Okay let's just say I was VEREH bored and I have been lacking inspiration for a fanfic and I FINALLY got one so NO YOU CAN'T HAVE IT!! Okie dokie let the randomosity begin!! OOO wait… darn I forgot * sigh *

DISCLAIMER: NOBODY on fanfiction actually OWNS any anime/manga/whatever anyway so what's the point of telling you what you already know, but anywho I own nothing. You probably haven't even read this and have moved on to the fanfic leaving me to talk to myself, but * sniff * that's okay. Enjoy!!

Roxas was lying down on his bed thinking about his nobody life when Sora randomly burst into the room scaring the non-living hell out of him. "Sora?! What the hell are you doing here? Xemnas is going to kill you if he finds you here!" the blond yelled at the young brunette whose hair also defied gravity.

"Nice to see you too. Wanna play a game with me?" Sora asked with a smirk playing along his lips.

"No, for the last time I do not want to play the bouncy bed game with you. Go bug Kairi." Roxas said harshly, knowing deep down he did.

"NO not that one! I'm talking about Dare." Sora said with a pout.

"Umm… I think you mean Truth or Dare." Roxas corrected knowing Sora wasn't exactly the "brightest crayon in the box", more like a purple.

"Screw truth! Nobody tells the truth anymore anyway. And besides, Dare is more fun." The brunette said in a malicious tone that made the hair on the back of Roxas's neck stand (if it wasn't already)

"Hmm… well I've got nothing else to do so what the heck?" Roxas said sitting down on the floor across from Sora.

"Okay, I'll go first, I dare you to… do the Macarana with your eyes shut!!" Sora said blurting out the first thing that came to his poorly developed mind. The blond stared at him for a moment, but did the dare while Sora pulled out a random boom box out of thin air.

Finishing the dance, Roxas sat down and grinned evilly at the brunette. "Okay my turn, I dare you to- " Roxas was cut off when a certain redhead melted a large hole in the door. Axel walked into the room through the hole with an annoyed look on his face, "What are you listeni - WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING HERE?!" Axel yelled pointing an accusing finger at Sora. "Playing Dare. Wanna play?" Roxas asked innocently. Axel paused for a moment but nodded his head in agreement and sat down.

"So, whose turn is it?" the redhead asked. "Mine," Roxas said, "and I dare Sora to… ACT LIKE MANSEX!" Sora smiled and stood up throwing his hands up in the air yelling, "KINGDOM HEARTS! KINGDOM HEARTS! EVERYONE BOW DOWN TO THE ALL MIGHTY AND POWERFUL KINGDOM HEARTS!" while Axel and Roxas laughed hysterically.

"HAHAHA that's JUST like our Organization meetings!" Axel said between laughs. Sora finally stopped and sat back down.

"Okay, my turn, and I dare Axel to… STEAL MANSEX'S STASH!!" Sora dared. Axel and Roxas stared at him bug-eyed. NOBODY stole Mansex's stash unless they wanted to die.

"N-no way!" Axel said valuing his non-existing life.

"You have to it's dare, don't tell me your scared Axel." The brunette challenged.

"I-I'm not scared! Fine! I'll do it." The stubborn redhead said defensively walking out the door (or through it I should say). Yep, he can kiss his nonexistent life goodbye.

About 20 minutes later, Axel walked through the hole in Roxas's door and placed a medium sized box in the middle of their little circle/triangle and opened the cold box to reveal, "SEA SALT ICECREAMZ!!"

Roxas and Axel quickly cupped their hands over Sora's mouth, "Do you want Saix to hear you? He'd kill us!" Axel whispered to the brunette. Sora shook his head and they removed their hands.

Now enjoying their (Xemnas's) sea salt ice cream, Roxas had to find a way to fix the hole in the door that Axel made. "I'm going downstairs for a sec." the blond said walking through the hole in his door.

Down the hall, Roxas saw Saix running frantically and abruptly froze when he saw Roxas, "Where is it? WHERE IS IT?!" Saix said gripping his shoulders. "G-get off of me!" the blond yelled trying to get away. "Where is it? WHERE IS IT?" Saix repeated. "Where is what?" Roxas asked desperate for freedom.

"Man- ahem Xmenas's stash!" Saix said. "I don't have it!" Roxas lied.

"Then WHERE IS IT?!" Saix asked with the crazed eyes of a maniac. Roxas gulped then blurted out, "Larxene has it!" Saix let go of Roxas's shoulders and marched down the hallway toward number 12's room.

Roxas made a run for it and continued down the hallway until he reached his destination. He knocked on the door and waited for an answer, "Go away I'm busy!" came from behind the door. Roxas stubbornly knocked on the door again and this time the door opened to a very angry scientist, "WHAT do you want number 13?!"

"I need something to cover the hole in my door!" the blond stated.

"Why is there a hole in your door?" the scientist asked, but not sounding surprised or anything. "Because Axel melted a hole in it!" Roxas explained.

The scientist thought for a moment, "Okay I'll help you, but first you have to help me." Roxas' eyes widened and gulped, afraid of what Vexen wanted "help" with, but (unwillingly) agreed and entered the lab.

"Okay, so, uhh.. what do you want me to do?" Roxas asked staring at all the bubbling potions and strange concoctions Vexen had spread out on multiple tables all over his lab. "Oh nothing much, I just want you to try one of my potions to see if it works." Vexen simply explained, handing Roxas a strange, bubbling blue liquid.

Roxas took a deep, calming breath and asked timidly, "W-what's it do?"

Vexen smirked dangerously and replied, "Oh nothing. Just drink it and find out."

Roxas stared nervously at the bottle, "Umm… Vexen, a-am I going to die?"

Well, that's chapter 1 and I hope you liked it ^_^ Heh… I bet you can't wait to see what happens to our young blond hero don't ya?? Now please click that pretty little next button like I know you want to. Ohhh… and reviews make this amazing world go round so why not contibute to a good cause??