Harry Potter and the Magic Disco Dancing Academy
Chapter 1 – My favourite show!
Today at Hogwarts, the students had been told that Professor Dumbledore would do a big announcement to the whole school at dinner. But unfortunately, this announcement would right in the middle of the Boy-Who-Lived favourite show, the Magic Disco Dancing Academy. Each Friday night the show started at the same time than the dinner, at 7.30, and would also finish when dinner finished, at 8.30.
Three years ago, Professor Dumbledore had found a way for the TV to work in the magic world and had created a channel called Magic Channel that could only work if you touched the TV with your wand while saying the password.
A year after the channel magic was added on TV, the M.D.D.A started and it soon became Harry Potter's favourite thing to do (he even prefer it to fighting Lord Voldemort) so far he had never, ever missed one episode of the M.D.D.A. since his fifth year.
The M.D.D.A. would only have one season a year which would start from the first Friday of September and finish in November. The Magic Disco Dancing Academy was a copy of a famous Muggle show The D.D. Academy; the Muggles who would participate in the game were supposed to dance Disco and the best Disco Dancer would then win the game, and £500,000. This TV show is only for people over 18 years old. The M.D.D.A. is the same except that it is only for people over 17 and Muggles aren't allowed.
It was now 7.25, and Harry was in the 7th year Gryffindor boy's dormitory with his best friends Ronald Weasley and Neville Longbottom, who Ron and Harry had became closer during their 6th year, they were sitting on the floor and were chatting when Hermione Granger came into the room
"Don't you know what knocking is??" Asked Ron, she rolled her eyes
"It's time to go to Dinner; I don't want to miss what our dear Headmaster has to say, I hope it's because of our exam, and that he wants us to take them earlier!" She said looking very enthusiastic.
"We're coming Hermione but I hope Dumbledore doesn't want to make us take the exams early …" Said Neville
"Why would he want to do that, Neville?" Asked Ron, Both of them stood up but Harry was still sitting on the floor.
"Aren't you coming Harry?" Asked Hermione
"Erm … no I don't fell really well… I think I'm just gonna try to sleep and if I fell well I'll come, ok?"
"Ok…" All three of them left the dormitory "Don't you think it's weird that Harry never feels well on Fridays?"
"I don't know 'Mione, I didn't notice" Said Ron
"I did notice…maybe but just is a werewolf?" Said Neville
"He can't be a werewolf 'cause he would have told us and werewolf only turn into a wolf on full moon, so once a month" Said Ron
"Maybe, he is a … Friday Werewolf?" Said Neville
"Oh yeah, Harry Potter the Friday Werewolf!"
"What?? You two boys are weird; a Friday werewolf?"
When Harry Potter's friends had left the room, Harry rushed to the seventh floor and walked three times in front of a wall whishing to see the M.D.D.A. A big door suddenly appeared!
"Wow, I love the room of requirement" Harry thought
It wasn't the first time he came here; he used to come here every Fridays for the two years before but it was always very different each time he came. This time there was a big plasma TV with a very comfortable looking sofa and popcorn on a small table. He turned the TV on, and the show started
"I love this song at the beginning! #Tada Poom Poom Woo# the M.D.D. Academy! #yeah#" He sang to the tune.
"Hello and Welcome to--" Big suspense moment there "The Magic Disco Dancing Academy" Harry could here clapping and cheering "This week we have special news for you who are watching this! The M.D.D.A. will only start next week! But…it will be at Hogwarts! Yes you students who are watching The M.D.D.A. will be at your school this year! Well bye and see you next week!"
Harry didn't believed what he heard… I will finally be able to do the M.D.D.A, he thought happily! But he cried for at lest half an hour because his favourite show wasn't really on today, it only lasted for two minutes. After he calmed down, he decided he would go to tonight's fest.