My Promise

Sesshy's Mistress

Summary: While fulfilling a promise to a friend, Cosmos find's she is in a world of magic far beyond anything she could ever imagine. She will have to help guide and teach the soul of one of her friend's descendants. Will she succeed or will she fail to fulfill her promise?

Disclaimer: I own nothing, not even the idea; it was all Lawliet's Bride's idea! I do, however, own some pocket lint, want some?

PS: I am going to desperately need a beta for this story. I haven't read all the books to this crossover...and I've forgotten a lot of what I have read of it. So, who wants to be my beta? *puppy dog pouty looks*

Eternal Sailor Moon stared around at the destruction and Chaos that lay before her boot clad feet. Her knees wobbled and her hands trembled as tears leaked down the sides of her face, dripping down upon the cold and uncaring ground covered in freshly spilt blood. Her blue eyes scanned the area, silently begging for any sign of life amongst her fallen comrades. Nothing. Her heart broke and, finally, her knees gave out. Sobs racked her body and, in the background, the Star Light's sat huddled together, crying their own tears of sorrow for the only remaining soldier of justice for earth.

"Come back," Eternal Sailor Moon cried out, sniffling and looking up through watery eyes. Her vision was blurred and all she could see were the bloodied and beaten figures of her friends. Why?

"Sailor…Moon," Eternal Sailor Moon heard but did not move from her spot. She waited until Sailor Star Fighter was beside her to make any move. Wrapping her arms around the leather clad soldier, she cried until it hurt to breathe. Fighter remained by her side, rubbing her back and trying to ease her pains. Though she knew nothing of how it felt to lose her friends and love, she understood how it felt to feel completely lost.

In the distance, a small but bright light started to draw closer. Both Fighter and Moon had yet to realize it's fast approach, but Sailor Star Healer and Sailor Star Maker's cry of warning had them both aware in seconds. Pushing their aching bodies past their limits, the four Sailor Scouts left standing prepared to fight until their last breath.

"Such a bright and shining star should never be hidden behind such sorrow," a sweet tinkling voice echoed through the empty space, ringing in the ears of the war hardened Sailor Scouts. The soothing sound wove through their bodies, easing their aches and pains for the moment.

"Who…who are you?" Eternal Sailor Moon questioned the glowing ball of light. A tinkling laugh answered her before the light dimmed down enough to reveal a small pixie-like person. Her hair was let loose and a shinning shimmery veil was held atop her head by beautiful pears, flowing down her back with her long mane of hair. The length of the veil far surpassed the length of her miniature body. In her hands was a long staff that glowed brightly on the end, blocking the view of the tip. Her apparel was more was that of a dress which rounded out before coming together tighter at her feet and then flowing out. Long strings and strands of pearls dotted her body, reflecting the light and making her seem to glow all the brighter.

"I am Guardian Cosmos. Cosmos's Seeds guardian fairy," the small woman smiled fondly up towards the confused and weary blonde that was still held in the protective hold of the black haired Star Fighter.

"Cosmos?" Eternal Sailor Moon questioned the small fairy while the Star Light's looked upon each other with knowing glances. The woman-child that had come to fight as Chibi-Chibi had spoke to them of Cosmos as Sailor Moon fought and defeated Shadow Galaxia.

"Yes," the guardian fairy nodded her tiny head, the pearls on her ears knocked together, making a tinkling noise, "Long ago, a shining star came here. She was carrying a child's small star seed. That star carried a shine very similar to yours, Sailor Moon."

Eternal Sailor Moon's eyes widened and she unconsciously leaned in closer. In her mind's eyes, she could picture her mother, Queen Serenity, "So?"

"So, you came to protect the universe from the threat of evil. Time and time again you have fought but never have you had to make such a sacrifice." The fairy's tiny eyes filled with sorrow as they regarded the worrier.

"The power to lose everything and the power to gain everything, this is the ultimate power, the one I forgot," Sailor Cosmos stared sadly at the battle taking place while the Star Light's stared hard upon her, "When I receive the power to lose everything and save everything, that is when I will truly become Sailor Cosmos…" That single memory flooded through the minds of the three Sailor Scout's from the fire planet, filling them with dread at what might occur.

"I offer you a choice, Sailor Moon," the guardian fairy took on a serious note, her light dying lightly at the burden of carrying this offer, "Do you want to start new star's history? Or would you rather continue to live as you are?"

Eternal Sailor Moon froze completely and her mind flashed back to all of the fights and all of the wars. Pain washed over her as she remembered how much each of her friends enjoyed being normal during the time that there were no enemies. They could be care free teenagers that only had to worry about passing grades and boys. Her mind then flashed to Darien. He could finally accomplish his dream of becoming a doctor and helping to save lives but in a much safer environment. If she were to take this from them, would they ever forgive her?

"I – " She chocked, tears leaking from her eyes once again as her heart was torn on what to do. Could she be so selfish as to ask them to give up their dreams for her?

"I… want them to be happy…" Eternal Sailor Moon gave up, sighing as her whole body fell back to the ground, trembling. "They don't deserve to have to fight over and over, sacrificing their dreams for me."

"Such a bright and shining power," the guardian fairy floated down, using her staff to lift the heart broken worrier's face, "To keep such a pure light without taint is truly amazing, Sailor Moon. You are truly the strongest warier. Know this; however, good and evil cannot exist without the other. For your wish to be granted you must lose everything but you will gain the power to save everything," as the guardian fairy spoke these words, the bodies of the fallen Sailor Scouts glowed in their respective colors and Sailor Moon's body glowed a bright white.

The Star Light's gasped, realizing what was happening as Sailor Cosmos' words from earlier rang once again in them minds. Eventually, the light's became too much and everyone was temporarily blinded.

When it passed, Eternal Sailor Moon had been replaced with the ever powerful Sailor Cosmos. Her skirted fuku had been replaced by a white dress with golden sleeves. She wore no gloves but a long silvery see through cape which reached to her feet that were now fitted into a pair of white heels. In her hands, a long staff appeared made up of silver with a golden ball on it. On the tip of the staff, a large sphere glowed with power and, on either side, a small wing spread from it. Similar objects sat between her breasts and below her concealed belly button. However, in the center of the circle, a bright gold eight pointed star was there. From the symbol at her waist two long ribbons stretched down to her feet and eight colors in rainbow formation graced the front of her dress, symbolizing the sacrifice she made. Her once golden blonde hair was now silver along with her eyes and her cream colored skin took on a shade similar to that of the moonlight. In her hair, on her arms, and her feet, three pears sat on either side with one small wing. On her brow, an eight pointed gold star sat glowing with the pears stretching out from the sides and, around her neck, a silver choker with the same star sat lightly.

The attention of the now Sailor Cosmos was focused solely on the now civilian forms of her friends and love. Their once beaten and bruised bodies now seemed untouched as they lay upon the clean ground. Taking a few steps closer, they began to stir and looked up upon the woman that sacrificed everything that was herself for their happiness.

"Why?" Raye questioned her best friend, voicing the concerns of everyone present.

"Because you deserve to be happy and to live your dreams," Cosmos spoke, her eyes held to the strong ex-warier of Mars.

"Odango Atama you idiot!" The girl cried out as she charged for her. Cosmos half expected the priestess to assault her. She was surprised to feel her friend hug her close, crying into her shoulder. Each of the others followed suit, clinging to the solitary warier. Cosmos smiled softly at the emotion, knowing that, in the end, they would be happier and that they would never remember this happening. Her silver eyes lifted to the form of her past love, Darien. He stood standing tall, regarding the woman that was his love and, at the same time, not.

Next to his form stood the semi-transparent one of Rini and Cosmos felt her heart ache at the sight of what she would never have, of what she gave up. The child had silent tears rolling down her face and she trembled under the stare of Cosmos. Pulling back from her friends, Cosmos went and kneeled before the cotton candy haired child, cupping her cheek and thumbing away the salty trails, "Do not cry, all will be well."

"Momma!" The little girl threw herself into the woman, crying even as she disappeared from view. You must lose everything to save everything…

Standing back up, Cosmos spoke softly to each of her former protectors and friends, "You all have stood by and protected me from the very beginning. You sacrificed your lives, happiness, dreams, and future for me. The devotion and loyalty will forever be remembered by me but … now I must return the favor. I was offered the chance to set you free of your promise to protect me. If I had not, there is no telling how much more you would have had to suffer a fate of dying only to be reborn to die again. I could not bear it…I don't think I could have fought against you again. I will not see you hurt and I will not ever see you die again; it would destroy me…"

"Sailor Moon-"

"No, I am no longer Sailor Moon but the Ultimate Warier- Sailor Cosmos, Light of Hope," Cosmos stood tall, squeezing her staff tightly and willing herself not to back down. She had accepted the offer and chose her fate. She would not take back her word and leave her friends to fight and die any longer.

"You have been given a chance at true happiness. No longer will you have to fight to protect the ones you love, no longer will you have to die to protect your family and friends, you will live a life free of any bindings to your once Princess."

"Amy, you can go to Germany and study to be the doctor you always wanted to be…"

"Raye, you can seek a career as a singer to help your grandfather with his shrine…"

"Mina, you can become the model you always wanted to be…"

"Lita, you can become the best chef and prepare the world's finest delicacies as you always have dreamed…"

"Amara, you can continue to race and be like that of the wind …"

"Michelle, you can continue to reach out with your musical and artistic talents to touch the souls of everyone…"

"Little Hotaru, you can live a life free of the burden of being the Messiah of darkness and can become anything you want to be…"

"Setsuna, you will no longer be tied to the gates of time but free to live a life all of your own…"

"Darien, you can live a life as a successful Doctor that is not tied down to destiny or a thousand year romance from a past life…you can chose you own path, make you own choice, and live your own life…"

"You all can live free with those that you love and those that you care for. Your life is your own to control – not fates. Your dreams can become more than just dreams, goals and achievements. I will see to it that your happiness is fulfilled."

"What about you, Koneko?" Amara, the tomboy, questioned the now taller woman.

"I am the light of the universe, the opposite of Chaos. I must stay to fight and to balance out the universe. Where there is good, there is evil; where there is Light, there is darkness; where I am, so is Chaos," Cosmos spoke these words with a sad finality.

"Chaos still lives?" Hotaru questioned the woman whom had been her savior at the time of Mistress 9's defeat.

"Yes," this time it was the guardian fairy who spoke, "Chaos lives but is weakened. He will seek out a new host to consume and control."

"You can't fight alone!" Mina demanded, "We won't allow it!"

"You won't remember any of this after your star seeds are sent back to the earth," Cosmos replied solemnly, looking to the ground sadly.

"What are you to do?" Setsuna questioned.

"I will wait and watch for Chaos to make his move," Cosmos turned her silver gaze to the oldest of the women present.

"What about your family?!" Raye demanded.

"All traces of my existence will be removed. Memories, pictures, videos, any and all will be wiped clean from the face of the earth just as it will from your memory," Though the words were firm, Cosmos broke inside at the hurt look crossing each face.

"Is there no other way?" Amy questioned silently, her eyes were focused solely on her feet but, near them, were small tear droplets.

"For you to live in peace with those you love, no, there is no other way…"

"This is not fair!"

"Guardian, it is time," Cosmos spoke to the fair, turning her back on her friend. The guardian fairy nodded and began to weave a spell, causing each of the friends to disappear.

"Wait, Serena, please!" This time it was the voice of Lita. She had remained quiet, almost distant, something not normal for the strong warier.

Turning around, Cosmos waved for the guardian fairy to hold back for a moment. Only Lita, Hotaru, Setsuna, and Darien remained of all her friends.


"I must ask you a favor, please grant it," Lita watched and waiting for Cosmos' nod to continue, "I have been having flashes of a past I do not remember."

Cosmos eyed the former Scout of Lightening wearily, wondering what it meant.

"I'm not sure what to make of them but I see myself in a magical world filled with things only found in a child's fantasy. Yet, they are real; it confuses me but I know it's true. The last vision was filled with a small child with dark hair and eyes as green as mine. I was putting him to bed when an evil aura came and threatened me and my loved ones. After killing my husband, he went for my child but I jumped in the way, sacrificing myself for my child. He still lives but…I can sense he still is not safe…please …find and look after him… he'll bare the mark of Jupiter…though I was not aware of my true purpose, I was still connected with my birthright," Lita's eyes were flooded with tears and her face was red from the emotional build up.

"You speak of an evil happening in a parallel dimension of our own," the small fairy spoke knowingly.

"You know of what she speaks?" Cosmos' head whipped towards the small figure floating beside her and the fairy nodded. "A great evil similar in strength to Chaos flourishes there. A prophesy has been made of the boy you speak, the one with the lightening bolt scar upon his brow."

"Could we all have lived lives before now?" Hotaru questioned the small fairy.

"The Cauldron is the place in which all stars are sent to be reborn. It is the source of everything and everyone regardless to the plain on which they reside. With so much power and so much activity, it is quite likely that something went awry in the rebirth process of the late Queen Serenity's wish…"

"He is a child of the gods and so he shall be protected as such," Cosmos promised her friend.

"Thank you," Lita hugged the tall woman-child tightly and her tears of appreciation spotted the crisp white dress of the soldier.

"Live freely knowing that all will be well in the end," the fairy spoke as she whisked the former lightening wielder away. Hotaru was the next to go, waving goodbye to her savior while holding the hand of Setsuna.

"Thank you, Princess," Setsuna spoke and the relief she felt from her duty to the gates reflected in her maroon colored eyes. All that was left was Darien and he stared deeply into the silver pools of Cosmos' eyes.

"I understand but I wish it could be different. I love you, Buns," the man spoke even as he disappeared. His star seed, along with the rest of the Sailor Scouts, returned to the Cauldron, awaiting their return to earth.

"Sailor Cosmos," turning, the silver warier saw the three Star Lights healed and with the Star Seed of their princess.

"Thank you for standing by and helping me in this battle," the young woman spoke softly, smiling fondly at the three newest friends of hers.

"Thank you for helping us regain our princess and our light," Sailor Star Healer spoke through a watery smile; it was truly an emotional day for them all.

"I made a promise to help you and I always see my promises through," Cosmos spoke with a soft smile. Though she was happy for her newest friends, she envied them.

"I will see to the safe return of each star seed, Cosmos." The voice of the newly healed Golden Scout, Sailor Galaxia, spoke up. Cosmo turned and watched as every star seed swam around the golden woman and followed her to their homes.

"You now have a new promise to fulfill, Cosmos," the guardian fairy spoke up, watching as Cosmos watched her friends return to a life free from duty and responsibility to the past and future.

"And I always fulfill my promises," Cosmos steadied herself and turned, making her way to the Cauldron and gazing down. She would see that the last wish of her friend was fulfilled and then, then she could live truly in peace.

"I will be here watching over you and helping to guide you," the Guardian of Cosmos' Seed spoke softly into the ear of the Scout. With a nod, Cosmos summoned her giant white wings and jumped into the air, flying down into the Cauldron in search of the faint energy signature of the last descendant of Zeus.

Well, there you go the first chapter to a new story. You all can thank Lawliet's Bride for this idea and this new story. I believe you get the main gist of the idea. Anywho, I would enjoy to hear what you think of this and how I managed to get Cosmos to travel to the world Lita spoke of in the end.

Lawliet's Bride: I hope this was to your satisfaction.

Review if you like, they motivate me :)
