Disclaimer : I own nothing familiar. We all know this and most wish it wasn't true.


Ginny Weasley changed after her first year, but no one noticed. Unfortunately Ginny wasn't a person people generally noticed. She was just another Weasley to most and just Weaslette to some. To her mother she was the baby, to her brothers she was ...well treated like another brother, a fourth for quidditch in the back yard. And to Harry Potter she was a little sister. but to Tom she was ...well she didn't really know what she was but she knew he was the only person who made her feel special and she hated herself for it.

After her first year at Hogwart's Ginny changed. To her family and friends she was still good old dependable Ginny, Always there to help, A people pleaser. But she was guarded, scared most of the time, especially after Voldemort came back and Harry, Ron and Hermione had run off to fight the Horcrux's. They had been gone almost 2 years now, searching, searching but never finding. She lived for the days when they sent letters usually just one liners letting her know of there safety but never of their location.

Ginny lived at home, and worked at the Hogshead. Not a very respectable place to work but given that the Death Eaters were everywhere now most places had closed. Her father could no longer work at the ministry, it was to dangerous working there and being a blood traitor, so Ginny took any job she could to help them. They didn't know what she did, they thought that she worked at a store in muggle London. They didn't know that she spent most nights in a short black skirt getting her ass pinched by drunken wizards. But she loved her parents, would do anything for them and the money was good.

Every new law passed was worse then the one before but she kept a low profile as not but a bigger target on them. To Ginny's great relief most people did not know of her involvement with Tom, if they did she would never be trusted. Ginny tried to push that year far from her mind. Every once in awhile she would think of him, and scolded herself when she found herself missing him. Telling herself that she was only 11 and vulnerable and Tom used her.

Little Ginny Weasley lived in constant fear of many things. Everyday people were disappearing. She feared for her family, herself and for her friends. But she had faith in Harry and knew as bad as things were now they would get that much better when he won. Yes ginny had hope.

But unfortunately things usually get worse before they get better.