Harry's mischievous grin went mostly unnoticed except for by the young Autobot named Bumblebee who tilted his head to the side curiously. What was the sparkling up to?


"Ratchet, come in Ratchet," Ratchet froze in the middle of his examination of the sparkling as he received the communications link.

"This is Ratchet, what can I do for you Optimus?"

"Why haven't you returned yet along with Ironhide and Bumblebee?" Optimus's voice gave him no choice but to answer.

"Barricade showed up with a sparkling."

There was silence on the other end of the communications link for a good ten human minutes. "You jest. There is no way to create any more sparklings."

"See for yourself." With those words Ratchet sent Optimus an image of the sparkling he was treating sitting on Barricade while clinging to Ironhide's finger.

The chuckle that escaped Optimus brought an expression that could only be described as a smile to Ratchet's face. "Bring them both to base. I would like to meet the sparkling."

Barricade, Barricade looked up from where he was staring in annoyance at the sparkling, Optimus Prime wishes for me to extend to you an invitation to our base.

Barricade rolled his eyes even as Ironhide began to protest, But he is a decepticon. We should be destroying him not bringing him home like a human would bring a stray dog home.


Harry froze and let go of the finger before turning his face to look up into Ironhide's features. Surely he was kidding. Upon reading the expression that was featured there Harry slowly lowered himself to lay flat on the one they called a decepticon. He still did not know his name and dearly wished that he could ask but knew that he could not. Searching through what he could only guess to be instincts he finally found a way he could enable himself to communicate. "NO!!!!!!!!!!!"

All three Autobots turned to stare at the source of the high pitched squeal of refusal only to stare in disbelief at the sparkling. Did you say something? Bumblebee asked shakily.

The sparkling nodded, "You can't destroy him. He's mine!"

Yours huh? How do you figure that youngster? Barricade asked clearly amused by the sparklings claim.

"Yup you feel like family to me. Have since I found you."

Since you found me? So you are the human child who has been repairing me?

Harry tilted his head to the side, "I don't really remember. I remember finding you and then it sort of goes blank before I found you got me into your cab."