The halflings growth scared Bella and Jasper, but stilled at seventeen. They met their mates years later and they happily lived with the Cullens.

Sarah and Jake moved back to La Push when she turned eighteen. They had four girls and a little boy.

Seth and Clearia moved with them, and had two boys.

Bella and Jasper didn't have anymore kids for years to come but decide to try again after fifty-six years. They had two more little girls, and a little boy.

Aliza wasn't able to conceive with Aro, and Caius. But she did conceive with Marcus, and from that they had mated. The Volturi thought it weird that he had found a second mate, but she was happy. Aliza did not return from Italy.

The rest of them lived pretty okay lives, every once in a while there would be a bump in the road but they always got over it.

Every night Bella would look up at the stars and thank Laurant for attacking her, and putting her in her right place.