AN: Ahh.. This is just a little plot bunny from an rp that I've been meaning to write up fo a while... Enjoy!!


Ianto Jones was tied up. He'd been tied up quite a few times. Probably more times than was normal in his relatively short life. And sometimes, it wasn't always a bad thing – Jack could be very inventive...

This wasn't the time for thoughts like that though. As he tensed his arms, pulling against the tight ropes, Ianto began to panic. Where the hell was Jack? As his captor tied a blindfold tightly around his eyes, Ianto's breathing began to come in short, sharp gasps. Flashbacks. Oh, god, the flashbacks. As he tried to breathe normally, a silky, sing-song voice whispered in his ears.

"Carpe Sanguis... Carpe Sanguis... Change the mortal... Carpe Sanguis... Carpe Sanguis... Change his blood..."
Ianto swallowed.

"Who is that?! What are you doing?!"
"Hush hush, Mortal Boy... I'm doing you a favour... Such a lovely, long life you will have... Such fun!"

"If you do anything, I swear, I'll kill you!"
"Kill me? Oh, how fun! I've never tried that before..."

The strangers lips were hovering close to his ear now, her breath tickling his neck. She nipped his ear with surprisingly pointy teeth and drew blood. He shuddered as she licked his earlobe.
"Oh... Such good blood... Strong blood... Carpe Sanguis..."

Ianto strained against his restraints again and jumped as he felt a hand seize his arm.

"The beautiful Mortal Boy... Mortal no longer!"
He yelped as he felt a needle pushed deep into the vein of his wrist. As the contents of the syringe was emptied into his blood, he began to feel drowsy and his wrists began to itch.

"Carpe Sanguis!" A joyful voice sang out, "Bye-bye Mortal Boy!"
As Ianto's head lolled, he concentrated as best he could, translating the phrase. He raised his head slowly.


Jack sprinted across the forest to the huge tree Ianto was tied to.
"Yan?! What have they done to you?!"
As Jack pulled the blindfold off, Ianto felt himself slipping into unconsciousness. Before he did, he mumbled three words that his foggy brain had finally figured out.
"Seize the blood."


When Ianto came round again, he found himself in his own bed, gazing up at the ceiling. As he moved to sit up, his wrists and neck burned and itched and he hissed, flopping back again.
"So we're awake now, huh?"

Ianto glanced sideways, blinking.


"You had me worried... You've been out of it for days now."
Ianto smiled slightly.


"S'alright. Hungry?"
The Welshman nodded and Jack grinned, standing up.

"Good good. Toast and marmalade on the way..."

Ianto closed his eyes again, trying to remember what had happened to him. He remembered being tied up. The silky voice. The needle. He shuddered as he thought what they could of done to him. But if he was alive now, surely it wasn't serious? As Jack brought the toast through, Ianto's stomach lurched and he was nearly sick
"Here you go..."
Ianto shook his head, grimacing.
"But I thought you were hungry?"
"..I... I am... But that's making me sick."
Jack frowned and reached for Iantos forehead, checking his temperature. Ianto raised an eyebrow as he realised he could feel Jacks pulse in his hand. His stomach rumbled. Ianto pulled back, closing his eyes. That was weird. Jack shrugged.
"You aren't warm..."
He was sat on the edge of Ianto's bed and he leaned over Ianto to grab the thermometer on the other side of the bed. Ianto couldn't help but nose at Jacks neck. His pulse point. Ianto's stomach rumbled again. Jack froze as Ianto mouthed his neck.
Jack leaned back and took Ianto's cheeks in his hands, looking into his face. Ianto's pupils were massively dilated until there wasn't a trace of the blue iris. Jack swallowed.
"...So hungry... Please Jack..."

Jack hesitated and Ianto whimpered slightly. Resigning himself to the fact that at least he couldn't die, Jack released Ianto's face.

Ianto's face lit up and Jack stayed perfectly still as the other man moved back towards his neck. Ianto nosed Jacks pulse point again and flicked his tongue out. Jack shuddered. Ianto paused slightly and whispered, his lips tickling Jacks neck.
"Ago tibi gratias..."
He hovered above Jacks pulse point briefly before biting down hard. As Jack cried out, Ianto looked blissfully happy and as Jacks body slumped down, he kept his lips on Jacks neck, following him down and drinking contentedly. Once done, Ianto curled round Jacks dead body and fell asleep, a smile on his bloodstained lips.


AN: Well, hope you liked it. R&R? Any ideas for the next few chapters are greatly appreciated :)