Welcome potential new readers! You have arrived at an interesting time in this story's life…
This fic is one of my earlier ones. This was how I became a little more acquainted with the Ouran fandom. And during the time of this story's original run, I got a lot of awesome reviews. …And looking back now, I've realized that the story kind of sucks. And not just from poor, inexperienced grammar and writing skills. The characters themselves lack development, everything is rushed. It's just… bad.
So I'm in the process of rewriting this story. I'll take down this little note once the final chapter has been revised, but this is just a warning, in case you read the first couple of chapter and really like it… Only to click on the next and discover a horrendously written mess.
As far as the plot itself goes, that won't be changing too much. I'll just be expanding upon it a little. I don't really want to describe it as 'An OC story with a twist!' but as far as summaries for fics that are desperate to be read goes… Eh, I'd say that's accurate enough.
Thank you for reviewing the original chapter one: Elayna19, NumbnessForSound, and cuteandcuddly.
Chapter One: Nasira
"Come on, Nasira, it's fun! We didn't choose any of the same electives this year, and we aren't in any of the same classes! We have to be a part of something together!"
That would be Kaisa, my best friend.
"Would you just stop already? I'm not going to the host club with you!"
And that would be yours truly, in all my optimistic, not-at-all sarcastic glory.
Kaisa narrowed her eyes at me and puffed out her cheeks, pouting. She had been pushing this subject all day. No matter what I said, what topic I chose, I hadn't managed to distract her once.
As much as I wanted to spend time with my best friend, some reassurance that I'll get to see her every day, I'm determined not to become a guest of the Ouran Academy Host Club.
I don't care how much fun it is. I know from experience that Kaisa and I tend to define that word a little differently.
For me, fun is not losing your head over a bunch of flirtatious boys as they struggle to remember their lines then pretend they weren't just acting out the same scenario for the group before you. Cue the eye roll.
Pretend is a pretty good description for the whole thing, actually. I've just never seen the point. Of course, when you're like me and your best friend is like Kaisa, you're basically screwed.
Kaisa is your run-of-the-mill, over-excitable fangirl, for lack of a better term.
I don't mean for that description to sound quite so harsh. She's still my best friend. The… less desirable aspects of her personality have always been easy enough to tolerate. But then Renge Houshakuji transferred into the school. I'm not sure how exactly they found each other, as I'm fairly certain they don't share any classes either, but like minds have this way of accidentally seeking each other out.
A few weeks back, Renge introduced Kaisa to the Host Club, and here we are.
"No!" That would be me.
"Yes! You know you want to." And that would be Kaisa, right on cue.
I really a trying not to blame this whole mess on Renge. I know it's more than likely that Kaisa would have, eventually, discovered the Host Club herself. And Renge was really only doing her job, promoting the club as their (self-proclaimed) manager. But after the never-ending nagging that I had suffered through today, I wasn't feeling very forgiving. But Kaisa knew me too well. She was very aware that she could wear down even my toughest resolve. She had spent the day waiting for me to crack. And I didn't disappoint.
"You know what?!" I finally snapped as classes let out for the day. "Okay!"
…Later that Day…
What the hell was I thinking? By the time we actually got to the club that afternoon, the strong set of my mouth had devolved into a grimace.
Here's how the host club works if you're a first-time guest like myself: When the door opens, you're assaulted by an immediate whoosh of rose petals. Not just the scent. Literal, tangible rose petals. When you don't really want to spend time with any of the hosts, you end up following your friend to their host of choice.
When your friend is Kaisa, this means sitting with two boys. One is comically tall and never says a word the whole time. The other is comically short and manages to consume more sugar than is probably safe for a person his height and weight.
I'm not positive on their names. I just know they're upperclassmen. To be honest, I spent the whole time with my head down, trying not to attract attention. It's not even the hosts and their antics so much as the crowd that flocks around them that makes me uncomfortable.
Quite frankly, I'm not like these girls, and they all know it. I'm a bit of a tomboy, something that's not exactly encouraged here. I can't really explain it—it's just who I am. I've looked up every Nature vs. Nurture argument in existence. They haven't helped much.
It's not like I have any real objection to the school or just being rich in general. Yeah, the lifestyle can be a little excessive, but that's not what bothers me. But the expected obsession with fancy, overpriced clothing and the manic push for proper etiquette at all times has always come off as a little superficial. I know Kaisa feels the same way, at least in theory, but she's never seen a problem in indulging in some of these superficialities when it serves to amuse her.
I was relieved when it was time to go home, but that relief was already slowly being replaced with dread. I knew I would be returning tomorrow. And the day after. And possibly every day after until graduation. Ugh.
Review please!
I don't own Ouran!
Thank you if you have made it this far. I do hope to get the rest of the revisions up relatively soon.