The results for the When Love Was New Contest are back and I GOT AN HONOURABLE MENTION!!!!! YAY! Two of the judges wrote absolutely

wonderful and flattering write ups about this story on the Fictionator's blog and I even got a pretty banner!

The links to the write-ups and my banner are up on my profile, so you can go check them out and see what they said:)


ALSO, A Golden Hearted Rose is up for a Silent Tear Award in the Best One-Shot category! Once again, the link is up on my profile so if you

enjoyed that story, please show your support by going and voting:-)


FINALLY, I have started writing an Alice/Jasper story called Down the Rabbit Hole. It is probably going to be a three shot and I've published

the first chapter on my profile. It is a unique look at Alice immediately after her transformation. I always thought she was an interesting

character and so I decided to explore her further. Even if this is not the usual pairing you go for, I encourage you to give it a try and tell

me what you think:-) I always love hearing from you guys - it inspires me to write more!

Here's a teaser:


She stumbled backwards in horror, her unnaturally white and smooth hands flying trembling to her bloodstained mouth. What had she done? What had she become? Turning quickly away, she fled from the site of the carnage, her legs trembling beneath her even as they moved faster than sight. When she was far away from civilisation, far from any more distracting scents, she collapsed on her knees and sobbed. But no tears would come and try as she might, her dry heaving did not bring her the satisfaction that she thought it would.
