A strange little story

Not sure how to describe it

I worked days on it, but I still hate it

Let me know what you think!


Humans are strange creatures. They have short life spans, and they never like to be in the same place for long. I noticed this, but never paid much mind to it, because it never really affected my. After all, Irkens rarely change their minds due to the fact we are never wrong in the first place.

I always considered the humans weak, because they are usually so, unbelievably wrong.

They are wrong about being an advanced race.

They are wrong about being alone in the universe.

They are about everything.


I, Zim am never wrong. That is because I am Zim. I am never wrong; it's the rest of this horrible planet that is wrong. This includes Dib.

Especially Dib.

He was wrong about how Humans are better than Irkens.

He was wrong about how he was better than me. Me!

He was especially wrong about being my worthy adversary.

No one, no one is my equal. No smelly human can live up to my standards of an opponent, and Dib is utterly useless! Look at him; look at how useless he is! Look at how easily he caves at the slightest whims of human nature, and how he surrenders himself to his own kind.

He was different, I will give him that. That horrible human gave me a real run for my money on my first few years on Earth; but as he grew, as he matured… That horrible human!

The Dib Monster began to grow weak in his filthy brain, and started to spend a lot of time around some female drone. I permitted her to live, as she was providing a distraction for Dib. It made things easy for me; I had a lot more privacy and time on my hands. But I hated her all the same.

I hated how Dib was changing. I hated his undeserved height. I hated how I couldn't recognize his voice, how I could barely recognize his face. His own face couldn't stay the same. I hated how he decided to live somewhere else, and made me, his future ruler, remember the new address.

I hated him, the new Dib. The old Dib would never wear stupid button shirts. The old Dib would never mow the lawn, or shave, nor have small disgusting worm babies. The old Dib would fight me, actually fight me. Not, "I'll try to make time", not "Just until five o'clock", not try to fit me in his horrible schedule of meaningless duties.

He wasn't doing anything meanwhile.

The human was wasting his time, and mine.

How dare he change! How dare him! I know humans can't help it, but Dib was supposed to be different… Things were supposed to stay familiar, I liked the way things were.

But Dib just had to go and grow up.

I just had to go and put up with it.

I can still take Earth. I will take Earth. But victory is hollow without a little challenge…



Dib can be replaced, easily. I'll put him aside, like he did to me.

The Dib has children.

The Dib has replacements.

The Dib is the one that is worthless.

Not me.


Because I am Zim, and he is a mere Human.

And Humans are strange, replaceable creatures.