Will's POV

I start teaching my 2nd period Spanish class and decide to ask Rachel a question on the test we took yesterday. "Rachel what did you get for number 16?"

Rachel was trying to talk but couldn't. I hated having to watch her struggle to talk. "Nick do you think you can help Rachel out?"

"Sure I got....." I finished asking the last four questions and went back over to Rachel.

"Are you okay Rachel?"She nods her head no. I put my hand on her forehead. "My god Rachel you're burnin' up! Go on down to the nurse okay? Here's a hall pass." I said giving the note to her. Then she walked in misery down to the office. I knew she didn't like dreading 3 flights of stairs to go home but it was better for her than to let her sit uncomforable through 4 more classes. Then went to my desk to grade some of the 150 damn tests.

Rachel's POV

Why does Mr. Schue have to be on the 4th floor? I can't even get in the elevators because I'm a student. I dragged my shivery, aching body down the 3 flights of stair and to the school nurse. "Can I help you dear?" Our nurse Miss Alana asked. I showed her the note from . She quickly read it and said "Alright let's see how high you temputure is. You go lay down on that bed over there." She stuck a thermomter in my mouth and waited for 3 minutes. "Well your tempurture is a nice distance from 100 degrees. You're at 104.2 degress. Any other symptoms?" I looked for something to write on. I finally found a note book and wrote down cough, stuffed/runny nose, no voice at all, aches, tired, shivering. "Well it looks like you have a nice case of laryngitis. Go on home and get some sleep. Okay?" I nodded my head yes. Can you talk to and tell him I'm going home and not going to glee? I scribbled down on the notebook. "I'll talk to him now okay."

"Will, I'm sending your student Rachel Berry home. It looks like she has a nice case of laryngitis. She asked me to tell her that she's not coming to glee this afternoon. Okay thanks Will." Then she looked over at me. "Do you have a way home?" I nodded yes becuase I had my car. "Alright well you can head on out. A word of adivce take 2 Motrin every 3 hours to bring your fever down." I nodded my head in thanks. I dragged my body to my locker and went out to my car. I drove home, changed into sweats, took some motrin, and went to sleep.

Will's POV

Later that afternoon I walked into the glee club's usual Wednesday rehearsal but this time all of them looked confused.

"Alright guys time to start rehearsal." I said as I walked into the rehearsal room.

"But what about Rachel?" Artie asked with a confused look on his face. "We can't start without her."

"Look guys Rachel's not coming today."

"Don't tell me she left to do another musical." Mercedes said with her diva attitude voice.

"Not this time. She's not feeling very well."

"You made me come with a bad cold and I almost ruined my Mark Jacob's collection jacket because you wanted me sneeze in my sleeve. Why does she get to use illness as an excuse?" Kurt said.

"Kurt for one thing you gave half of us that cold by not sneezing in the jacket and two you had a voice. Sure it was probably hard to sing through it but you made it."

"See? If I can she can." He said back.

"Alright lookguys she has laryngitis so its pretty hard to even talk for her. End of disscussion. Now today we're gonna do Somebody to Love rehearsal. But before I get to that I wanna tell you guys what we'll do in the event were performing and 1 of you is really sick,injured or just can't make it due to an emergency. If Rachel's the lead can' come then Tina will take her place. Say Tina's the lead and she can't come Mercedes comes in. And if Mercedes is leading then Rachel will go on. For the boys If Finn's the lead and gets sick then Artie will go on. Artie's the lead Kurt goes on. Kurt's the lead then Finn goes on. So Tina you're doing Rachel's part."


"Yep. If we want this to work we have to learn to do this with different situations like this."

"I-I'm on it Mr. Schues-Schuester."

Rehearsal went really well. But I could see Finn's awkwardness on Finn's face not having Rachel beside him for the female leads. But I thought Tina did very well for her first try. After rehearsal Finn stayed behind.

"Hey Finn." I said.

"Mr. Schue. What's do you think would be the best any to make Rachel feel better?"

"You know if Rachel is allergic to flowers or not?'

"Ya she can't stop sneezing when she's around flowers for a while."

"Get her an incantation and write a cute little note."

"Thanks Mr. Schue. I'm gonna head out."

"Alright later Finn."

Rachel's POV

I feel like crap. I can't talk at all let alone sing. I barely had the energy to change into my NYC sweats and pink t-shirt. Now I just wish my dads would stop texting me. I get my Samsung and then texted this

Papa. Plz stop txting me. Trying 2 sleep. Send to Papa.

Little star y r u sleeping?

Dont feel good.

R u sic?

Just a cold

Do u have a fever?

Slight 99.2 I had to lie if I didn't want them to come home. They'd take the first plane if they knew my temourture was 103.4

We'll come back from la if you need us ok?

Night papa

Goodnight little star.

After the texts I heard a knock at my back door. I coughed a few times as I walked back to the door. While I prayed for my nose not to run for whoever was here. I opened the door and saw my best friend Finn wiht an incartnation.

"Hey I missed you at glee. Mr. Schue said you weren't feeling well. So I wanted to ya know check on you."

I walked as fast as I could drag my body back to my bedroom and got a notebook so I could talk. You wanna come in?

'Thanks. So how are you feeling?"

Tired and cold. I wrote back.

"Wanna go back to bed?" He asked the question I had been hoping for. I really wanted to go back to sleep.


"Come I'll tuck you in." Finn walked me back to my pink bedroom and held the covers up like a gentleman. Then put my teddy bear named Star beside me. And finally put my light pink comforter and bright red blanket around me. I turned over to the notebook and wrote Lay with me.

"Okay." Then he got under the comforter and held me.

I slept for a while until Finn woke me with a tray of food that had chicken noodle soup and apple juice. "Rachel. Rachel wake up. You need to get some liquids in you." he said kinda shaking me.

What time is it? I wrote sloppy due to sleeping.

"It's almost quarter after 6." Then he spoon fed me my soup. "I know what'll make you feel better. Wanna listen to one of your CDs?"

I nodded my head. "Which one?"

Next to Normal Disc 2. Finn went over to my CDs. While he was doing that I blowed my running nose. Then, I closed my eyes and drifted off as Song of Forgetting played. I slept for a little while and then felt tis tingle in my chest. I started coughing. I started and couldn't stop. Air in, air coughed out immediately. After a few times Finn came in and held me until I finally stopped. "You okay?"I nodded my head no. "What hurts?" I pointed to my throat. "Your throat hurts?" I nodded yes. "Let me make it better." Finn started kissing me on the neck and worked his way up to my lips. "Feel better?" I nodded yes and kissed him back on his cheek.

I turned to my notebook and wrote something I was ready to tell him. I love you.

Then he went over to the incartnation he gave me earlier and got out a note cleaverly hidden in the pedals that said I love you Rachel Berry. I patted my hand on the bed signaling him to lay down. He got the message and fell asleep with me.