Disclaimer for all future chapters/stories: I don't own Alex Rider, as unfortunate as that may be…for me, not for you.


"Kae…you're not supposed to be here," Morgan said tiredly. The fifteen-year-old ignored him and flung herself down in an empty seat and blurted out her purpose for being here and ignoring the court ruling. Not that she paid much mind to it anyway. Pieces of paper held no interest for Kae Miller, Spencer Reid's cousin.

"They're moving to England," she said, glaring at the unfortunate desk in front of her.

"They…as in your new guardians?" Morgan said to specify. Kae scowled harder and Morgan felt privately that if desks were animate and looks could kill, that desk would be six feet under several times over by now and Kae would be in jail for multiple murder charges.

"Yes, them," she spat out, as if the word was disgusting. "They don't like my "ungrateful attitude" and they're dragging me across the Atlantic to "straighten me out", as they so lovingly put it." There was silence for a few moments. Then Kae started up again. Morgan let her rant, knowing interrupting to strong-headed girl would be completely pointless.

"If they don't like my attitude they shouldn't have petitioned for guardianship. They met me before they stupid court-ruling and I already made my feelings about them clear. And they still kept at it. And now they're dragging me across the world just because they're jealous of you guys!" Kae kicked the desk and Morgan was barely able to smother a snort of amusement. Kae was throwing a classic teenage fit, which was unlike her, but seeing as she had just been yanked out of her home and was about to pitched across the ocean to a foreign country, Morgan felt she deserved it.

"Where's Spencer?" She asked when she finally took a breath. Morgan didn't answer for a moment.

"He's in the bullpen," Morgan said. Kae blinked and seemed to realize for the first time that she hadn't flung herself down in the bullpen but instead the main office area. This time Morgan did snort with amusement. She glared at him.

"Don't laugh, Morgan," she sulked. Morgan chuckled and stood before pulling her to her feet.

"Come on, Kae," he said. "Let's go unleash your woes on the rest of humanity." Kae sulked again, but she followed him. Garcia, Emily and Spencer were all talking seriously and Hotch was in the corner, talking to someone on the phone. Kae started to pull back.

"If you guys are working on a case…" She started, but Morgan interrupted her.

"We're not," he assured the teen and pulled her into the room.

"Kae!" Spencer noticed her first and Kae immediately proceeded to squeeze the life out of her cousin. Morgan could never get over how much they looked alike. Kae's hair wasn't much longer than Reid's and it was the exact same shade. She had matured since the age of ten when she had first started living with Reid and now the resemblance was even stronger. But while Reid had brown eyes, Kae had green and where Reid's face was clear, Kae's was covered in freckles.

"What are you doing here, sweetie?" Garcia asked. Kae turned her head so it was no longer buried in Reid's chest.

"They're moving to England."

"Who?" Tobias asked, walking in.

"Her guardians," Morgan supplied. "Apparently, they think Kae is ungrateful so they're moving to England to straighten her out."

"They're not even attempting to black mail me," Kae wailed. "It's just up and away!"

"When are you moving?" Garcia asked. Kae scowled.

"Next week," she sulked. "On Monday."

"But its Friday," Emily protested, as if that could stop what was happening to the young girl's life.

"I know," she said, heaving a dramatic sigh. "That's why I came by today. Janice said I wasn't allowed to go anywhere until I was packed." The way she said her guardian's name came out as if the very name had insulted her personally and deserved to die.

"Are you packed?" Kae snorted.

"Che, no."

"So why are you here?" Spencer asked his cousin, frowning.

"Cause I wanted to see you guys. And if a court-ruling can't get me to stay away, what makes you think a pansy like Janice can?"

"Kae…" Spencer gave up trying to talk some sense into the younger girl. He moved onto a different topic. "So if Janice can't control you, why don't you just run away before you move?" Kae scowled again. Morgan noticed she was still glomping her cousin.

"'Cause you guys would get in trouble," she said, frowning. "Otherwise I would, believe me." Spencer sighed and ruffled her hair.

"It'll be fine, Kae," he said to her. "You know once you're eighteen you can move back."

"Three years, Spencer," Kae said. "Three. They barely let me call you when we're here in the states. Imagine what it'll be like when I'm in England."

"Quiet," Morgan joked. Kae glared at him. "What? You have a knack for attracting trouble."

"I also have a knack for making things disappear," Kae said darkly. "Don't think I can do the same to people too." Morgan looked skeptical. "What? I picked up a few things from Abby."


"Scuito. Remember? From D.C.?"

"The goth chick?"

"Yeah. You guys wouldn't let me out on the field and Spencer couldn't leave me by myself yet, so I hung out with her during the day. She taught me a few things."

"Like what?"

"Like how to make people disappear with no forensic evidence." Morgan rolled his eyes, clearly not believing her. Two days in a forensic lab wasn't near long enough for Kae to learn how to make people disappear that well, though she had picked up on some of Abby's dressing styles.

Hotch despised bring Kae with them on cases, even though despite her young age, she was better than any of the sketch artists in the entire damn building. But she only came with them during the summer and the entire team remembered a particular case that brought them out to the L.A. area and there they had a met an eccentric psychic named Shawn Spencer.

He was the poster boy for headaches, but Kae loved him and his partner, Gus. And Gus and Shawn loved having a fan. It had only been that past summer and since that case had taken longer than two or three days, Kae was able to pick up on Shawn's mannerisms quickly. And she put them to good use. Well, they weren't good to the people who were on the receiving end, but for her they were good.

Kae wasn't stupid though. The entire BAU team had figured out Shawn wasn't really a psychic and they agreed not to tell the L.A.P.D because half their crimes were solved because of the guy. Plus, that Lassiter guy had been a tight-ass and it only seemed right to have him suffer Shawn.

By now the entire team was in the bullpen and there was silence. They had been sitting there for about an hour, nobody really having anything to do. Kae had gotten a Dr. Pepper from the vending machine and that had been the only activity.

"Will somebody please say something?" She said, twirling around in the seat. "This is killing me."

"You could always go pack," Hotch suggested. Kae stopped spinning and glared at him.

"Over my dead body." She resumed twirling. "I'm not packing any sooner than I have to." At that moment her phone started ring. Kae pulled it out of her pocket and glanced lazily at the screen before slipping it back in her pocket.

"Are you going to answer that?" J.J. asked her.


"Could you turn it off then?" Kae lazily pulled it back out and hit the end button, cutting the "Hokey-pokey" short.

"I thought your ringtone was "When I Grow Up" by the Pussy Cat Dolls," Spencer said.

"Spencer, I'm going to ignore the fact that you know what that song is called and who it's by. Anyway, Shawn messed with my ringtone before we left L.A."

"Why didn't you change it?"

"I like the "Hokey-pokey"."

"Because she has a crush on Shawn," Morgan answered at the same time. Kae sat up straight, her feet slamming into the floor with a 'bang'.

"Do not."

"Yes you do."


"Yes you do," Spencer said, glancing up from his book. Kae glared at him.

"You're supposed to be on my side, Spencer!" She threw a pencil at him. It bounced harmlessly off his book and landed in his lap. He placed it on the table.

"Kae, I am on your side, but you're sitting in a room full of profilers," he pointed out. "Lying isn't going to do you any good in this building." Kae muttered something under her breath about people mysteriously going blind.

"Kae, behave," Garcia said. Kae looked at her innocently.

"Always," she said. She checked her watch and pouted. "I have to go. I'm gonna stop and see Elle and then call Gideon."

"I think Gideon is home this week," Hotch said. Reid stood.

"I'll drive you," he offered and Kae jumped up, looking thrilled at spending more quality time with her cousin before she moved. Then she frowned.

"Janice and William will probably come looking for me," she said. "If they see you with me, you're screwed." She looked depressed and then proceeded to glomp everyone in the room. She watched them all for a moment before disappearing.

"So…anyone up for a drive to the airport Monday?" Morgan asked.

"I'll call Elle," J.J. said.

"I've got Gideon," Hotch volunteered and the two moved off to make their respective phone calls.

"I'll call Shawn and Gus," Reid said. "I know they really liked her and a phone call from them will help." He half debated calling Abby (Kae had put her number in his phone because she had been thirteen and absolutely convinced they made an adorable couple) but decided that they had only been in D.C. for four days and that had been two years ago.


"You've been nothing but trouble since you came here. How that boy put up with you I don't know!" Janice was screeching. Kae was leaning against the counter, slurping a smoothie she had gotten from an ice cream shop and looked bored.

"Maybe I enjoy Spencer's company more," Kae said, using his name just to annoy her other aunt. Janice's eye twitched. She didn't approve of Spencer, of his occupation, of her sister and his mother, of his home…she just didn't approve of Spencer period.

Kae couldn't stand her uptight aunt, of her uptight husband, her pious and spoiled children. She missed Spencer's flat, full of books and a little reading corner. It smelled like old books and pine scent that she associated closely with her cousin. She knew she would miss waking him up on Christmas morning by bouncing on his bed at five in the morning like a little kid until he grudgingly got up, muttering about how vacation was for people who wanted to sleep in.

In the Oliver household, there were schedules for everything. They were always neat and prim and proper. Kae immediately felt out of place in her T-shirts and jeans while William was wearing neat slacks and a polo shirt tucked, looking ready to go to a golf outing. When Kae first saw him like that, she had told him to have fun, hoping to make a first good impression. She may not like them, but she hadn't wanted them to hate her. Obviously she could no longer care less. He had looked at her, confused and asked her what she meant. Kae had became flustered and said she had thought he was going golfing.

Janice had smiled tightly and said that there were dress standards in the house and everyone who resided under her roof had to look tidy. Kae had stared at her in disbelief and said all she owned was jeans and T-shirts. Janice promptly took her shopping. The next day, Kae promptly donated all the clothes to the nearest Goodwill. Needless to say, Kae and her guardians and children weren't on the best of terms.

"You…you…you ungrateful little wench!" Janice looked ready to take Kae's head off. "You stand there, in our kitchen, wearing the clothes we put on your back, eating our food-"

"Actually I paid for this myself. And I think I got these from Spencer," Kae cut across her, looking down at her smoothie and clothes.

"You. Get out of my sight!" Kae shrugged and headed up to the room she was staying in.

She hadn't even left the country and already she hated England.


The house was okay, Kae supposed. It was a three story brick house with a black iron-wrought fence. Dark green ivy climbed up the side and she could see white, freshly pressed curtains hanging from all the windows. Wait…curtains? In a house they hadn't even moved into yet?

"Mom, I still don't see why we couldn't just bring our stuff," Chloe huffed, her hip sticking out and not even looking up from her Blackberry. Janice beamed at her daughter, ignoring the same tone that would've gotten Kae grounded for a week. Kae was interested, too, but Janice would've just told her to "mind her own business."

"We got all new furniture, dear!" Janice said, clearly excited. Kae resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Honestly, now she wished more than ever that she was back in the states and sketching suspects. All right, it was in the school year so she wouldn't be sketching suspects, but after school she would to the BAU office and do homework in the bullpen even the team wasn't there.

Kae was supposed to have gotten rid of everything, but as usual she ignored Janice and packed. When she found out she didn't have to pack, she immediately started to pack. If anything, she did it just to bug Janice. Kae knew she was acting immature, but she couldn't help it. If Janice and William had wanted her so bad, they had to take all of her; her immaturity, her pride, her stubborn streak and her total disregard for rules. Unless it involved Spencer. She loved and respected Spencer and the team. So she listened to them.

Kae followed the family into the house, carrying a box of…something. She hadn't bothered to mark the boxes and now she wished she taken a little more time to do so. She just knew that somewhere was her comforter, her pillow and her sheets. If Janice thought that Kae was keeping pink monstrosities on her bed, she had another thing coming.

Chloe and Samuel had already claimed the two largest rooms upstairs, leaving Kae with the smallest. Not that Kae was complaining. The smaller the better. She liked the feeling of closeness. She loved being swaddled and warm. She blamed it on her genes. She blamed her insanity on her family back home.

"Elizabeth! Elizabeth, get down here!" Kae grumbled under her breath and dropped the box on her bed before slumping down the stairs.

"Yeah?" Kae leaned against the wall.

"I hope you weren't expecting any help with your boxes."

"…No…" Of course, if Chloe or Samuel had wanted to bring their stuff, Kae would still be expected to carry it all. Little snots.

"Good. You need to take responsibility for your things around here. You can't expect me to clean up after you…"

"I'll remember that the next time I leave my dishes in the sink."

"Exactly," Janice said with relish before realizing that Kae had never left her dishes in the sink. Kae snorted and walked past her to finish unloading her stuff.


There you have it!! Chapter 1! *smiles smugly* please click the pretty green button down below if you have any sense of self-preservation.

No, I'm being serious….and I'm begging. That don't come often.