I just needed to write a little Alice/Jasper human fluff. Please enjoy!

Alice huffed as she slammed her books unto her desk. She was breathing heavily and her heart was racing. Tiny beads of sweat rolled down her back and she cringed at the thought of the moisture ruining her gray top.

"I hate textbooks," She muttered under her breath.

A tall figure stood in front of her desk, his eyebrows raised in question.

"Alice?" He asked smoothly, "Are you alright?"

The girl looked up at him and rolled her eyes.

"Do I look alright to you?"

He smiled mischievously, "Well, you always look a bit more than alright," He replied chuckling, "But at the moment you look kinda tuckered out."

The petite girl tried to ignore the way his slight Southern twang made her already hammering heart skip a beat.

"If you must know, I left my history book in the classroom yesterday, but I didn't realize until after school and the door was locked. So I got here first thing this morning to run upstairs, but the door was still locked. So I ran downstairs to get my other books from my locker, and ran back up here to get my book. Ran back downstairs to put my history book in my locker, and ran all the way back up here for my English class. That, Jasper Whitlock, is why I am so tired."

She could see he was trying his hardest not to smile at her comical story. She glared at him in the most menacing way possible with her sparkling eyes that he found himself so lost in all the time.

"Well Alice, I'm sorry you had to go through all that trouble this mornin'," He said, pulling her into a hug.

She returned the hug, and she grinned at the fact her head did not reach his shoulders.

"It's alright," She murmured, "You make my day better."

"Do I really?" He asked, smiling down at her.

"Mh-hmm," She nodded, staring into his eyes.

And just as they leaned in for the cutest, most perfectly sweet kiss, the bell rang.

The two sprang apart just before the teacher walked in and gave them a lecture about PDA.

So, Alice's experience in this story, the whole running around the school like a maniac, I did that today. Except when I got to class I didn't have a Jasper Whitlock to almost smooch. Sigh... Ah well, please review my lovelies!