AN : Hello again, and thanks for reading my fics so far. Of course, this is a sequel to the first NT fic, so if you want to avoid spoilers or be lost at the story, please read the first Digimon The Non Tamer fic.
Once again, please remember that not all characters in the story are owned by me. Some are the product of other DeviantArt artists or they are characters made by either Toei and/or Bandai, or Blizzard Entertainment.
Please enjoy, and mind yourself in the cases of some potentially brutal parts at times in the chapters.
The six winged humanoid form was panting hard. It rose up it's head, seeing a much larger humanoid figure looming over itself. The larger figure threw down an arm toward the smaller one, which managed to jump away, letting the arm crash in the ground. The small winged figure quickly clasped it's hands together before pointing them at the large arm. When it did, several white and pinkish beams poured out of its hand, impacting several times on the large arm, making it twitch and retract.
Even then, the large figure didn't seemed too much affected.
winged figure noticed something starting to glow at the head of the
large figure…
"White Flame Wave!" someone yelled out before
waves of white colored flame rushed out and struck right in the face
of the large figure.
"Are you okay?" the sudden attacker said as it flew down, flying with four large wings, landing near the six winged figure, also bearing a sword in it's right hand and a large shield in the left one.
"I'm okay…" the other replied, though while the features of the four winged figure were a bit more blocky, mainly also because of the armor that it was wearing, the six winged figure's features were thinner, feminine.
"It just…that this digimon…I've never seen one like that before…"
"Have you ever seen
that digimon before?"
"I'm really not sure…I swear it's
familiar though…"
Suddenly, both small figures noticed that something in the center of the larger figure's head was glowing bright.
"Absorbant Bang!"
don't have time for this! Eject!"
A blinding explosion of light filled his eyes as an explosion suddenly ripped out of nowhere…
In a cave, within a tall mountain, a shadowed, cloaked figure was sitting on a large chair made of rock. It seemed pensive…until…
It suddenly raised its head then rose out of its chair, walking toward the large opening.
As it neared, it noticed an explosion of light in the distance…
"Mmm…this is…" it muttered. "It cannot be…"
Digital-Warkiller presents… A new
Digimon Fan fiction…
of Chaos
many ways, we believe that when an adventure is over, it is done with
it, and can be put aside… But what if the end of that
adventure…was only the prelude to another one?
memories of those previous adventures may haunt us for far longuer
than we may believe…"
Chapter 1 : Unexpected return
Dirt filled his mouth…
At least that's what he was supposing, considering he never really got taste in such 'food'…
As he rose, his head swam, vertigo threatening him. He put a hand to his forehead, trying to make his head stopping to spin.
When finally his head was getting clearer, he could sit.
"Ooowww…damnit…what the hell just happened?" the boy spoke, wearing a long brown cloak over his red t-shirt, his sleveless black jacket, his brown gloves, his blue jeans along with his black and red sport shoes. He had slightly spiky brown colored hairs along with dark blue eyes.
Regan rubbed his blurry eyes…then gasped as he looked around.
He was definitively not where he expected to be.
He was sitting in the grass,
But sitting in the middle of a park, with a nearby
can't be that…" he
thought, nervosity gaining him.
A moaning breifly startled him
as he looked to his right side, at a bush.
"Lizomon?" he
"Regan? Is that you?" A voice answered.
But not the
one of Lizomon. It was the voice of a girl instead.
"Oh…Wait a
minute, don't move from there!" Regan suddenly said as he rose
"What?" the girl said from the bush, obviously
Regan walked around, looking at every possible details.
He then came
to a nearby tree and looked in the branches.
His heart skipped a
beat as he saw the claw marks on them. From their looks, they were
dating from quite some time…
And Regan knew exactly when that happened…
"No…not this again…It can't be…"Regan
muttered, getting more desperate.
"What 'again'?" the girl
asked from the bush, sounding both confused and worried. Rustle came
from the bush as she probably wanted to get out now.
"No wait!"
Regan said, running up to the bush.
"Regan! What's gotten into
you?!?" the girl said, ceasing to move.
Regan removed his
cloak on him and handed it in the bushes. "Put it on you. Make sure
that you can't be recognized." Regan said seriously.
why?" the girl asked.
"Do it. Please…" Regan
"…okay…" the girl finally answered. The cloak
was taken in the bushes before more rustling was heard and then
finally the silhouette of a person, wearing Regan's cloak, and
standing a bit smaller than him, pulled out from the bushes.
"But I don't understand. Why must I keep your cloak on?" the girl asked again, her face hidden beneath the hood.
Regan, much
discouraged, looked away from her.
"Lizomon! Where are you?"
Regan shouted.
No answer.
"You'd probably wouldn't
be playing games right now Lizo…
So this means…you aren't
here at all…" Regan muttered.
"But…what about-" the
girl asked.
"She's not here either from what I can suspect."
Regan interrupted.
"Why? Why are you doing this? Ordering me
around like that? What's wrong?" the girl asked.
"Take a
look around you." Regan answered grimly. The girl and gasped
"We're in the Real World?" she asked.
and no…" Regan answered. "Not our world…"
the girl exclaimed.
on…I'll explain later…but there's something I need to get
first…" Regan said, motionning the girl to follow him.
rather…someone…" he muttered to himself.
been a while since that happened…" A few months ago, a strange boy
suddenly arrived in the city and challenged me with his unknown
digimon. They were called Regan Astrasz and Lizomon. I took
the fight…But me and my partner, Impmon, lost against Lizomon. A few days after the
fight, strange things started to happen. Digimon appeared out of
nowhere and started attacking. At first, there had been an attack at
school, but Riza and me managed to beat the digimon, along with the
help of a mysterious digimon. But as things continued to go
on, it got even worse. Those attacks started to be more focused on me
and Riza. Despite that, we managed to beat them, until it
started to get really, really bad. The Agumon, from another
Tamer, was affected by some strange card, and dark digivolved into
SkullGreymon… Lizomon…digivolved as MetalRyumon…another
Ultimate. Things got even worse as the
authorities decided to hold out every Tamer' digimon into their
house, and later on, a Golemon attacked me and Riza. Luckily, Veemon,
Riza's partner, defied the law and came out to help us. But
in the end, even if Veemon digivolved to Ex-Veemon, we suddenly got a
message telling us that the authorities had detected the digivolution
signal and were coming in. Riza ordered Ex-Veemon to go away with me,
leaving Riza to be arrested by the authorities. Though Regan met me
to obviously try to calm me down about this, I really lost my nerves
on him. But he did something that no one of us really
expected. He sent his partner to free Riza and get him out. Regan explained to Riza that he was a governement agent
sent to deal out with a dangerous hacker, but as Riza wanted to meet
me again, I went away, going off to search for Impmon, who had
vanished. But later on, Lizomon came to me, delivering a
message from Regan, asking me to meet him elsewhere. When I got to
the plains where I waited for him, he came, with Riza. While we were watching,
Regan spoke about the truth concerning him… Even
despite that, Beelzemon didn't believed Regan and continued
fighting. Later, after
AtmaRyumon healed Riza, Regan and Lizomon explained to us the
truth. Regan
is indeed a Digidestined, but he comes from another Real World…and
it's the same one than the one of the show, which means that the
show has been real all along! According to Regan, he's
hunting a dangerous enemy of his, called Ragnarok, and both of them
were sent into our world during a huge fight in the Digital World.
Regan really seemed troubled about some things reguarding Ragnarok,
and I was a lot uncertain about if I could still be good after all
that happened… Lizomon though gave me so 'good'
reminders that I could be a really great Tamer. After we had
planned to try to face Ragnarok, he actually came to face me and
Impmon, while having sent digimon to slow down Regan and Riza from
helping me. Regan and Lizomon bio-merged
again as AtmaRyumon to heal my own wounds, and he and Riza brought me
back home. Later, Impmon talked to me, as I was wondering perhaps
stopping to fight…but I also
asked Regan one thing : Is it hard to be a Digidestined? We
went there quickly, meeting some opposition on the way, but managed
to arrive to confront Which was nearly like Regan's…As if they were
twins of some sort… But even then, we were ready to help him, as friends,
just like his other Digidestined friends in the Digital World would
have done. We all fought together against Ragnaok's digimon,
a virus modified created copy of Lizomon, a BlackLizomon. Our digimon
fought him from Rookie to Mega, and it even went to Bio-Merge as
AtmaRyumon against ErebosRyumon, but AtmaRyumon called to the Digital
World, asking it to lend some of it's power to Beelzemon and
Imperialdramon. That caused them to mode change into their Blast Mode
and Fight Mode respectively. They joined again in the fight, and all
together, they managed to destroy Ragnarok once and for all…or so
we thought… Ragnarok soon reappeared as a huge dragon made
of flames, and our digimon were too exhausted to fight, and
AtmaRyumon was also a lot tired. He tried fighting Ragnarok again,
but he wouldn't really stand much of a chance at all. But…Impmon
gave us an idea… And all together, we
finally finished Ragnarok. His death caused a huge explosion that
probably brought Regan and Lizomon back to the Digital
World. Honestly, that's what I think it did. But
after all that happened…it wasn't over for Riza and me. However…
Things turned weird after all that happened… A few days
after all the commotion in becoming famous…both Riza, me and our
digimon were waking up to deal with another interview we would
have… And somehow, that 'wish'…it got
granted… Somehow, everyone in the city, everything had
returned to normal. Then…what just happened so that
everything returned to normal? Even all the damages done
repaired? Honestly, I'd like to understand… Riza and I know he really came. We know it. It
wasn't some dream. Would
he? Anyway…it's been a few months since that happened, and
things really returned normal for us, except a few changes. As for me…I still hold up my
own best Tamer title..And no way I'm gonna let someone else take
for those who don't know me, I'll introduce myself. I'm Kylee
Henke. A Tamer living in Phoenix City.A
few months ago, something really unexpected happened. Something to
me, my digimon partner, and to my friend Riza.
Something unlike
anything we'd ever think…
we had been thinking it had just been a simple fight…we had really
no idea of what would happen after…
No doubt that this digimon would have killed lots
of people…if not for Regan suddenly coming in, with his
MetalRyumon deleted SkullGreymon, and Riza, me and our
digimon were a lot shocked from this. Regan's words though only
made us more confused.
later on, right after this, he challenged Riza and Veemon to a duel
against Lizomon's Champion form, Ryumon. The fight even went on as
Paildramon versus MetalRyumon, and in the end, MetalRyumon
Impmon also came there, and confronted Regan and Lizomon into being
the criminals they were hunting. He somehow digivolved to Beelzemon
and fought against MetalRyumon before beating him down. He then
wanted to kill Regan, but Paildramon got in, but right after this,
Lizomon's mega form revealed himself, as Beelzemon hadn't really
beaten him. UltimaRyumon, a dragon knight digimon then went to fight
Beelzemon in a really crazy fight.
He wasn't even a
Tamer, or a governement agent…
But a Digdestined…
I tried to talk sense into Beelzemon…but he shot me
however Riza partly took the hit instead of me.
Angered, Regan
bio-merged with Lizomon to form AtmaRyumon, who finally beat down
Beelzemon, but didn't killed him. AtmaRyumon said that it was to me
to decide if Impmon should die or not. Even with what he could have
done to me, I didn't wanted him to die…and Beelzemon also
realized his own mistakes and reverted to Impmon.
We weren't really expecting that, to be honest.
His digimon managed to hurt me a lot, and even tried
to kill me, but Impmon somehow digivolved to Beelzemon again and
saved me. Later, Riza, Regan, UltimaRyumon, and Imperialdramon came
to support us, but Ragnarok fled, saying to Regan that they were
'destinied to meet again'.
answered "A lot." But he also added that it could be worth it. I
asked if it was worth it for him right now, and he said yes.
it's obvious he was still troubled about something he wasn't
telling us.
However, later on when we met again to plan out what
to do against Ragnarok, we noticed a huge portal being created over
the city's central park. No doubt it was Ragnarok's doing.
Regan explained that Ragnarok was a monster
born within himself. That was the reason Regan wanted to stop him at
all cost, and first wanted to deal out with him on his own, in the
Digital World. He didn't wanted anyone else to be harmed because of
We knew AtmaRyumon was, in a way, working with
the powers of life, as he could give life to others. So we decided to
give AtmaRyumon our remaining strength.
kinda became celebrities for what we did, to protect the city. It was
kinda nice to be famous for what we did…but in a way…a lot was
owed to the one we weren't speaking off…Regan.
But… It's…as if nothing happened…
knew that honestly, neither Riza or me really wanted any of that
'adventure' to happen to us… It's not like we wanted all of
this to happen…
It's as if absolutely nothing happened at
all! As if Regan wasn't even there. Nobody remembered anything
about all that…Nobody except Riza, me and our digimon.
this all been somekind of dream?
No…Both Riza and I realized
that quickly.
We still had some small scars from the wounds we got
Beelzemon's gunshot for Riza…ChaosRyumon's blades
for me.
Both of us still had some fading scars…No way it
wouldn't have been a dream, a dream that two digimon and their
Tamers would have done?
But one
thing I really want…is to keep my memories of what happened the day
Regan came.
But then…who decided to cover up his
tracks? There's no way Regan would have been able to do that, and
I'm sure he wouldn't have wanted to do that…
really got better in digimon battles and has now gotten up as the
second best Tamer in the city!
The blond haired girl with white streaks in her hairs walked in the school's corridors, going at her class room.
"Another day again…"
she muttered to herself as she went to take her seat in the room.
saw a purple colored humanoid creature peeking in the window from
outside, who then winked at her. The girl winked back before getting
her attention on the coming class…
that's really getting boring…" a boy whispered to her. Like the
girl, he was wearing a school uniform, though he had a very light
brownish hair color.
The girl simply nodded, holding her head
For a
moment, the girl blinked slowly. That was indeed a lot boring.
Kylee…sometimes, what were you really liking? School or those crazy
brushing with death with that adventure with Regan?"
she thought to herself.
Then she noticed something odd…
slight green colored mist seemingly appearing around, then breifly
The boy was trying to take some notes right now, though he had been breifly doodling some little drawings in his notebook.
A sudden banging sound made him jump, and startled everyone.
He looked to his left, where the sound came from…
To see Kylee fallen
on the floor, unmoving.
"Kylee!" he shouted as he raised off
his seat and went to her, checking her heart pulse…which was
beating unusually fast.
"Mr Smith, I'll bring her to the
infirmary." The boy said.
"Okay Riza." The professor
Riza, the boy, quickly hurried to lift up the unconcious
Kylee and hurried to go to the infirmary…
"What's wrong
with her?!?" the impish purple digimon said, having watched from
the window.
"I don't know Impmon." Another digimon answered,
blue colored and looking like a humanoid lizard with a 'V' mark
on the forehead, and a small horn for his nose. "Maybe she's just
having a fever."
"Hey Veemon, don't think that Kylee's a
weakling!" Impmon, the purple digimon, with a red bandana said,
tightening a fist.
"I never said that! We never know what kind
of thing could happen, right?" Veemon replied. "Anyway, let's
try to check on her instead of arguing." He added before running
toward the infirmary's window. Impmon soon went after him.
slowly opened her eyes, though she definitively felt a good amount of
pain in her head.
"Kylee!" a familiar voice suddenly rung in
her ears, adding up a bit more pain. Riza's face filled a good part
of her view.
"Owww, Riza…not so loud please…" Kylee
muttered, holding a hand to her head.
"I was really worried
Kylee. You just fell on the floor right in the middle of the class!
What happened?" he asked.
"What? I…fell?" Kylee said,
raising slowly, and noticed that she had been lying on a bed in the
"Yeah, all of a sudden, you fell unconscious in the
class!" Riza repeated. "What just happened?"
"…" Kylee
remained silent, uncertainty much visible in her face.
"Riza…something's wrong…" she said.
heard some weird voice…There was green mist everywhere in the
class…but I was the only one who saw it…
Then there were those
eyes…The instant I saw them…everything went black…" Kylee
muttered, trying to recollect herself.
"Kylee…you're sure
everything's all right?" Riza said.
"I'm not sure…But
honestly, I had been thinking about Regan in the last days…
eyes…when I saw them…I saw…
It was the eyes
of everyone I've seen…
I just know it…the eyes of everyone I
liked…or hated…
My eyes…" Kylee spoke, much
"…" Riza was definitively not sure what to say. A
small smile then came on his face. "You probably started getting
asleep and you fell while making some dream." He said, trying to
comfort her.
"I'm really not sure Riza…" Kylee said,
turning to sit on the bed now, her legs dangling from the bed's
side. "Before I saw those
eyes…I saw something else…Someone's silhouette…
think it was Regan…"
"Regan?!?" Riza said, surprised.
"You're sure of this?"
"I think so…" Kylee answered,
unsure, and weakly. The silhouette vanished before I saw the eyes…but
I definitively saw Regan's eyes among them. Even Lizomon's.
think something may be not right…perhaps he's trying to reach to
"I don't know how he could do that. He's in the
Digital World, from what we could guess."
Silence reigned for a time, as the digimon were also watching and listening worryingly from the window.
The school bell then rang, bringing the two Tamers to closer things.
"Anyway, school's
done now. We'd better get home now Kylee." Riza said.
She simply answered. Riza started going out for the door while Kylee
was still sitting on the bed, her head low.
"Kylee? You're
coming?" Riza said.
"Oh, yeah…" Kylee said before pushing
herself from the bed and soon accompanied Riza out of the
Both digimon at the window briefly looked worryingly at each other before leaving the window.
Are you okay now?" Impmon said as he met Kylee out of the
"Oh…so you saw what happened, right?" Kylee said
with a saddened frown.
"Yeah, we did." Veemon replied.
left and right, at the many other children who were leaving the
school, Kylee lead Riza, Veemon and Impmon to a nearby bench without
too many children around.
"Listen. I don't really know what happened to me in the class…but I had some strange kind of dream…
And perhaps…it was some kind of…vision…"
Kylee said to the others on a partly low tone.
"Aw come on
Kylee." Impmon said on a doubtful tone. "You just can't say
that you suddenly got some prophetic powers now. It probably was some
dream, weird ones, but dreams. Besides, you stayed a bit too late up
yesterday night."
"Hem…sorry about that…" Kylee said
with a clearly shy tone. A smile came on her face. "Yeah, maybe
you're right. I just didn't sleep enough last night and it got on
me in school, combined with a boring
class." She added, her attitude coming back to her.
let's go home now. And this night, I better start sleeping sooner."
She said again, rising up from the bench.
The others imitated her
and started going for the courtyard exit.
Suddenly, a sickly green light exploded right in the courtyard, followed by a terrible howling sound. People started scattering away.
As the light faded, a nightmarish creature, that looked like an eight-legged lupine beast with gray fur and sickly green eyes appeared, suddenly looking around, growling.
"What's that digimon?" Riza said, stepping back from the strange beast.
Both Regan and the unknown girl arrived at the school's entrance, only to see the appearance of the creature.
"What is that? A digimon?" Regan muttered.
doesn't really look like one…" the girl said, keeping Regan's
cloak and hood tight on herself.
Regan's eyes narrowed as he
continued to watch, and saw Riza, Kylee and their digimon.
"I have to help them." Regan said as he started forward, only to being held by the hand by the other girl.
"What? You can't do
that. Lizomon isn't here." She said.
"I know…but I have
another method…" Regan answered darkly.
He felt her shake.
know we aren't supposed to use it anymore. That was only for-"
she said.
"I know! I know!" Regan snapped. "…But I already
used it a while ago." Regan said darkly.
"What? You did?"
the girl asked.
"So I can handle the pain. And I have to help
those two with those digimon. They're friends to me." Regan
"Friends? When did you-"
"I'll tell all about
this later. I gotta help them." Regan interrupted again and started
running toward the courtyard.
The girl continued to watch, unsure
of what she should do…
The lupine beast continued to breifly look around, growling, until its gaze fell on Kylee, Riza and their digimon.
It started to crouch, readying to pounce.
and Veemon readied themselves.
And suddenly, just as the creature's muscles tensed and it leapt, another form collided with it, sending both rolling away breifly before the other newcomer kicked the lupine beast away.
"What the-Who is this?" Riza said.
The person, definitivly human in shape, rose, slightly dusting itself, and half-crouched itself as it gazed at the other beast.
But as it rose, Kylee gasped, seeing something she hadn't expected.
The person was dressed in blue jeans, black and red sport shoes, red t-shirt beneath a black sleeveless vest. Since they were seeing 'him' from back, they could only see the slightly spiky hair of his head.
But it was more than enough for not only Kylee, but the others, to recognize who it could be…
"Regan?" all four of them said in surprise.
But then, just as Regan slightly turned his head, Kylee notcied another very strange detail about Regan, something the others probably noticed…
Regan's hands were ending up in long claws, the skin of his hands being more orangish. In fact, of the same color than Lizomon's scale coloring. The hands themselves, even if they were being 'human' seemed to be a bit of a mix of Lizomon's claws and Regan's hands.
Two long dark orange horns had sprouted on the side of Regan's head, above the ears, and pointed backward.
Lastly, an orange tail had sprouted from his back.
And the look in his eyes…
Even if the eyes were dark blue in color…the gaze in them was not really the same.
It seemed to be a mix of Regan and Lizomon. Regan's expression was unusually serious, much like Lizomon before he would fight.
"We'll talk about this later…" Regan said seriously.
As he did, several more green flashes of light appeared around, as more of the lupine creatures appeared, howling, then looking around.
'Regan' readied himself, gazing at the one he had send away, watching as it recovered and eyed him.
Impmon and Veemon also held themselves ready, while their partner prepared to attempt a safe retreat.
And while that was happening, the unknown girl wearing Regan's cloak continued to watch helplessly and worringly…