without celebrating it?" Bulma said as she slapped birthday hats on everyone.
"You…you did this for me?" Goku stuttered.
"We sure did!" Goten said. "Now come in and get ready to party!"
"And get drunk!" Trunks added.
"TRUNKS!" Bulma yelled.
Suddenly, there was another knock on the door.
"I wonder who that is." Bra said.
"Who is it?" Chichi called out.
"Just an old friend dropping by to say hi." Said a familiar voice.
At the moment, Mirai walked in.
"Mirai! It's you!" Bulma yelled in delight.
"What you doing here buddie?" Gohan asked.
"Today was Goku's birthday in my timeline, so I thought I'd come back to wish him a happy birthday myself. Besides, do you really think I'd miss out on a great party and beer?"
"You're just as bad as your present self!" Bulma moaned.

The night passed by smoothly, that is until Krillin gave all the men some beer he'd snuck into the party. From then on it went rather downhill, especially when Goku and Vegeta started doing the can-can on the sofa and Mirai jumped in the middle of the sofa and sent Goku and Vegeta flying on opposite sides of the room.
Arlia looked up at the bright stars and thought to herself.
"Hey Arlia?"
Arlia looked around and saw Trunks walking towards her. He sat down next to her and looked at her.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine." Arlia replied. "I was just looking up at the stars."
"They're really bright tonight huh?" Trunks said.
"Yeah they are." Arlia replied. "That's cause it's dad birthday."
There was an uneasy silence.
"Listen, about last week, I'm sorry I walked in on you while you were wearing only your boxers." Arlia said.
"Oh don't worry about it. Bra does it all the time to annoy me." Trunks said.
Another tense moment followed.
"You look really beautiful tonight Arlia." Trunks said.
Arlia blushed and tried to hide it.
"Yeah. Did you make your outfit?"
"No, it used to be my mother's." Arlia replied. "I found it amongst other things in my pod when I was six years old. I kept it for my mother's sake."
"It really suits you." Trunks said. "Do you like being a princess?"
"Princess of what? My race is destroyed. I'm all that's left and I'm not even a pure blooded member of my kind." Arlia said. "You're father is lucky, he at least has my dad and you and Gohan and Goten for Saiyan company. I have no one."
"Don't say that Arlia." Trunks said, placing a hand on her's. "You have us."
Both blushed and looked away from each other.
"Sorry." Trunks muttered.
Arlia slowly looked at Trunks and thought at how handsome he looked. How his slender lilac hair seemed to flow down his face from the top of his head, how his crystal blue eyes shone with energy, how the star and moonlight lit up and highlighted his features. Her heart fluttered at the thought of him and sensations of a different kind of love filled her soul.
"Please, don't be sorry Trunks." Arlia said. "You feel it too don't you?"
Trunks turned around to look at Arlia and slowly put a hand to her face.
"You're so beautiful Arlia." Trunks murmured. "It hurts to resist my feelings."
"Then don't resist them Trunks." Arlia whispered. "Just go with them, let them flow."
Both leaned in closer and closed their eyes. A second later, their lips touched delicately in the light of the moon. Both pushed their lips together even more as the kiss deepened. Trunks was the first to allow Arlia access to his mouth. Her tongue glided over his teeth and trailed every part of his mouth. In return, Arlia granted the same access to Trunks. Arlia wrapped her arms around Trunks' neck as he held her face in his hands. A bright flame of new-found passion burned in both their souls and the bonding process began.

Goku had gone for a walk to clear his head after he fell asleep for a few hours due to the beer.
"Aw man, why did I let Vegeta talk me into drinking all that beer?" Goku moaned while holding his head.
Goku soon reached Moonlight Lake and splashed some of the cooling water on to his face. As soon as he had, he stood up and looked up at the sparkling stars.
"I'll look after her Saphuria, I promise." Goku spoke softly.
In the darkness of the trees, something was moving, stirring, stalking.
Suddenly without any warning, a shadow leapt from the trees and landed on Goku's back. As he struggled to get whatever it was on his back off him, it sank it's sharp front fangs into his neck, followed by the back fangs. Goku cried out in pain and stumbled across the grass trying to get the creature off him. Goku felt himself becoming weaker, his eyes grew heavy and he crashed into the ground and fell unconscious. Blood dripped from the puncture marks on to the ground. The creature then walked towards Goku, purring contentedly to itself in a sinister manner. Then, more creatures jumped down next to the first one. They all had the same figures as Arlia, if not more cat-like.
"Is this the one?" One asked.
"Yes, I can tell by the taste of his blood." The first one replied. "This is Goku Son."
"He doesn't look that strong." The third said.
"Do not underestimate his power." The first one said. "I of all people know how strong he really is."
"To think he attracted you so much as to allow conception." The second said.
"His power and his charms are beyond any pleasure you can imagine." The first said. "Now that we have him, he is mine once again and together, me and him shall create a new race of super breeds which will bow and live under our master's empire. Bring him!"
"As you command Queen Saphuria."

Dun dun dun! Mega plot twist or what!!! Bet you didn't see that coming! Want more? Then R&R and tell me!