Thank You Sooo sooo much for all the reveiws... you have no idea how happy I was when I opened my emails... Thank you jenni-twifan,edwardluver1983,MidnightSeductress95,twihard22,xlizzieluvsthecullenboysx,RosesFromDrew! I'm loving you guys right now... and for the ones who didn't reveiw but still did read my story, thank you too! I dont own twilight.... for some reason, I'm very upset becoz of that... BellaPOV
I was still a bit shaken about what happened between me and Edward in the car. After we got out, i noticed that everyone was staring at us. I didn't get it, when Edward used to pick me up before, no one noticed, now all of a sudden people start to notice us?
"Don't worry about them" Edward whispered in my ear. Even with that closeness I got goosebumps. I got Edward Fever, I giggled to myself (get it? Beaver Fever?)
Edward walked me to class but he made sure that everyone knew we were dating because when I was abotu to turn around to go inside, he grabbed my waist and came to close to my face and tilted his head like he was going to kiss me... he leaned to my lips but then he moved and little to the right and kissed my cheek. Edward has kissed my cheek before but this time there was something different. What was wrong with me? Was I falling hard for Edward?
He leaned back and said a bit too loud for everyone to hear
"Bye baby. I'll see you at lunch" I nearly died right there. Edward, the biggest hottie at school, just called me baby. Right now I was on cloud nine. After Edward walked to his class, I almost floated to my class. Everyone was looking at me! And mostly every girl was giving me dirty glares and was for the boys... they are a different story. I walked down to my seat and everyone started to whisper around me. It was just like in those drama queen movies when the geeky and nerdy girl goes to her seat everyone whispers with their hand infront of their mouths but eyes on her. Yep, this is what I felt like. But it didn't really matter, you know why? Because, my fake boyfriend, my best friend, was Edward Cullen.
After mine and Bella's little show infront of her classroom, I went to my class room, almost everyone looked up from their books to look at me. I hated it. Every girl dreamed to be my girlfriend and every boy dreamed to be my best bud. But none of them really knew me. All they saw was Edward Cullen, the cool and hot dude. I'm way more than that. Luckly, I had this class with Emmett and Jasper. I was almost done my worksheet when a note flew ontop of my page. I looked to my right and saw Japer and Emmett making motions trying to tell me to open the note. I did.
Good job bro! Finally got Bella eh? Niiicccee! When are you taping that?- Emmett
Ofcourse this part was from Emmett so I skipped all the part of me and Bella getting it on.
Anyways, Edward, you know we love you but please be careful. You know Bella totally shut us down when he hurt her. I don't want that to happen again. Be careful.- Japser
And this is from Jasper. Jasper being the protective one had to tell me to be carefull.
Now, I was pissed.
Ohhhh! Edward's pissed! Reveiws please! And give more ideas on who "he" is!!! "He" will be revealed soon!! REVEIW!! the only motive I have to write a new chapter is that people are liking my story. So please reveiw. Who understood the Beaver Fever?