De La Stella


"We've found Fuuta's family." Reborn reported one late, cold night. He was standing on the window sill, a passive look on his face. A folder rustled in his hand, which was soon dropped onto Tsuna's lap.

Tsuna was on the floor. His video game controller dropped off his knee when the folder fell. He stared down at the vanilla folder that was rather light with few papers and probably a picture in it. His eyes then trailed to the sleeping figures nearby. Lambo was sprawled out on the floor, his own controller atop his tummy. He was deep asleep, his snoring loud and clear. Then his eyes strolled to Fuuta, who was sleeping on his bed which Tsuna was leaning against. He too was deep asleep, but his snores were light and less distracting. His eyes fell back to the vanilla folder and he pushed it away. He didn't want to open it.

"Tsuna…" Reborn started.

"Why now?" Tsuna muttered bitterly.

Reborn could feel the disappointment in his voice and actions. "We just found his family. We're still in the process of contacting them." He paused for a moment, wondering if there was going to be response. With only silence in reply, he continued. "The folder has their information. Look over it, then get ready to explain to Fuuta." Just as he was about to leave, Tsuna responded.

"…When does he leave?"

"Don't know… Soon."


Tsuna decided to take Fuuta out for ice cream a handful of days after. Of course, Lambo decided to tag along too.

"Mom, we're going now!" Tsuna called out.

"Alright, stay safe!" His mother replied all the way from the kitchen.

Once outside the door, Lambo started hopping about. "Ne, ne, what ice cream shop? Where?" Fuuta couldn't help but laugh at the excitement of Lambo. Tsuna scanned through all the ice cream shops he knew of. "Hmm… probably in town… or maybe that small shop down the street? There's also that ice cream cart -"

"No! I want the one in town! Town!" Lambo was tugging both them by the sleeves. "Let's go!" As the were dragged down the road by the eight year old, Tsuna and Fuuta laughed.

"Lambo seems overly excited today."

"Yeah, he is, isn't he?"

Lambo had let them go once they were already in the town districts, passing by many people who were window shopping and strolling with shopping carts. Tsuna, being the tallest of the bunch for once, was able to spot the ice cream shop a few strides ahead and led the way. They quickly entered the shop, due to Lambo's zeal, and found it teeming with other children. Tsuna was slightly worried about losing Lambo in the crowd and before he knew it, the eight year old was already holding a special deluxe ice cream as large as his head. A chunk of the goodness was already being devoured. Tsuna grimaced as he had to pass his budget and pull money out of his pockets, but dismissed it when Fuuta began to protest about getting one. In the end, they were able to find a table for them on the second floor of the shop, which had a great view of the shopping area and parts of the city.

"Oh, I see our school from here!" Fuuta picked it out in the distance. Lambo was looking too, soon laughing proudly at the thought of his new height above the world. Tsuna simply smiled at the two.

Lambo was busily gobbling up his deluxe ice cream, which was packed with marshmallows, caramel syrup, sprinkles, wafers, and two other different flavors as sides. Next to him was Fuuta, who was eating his cone of cookies and crème, and Tsuna, who sat on the other side of the table, had a vanilla swirl in hand.

Fuuta was watching Lambo with a smile on his face, but it soon changed when his eyes fell on his older brother's expression. "Tsuna-nii?" Tsuna's expression was strange, fairly serious as if he was making a hard decision. Fuuta called out his name again, now receiving attention. "Yeah, Fuuta?"

"Are you okay?" Fuuta looked at him. "You are very quiet…"

Tsuna blinked at him, a surprised look on his face. "Ah… Y-Yeah! Yeah… I am…" He saw the unconvinced look on Fuuta's face and tried to hold up a front… which lasted for a mere ten seconds of silence. He gave in. "Okay… I'm not doing so great."

Fuuta set down his almost finished cone on the table, his hands still lightly wrapped around it. "Is something wrong?"

"…" Tsuna set down his cone too. "…Yeah…"

Lambo took the last bite of his ice cream, licking his lips happily. He looked at the two with him, noticing a somber aura clearly reigning over the two. Normally, he would've interrupted, but he suddenly felt like it wasn't his place to interrupt. He busied himself with any leftovers of his ice cream.

Fuuta started to worry. He knew Tsuna didn't normally act like this, doing something fun just to sulk. There definitely was something wrong, and he didn't exactly like the feel of it. He began once again after a while, "…What is it?" The look on Tsuna's face seemed really puzzled and distraught. It was like he didn't know what to say, or rather, that he didn't want to say anything.

"I'm sorry…" Tsuna muttered. "I'm the worst… for being like this today."

"Tsuna-nii?" Chocolate eyes watched him intently now, which caused Fuuta to straighten up in his seat.

Tsuna laid down his head on the table, seemingly defeated. "Of all days…" All Fuuta could do was watch quietly, until he said more. "…But I guess it is best. No better time than now." Even Lambo stopped to listen too. To him, this Tsuna was strange.

"Fuuta…" Tsuna, with his head turned to the side, stared out the window overlooking the town. "…we found your family." He looked really confused… "It's not like I'm against it or anything…. I'm happy, I really am, that we found your family because we can contact them and talk to them and…" His voice trailed away again. "But I can't help but feel a little bit sad…"

"You found… my family?" Fuuta questioned. Tsuna looked at the young thirteen year old, and his face surprised him. It was a look of disbelief. The boy definitely couldn't believe it.

"Yes… we found your family. They still reside in Italy, now living in a small town at the south." Tsuna tried to remember details on the papers he received from Reborn. "It's a family of four, including you. Your mother, father, and younger brother… and you."

Fuuta looked down at his now melting ice cream. It was no good to eat anymore… it was warm. "I have a family?"

Tsuna looked confused now. "Of course you do… Did you not know?"

Fuuta looked at Tsuna with honest eyes, shaking his head slowly. "I didn't."


Fufufufu. I've been gone forever huh? |D
Well, summer is around the corner and I think it's about time I started updating my things. 8D

Of course... I had to return with a pretty depressing chapter... OTL