
Chapter 2

Have you ever thought about how amazing it is when realization sinks into you??... I mean… God!! I was so lost, so unsure of the future but then he came into my life like a soft breeze for seven long years until the day that this soft breeze turned into a hurricane of love, security, the whole package that I was searching for… it's amazing, you simply feel in control again.

Reading the notes of Eric's psych session "After I got shot, it really put things in perspective. Made me think about my future, settling down. Be nice if it were Calleigh." she pauses

He inquisitively "Find something?"

She pauses "Uh, no. I think this is a bust."

'Yeah... great one Calleigh... A bust!?!?!??' Which piece of information about his thought of her was a bust, uhm??

Ok... she wasn't prepared for that... no way she could imagine that Eric had such deep thoughts like that about her… she knew that he felt something… for God sake… she felt it too but she thought that was because of everything they had going through, his shooting, her kidnap maybe all those feelings were feelings of gratitude or a fling nothing serious like that… she was speechless, she had to regain control and fast because he noticed something was off.

Outside of the lab, "It was a rough day."

He agreed and slowly "Listen, I'm sorry if I forced you to compromise your ethics."

She smiles slowly "No, you didn't force me into anything. Besides, I think the end result was worth it."

He nods "Yeah. Dr. Marsh was a good lady."

She tentatively "You know that you can talk to me about anything, don't you?"

"Of course…When we were going through the files, did you happen to read mine?"

She hesitantly "Would it matter if I did?"

Eric: "It just wasn't in my batch, so I figured..."

Calleigh: "We make a good team." She smiles "Well, I'll see you tomorrow." Smiles again and walks away

There he was… waiting for her outside the building; it was in her best interest to talk to him after such revelation, she needed some time to think straight. Doing what she does the best, she pulled her wall up fast and held herself; she had to get out of there fast before things were said…

There is something that I see

In the way you look at me

There's a smile, there's a truth in your eyes

Calleigh: "You doing okay?"

Eric: "No, not really. I just found out that Doug is all alone, doesn't have a wife, family."

Calleigh concerned "You know you're not Doug, right?"

Eric: "Yeah, I do."

She nods "Okay."

Eric: "Your friendship means a lot to me, Calleigh."

She smiles "I didn't know you felt that way."

Eric: "How can you not know that? You read my file."

She pauses "That was an unrelated case. It's important to me to respect your privacy."

She understood what he was feeling… being alone, with no family, no one to share a life with was really scary; she knew that all too well… who she was trying to fool?? 'Respect his privacy?? The hell if you were too scared… and a coward by the way you let him know that you felt a little…ok, a lot, of the same way…'

But an unexpected way

On this unexpected day

She was at the lab; waiting for Eric to get off the elevator, "Hey. I was waitin' for you." She hands him a file folder "Uh, this is the file Horatio wanted." awkward silence "Thanks." He turns to leave, then stops to face her "About what happened earlier...I didn't mean to put you on the spot."

She smiles; and pauses "Forget it."

He paused and quietly "What if I don't want to?"

She looked at him seriously, but quietly said "Eric, I am so confused. What do you want?" she paused; waited to see if he'd answer "You are gonna have to tell me, because until I actually hear you say the words...I don't even know if you believe it yourself." She took a breath "Do you know what I'm saying?" he stared at her, then she walked away

Perfect! He had to bring this out right now?!?! What did he want me to do? Throw myself in his arms?? Not that that is a bad idea… those strong, shaped triceps… 'Earth to Calleigh!!!' but damn it he knew what he really wanted or felt it.

Could it mean this is where I belong

It is you I have loved all along

He sits at her bedside "You know, the docs have you on this nitric oxide to help you breathe better. But you can't stay on it forever. It'll turn on you if your lungs don't start to breathe on their own. So you gotta get that peak number down to four, okay?" holding her hand and standing next to her bed he leaned closer to her "You're gonna get through this, okay? I know you will. You have to." quietly "I can't imagine going to work without you...I can't imagine living my life without you."

Right?!?! I'm dreaming… a good dream, a dream with Eric. I could get used to hearing this from him but when I woke up; his watch was there on my wrist… was that really a dream? When I first saw him coming, all smiling and nervous I started to think about that confession in my mind …

It's no more mystery

It is finally clear to me

You're the home my heart searched for so long

And it is you I have loved all along

Calleigh stretches and smiles "Hey."

He smiles back "Hey. I, um, I put my watch on you so you'd know I was here in case you woke up when I was out on the investigation."

Smiling up at him "I knew you were here."

He looked slightly confused "How'd you know I was here? You could..." than hesitantly "Could you hear me? You heard what I said?"

She quietly said "Yeah. It was like a dream."

Eric: "It was real."

Then hesitantly she asked "Will you...stay with me?"

He looked at her, seriously,"No. No..." then grins "Yeah. As long as you want me to." He sits by the bed, holding her hand "As long as you want me to."

For one moment she thought that he was really being truthful about not staying with her but then when he grinned, she remembered to breathe again realizing that he was playing with her.

There were times I ran to hide

Afraid to show the other side

Alone in the night without you

It's no more mystery

It is finally clear to me

You're the home my heart searched for so long

And it is you I have loved all along

Calleigh in immigration holding, quietly "What did the immigration attorney say?"

Eric: "He said the state is fast-tracking my deportation hearing. He said there's no due process for illegal immigrants."

She pauses; then quietly "Why didn't you say anything to me? I mean, you found out your birth certificate is a fake. That's a huge deal, don't you think?"

Eric: "I just couldn't wrap my brain around it."

She urgently "We're supposed to do stuff together now, though, right? I mean, all the stuff that you said to me at the hospital about us."

Eric seriously "I meant all of it."

Her small smile spread"Yeah."

He sighs "It's like all of a sudden my life is a lie."

She laughs softly "It's all right. I happen to like the lie."

Eric: "What?" laughing

She pauses; then softly "You could have told me."

He sighs "This is crazy."

"Yeah." She nods and smiles reassuringly "We'll get through it."

She couldn't believe herself… when did she start to be so open with him like that? She was nervous but he needed her and she was willing to be there for him, she wouldn't let him down not now, not ever. Even going through all this, he was so strong, so sure about them… and this attitude in him always makes me admire him more. Always determined about what he wants and she's afraid of what would happen with him, with them. 'Typical Calleigh!'

Over and over

I'm filled with emotion

Your love, it rushes through my veins

Calleigh smiling and laughing with her arms spread wide "You missed out!" she hugs him, then steps back with her hands at his waist; his hands at her hips "I was gonna marry you, but your dad stepped in." smiling up at him

Eric laughs "What makes you think I would say yes? Maybe I met somebody special on the inside."

She coyly said "I doubt his cooking is as good as mine." looks up at him "Hey, why don't I take you back to my place? I'll make you a traditional American dinner since you're new to our country." She smiles

Eric chuckles "That sounds good." looking down at her, "But danger has been following me everywhere I go." she kisses him, then pulls back "Calleigh, I'm serious. I don't want anything to happen to you." she kisses him again, then pulls back and looks up at him, "Come on. I have the safest house in Miami." She leans closer and whispers "Do you know how many guns I have?" and smiles as they walk with their arms around each other "You protected me; I'll protect you."

And I am filled

With the sweetest devotion

As I, I look into your perfect face

Calleigh in the morgue to Eric "What's going on? You wanted to see me?"

He said quietly after she closes the door "Yeah…we're being watched."

She looks around "Somebody knows about us?"

"No. Not you and me. Our entire team. We're all in danger."

Looking at the pictures on the table, "Who took these?" concerned on her voice "One of Ivan Sarnov's people. This is serious, Calleigh. Sarnov put a target on us and is trying to intimidate us the way they do in Mexico City so he can take the run of Miami."

She looks at the picture Eric holds up "That's Terrence."

"Yeah. That's your horse trainer friend. He might be in danger, too."

She clicks through her cell phone"I should call him."

He became jealous about her calling the other guy "Yeah. Yeah, you should call him."

She stops going through her phone and smiles at him "That was one afternoon. You know that, right?"

"Then why is his number in your cell phone?"

She smiles and shrugs "I don't know. It was before you and me." She pauses; then quietly "Can we talk about this tonight?"

He nods, then smiles slightly "All right, we'll talk about it later."

She nods "Okay."

Great… now everyone knows about us… that's why I was so against this in the first place now we are becoming gossip and what's worst is I bet Stetler is already getting here to talk about all the fraternization rules.

Typical Eric… was being jealous about nothing… ok… I have to confess if it was me seeing a picture of him with another woman I would definitely felt like that too…I thought I would never feel so amazed with having someone jealous of me… I never liked the jealous guy type, but this isn't just a guy I'm talking about, it's Eric and there was something about Eric being jealous of me with Terrance that made me feel alive, powerful in some way… I knew that this was silly but I couldn't help feeling that way…

It's no more mystery

It is finally clear to me

You're the home my heart searched for so long

He walks to the passenger side of the Hummer "The whole lab's buzzing about Grace Carlson's murder. I feel like I'm in a foreign country, and I don't speak the language."

Calleigh walking the crime scene "It's a girl thing."

"Wait a minute. You watch, too?"

Calleigh smiling "Maybe...Well, I used to."

Eric chuckles "All these years, you still manage to surprise me."

"I'd like to think that's possible."

Eric walks on the opposite side of the scene, then stops to look at her "Wait a minute. You said that you used to watch it. Why did you stop?"

She paused "Well, I got this new diversion." She gestures as she describes him "Um, he's really cute. He's about this tall. He's wearing a white shirt..." and laughs

Eric chuckles "Hmm. As much as I'd like you to continue, take a look.

It was nice flirting with Eric… after so many years as friends flirting, dancing around each other, was nice finally say something and letting him know the truth… it felt good sometimes when she succeed in showing him some of her feelings, let him see that she was fond of him too and honestly he was a damn hot and delicious diversion and was her diversion.

And it is you I have loved

It is you I have loved

It is you I have loved all along

Calleigh at the crime scene, walking towards Eric and Travers "So Travers, have you figured out what this is yet?"

Travers: "Just about." And walks away

Eric smiling "Uh, you mind lending me a hand?"

Calleigh smile back "I'll give you two." After neutralizing the pool, then checking the pH level "All right. The pH is at 7. It's perfectly neutral. So it's safe to get the body out. Do you think you wanna use your hands, or use the hook?"

Eric smiles "No, you can use the hook. I'll get my hands dirty."

Calleigh: "Thank you."

For Eric, she would give everything… hands, arms, kisses…uhm…he only need to ask but he didn't need to know that… it was a thing for her to know and for him never to find out or at least not now anyway…

She woke up restless, those last days were full of lack of sleeping and here she is, again, thinking about them, losing herself in thoughts about Eric… the man that had become more than a friend, more than a partner… more than her life itself.

This was becoming a morning routine, watching him sleep so peaceful, recording his features to her memory… her silk sheet falling down to his waist raising in her a new and warm desire…

His hair short was black as a raven.

His eyes, the window of his soul, dark as pools of petroleum yet soft, lovable, they overwhelm her with such sincerity.

His nose… perfect like the work of a craftsman's hands.

His mouth… oh that mouth, sweetness itself and like the best wine in earth.

His lips, like scarlet ribbon that drop sweetness as the honeycomb; honey under his tongue. The kiss of his mouth is more delightful than wine.

His cheeks like beds of spice yielding perfume, the fragrance of his breath against my skin was exquisite. How delightful he is and how much more pleasing his love is than wine, and the fragrance of his perfume than any spice.

His head is purest gold; his neck like a tower made by chocolate candy, tasteful, irresistible to kiss.

His skin so radiant and ruddy, his body is like polished ivory.

Arms like rods of gold, when his left arm is under my head and his right arm embraces me, my heart began to pound for him. He had stolen me.

Chest is like a fortress with perfect spot to rest my head.

His navel is a rounded goblet that never lacks blended wine and when our navels communicate… it was a touch from paradise.

Those legs like pillars of dark marble set on bases of pure gold. He is altogether lovely. How pleasing he is, I delight in only sitting by his side."

How handsome, how charming, I could be… 'a smile spreading on her lips' I am lost in his. My love, my friend. I already place him like a seal over my heart, like a seal on my arm. There's no coming back; his love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like a blazing fire, like a mighty flame… that's it, I belong to him. It's him. It's Eric.

Sudden realization came through… she didn't need to search anymore, she already find it. Her home. The home for her heart and soul.

"Morning… querida." he said, voice hoarse from sleep, breaking her thoughts noticing the happy realization in her eyes "Care to share with me??"

"What??" she said speaking to him for the first time that morning. He stared into her eyes… she was caught… he knew and she could see in his eyes too the love, longing, admiration… God!! She loves him and he loves her too, as simple as that. He was waiting for her answer… she shared a sly, shy grin with him, one eyebrow raising as his arms tightly pull her against him, his hand traveling up to down on her back… he was playing with her, making her tremble with just a touch. Suddenly she saw a small smile on the corner of his mouth too… he was up to something and not resisting anymore she bent down to kiss him, stopping just a few inches from his lips, surprising him, his eyes already closed, and feeling his heart as her own beat fast, she whisper for the first time "I love you" and kissed him. She had always demonstrated with her eyes and in her kisses but never in words, she was not prepared for that until today. Right then she had pulled down all her walls and surrendered to him heart and soul.

When breathing was a necessity and they break apart; opening her eyes she saw his still closed; his face enchanted. He looked at her lost in desire and before he said anything she answered his question he asked two days ago "yes… I'll… I'll marry you...".

He had proposed her two days ago on the beach, catching her by surprised…he thought that she would say yes right there but suddenly he noticed something unknowing in her eyes, apprehension maybe? Then he told her that she didn't have to say anything right there, she could think about it and tell him later; he would wait.

He was definitely such a gentleman and she didn't know what she had done to deserve him… if it was her in his place, she probably wouldn't have this attitude but he was Eric… her Eric, the man that had her heart and found a home, she didn't want anything different from him.

He smiled and caught her lips on a long, deep and exquisite kiss; after breaking the kiss he looked at her, his eyes wet with tears almost falling " I love you Calleigh like I never loved anyone else in my life"...


"I tried to find the ways, search in words to get through your heart and tell you how much I love you, how much you're important for me and to me. Suddenly you told me that wasn't necessary because you already knew… and I asked you: "- how?"

You told me … the way you look at me, the way you hold me, kiss me…

Then I realized that words weren't needed just simple actions…

Actions that for me were normal but for you were everything.

Thank you for loving me the way I love you…

A simple touch…

A simple smile…

A simple kiss… that lead me to a life with you… as simple as that!!!"

